My ponderings for today are around this absolutely gorgeous guy who got my FedEx package (I have it delivered to a local FedEx hold spot at a drug store due to porch pirates stealing everything at my condo
). When I locked eyes with him and said hi, Jesus, did I ever I want to ask him out. He was early 20s about 5'3 and tiny, like what would be called "fun size" by other sites LOL. The thing was, he had on a tightish Tshirt and let me tell you he was fucking ripped, not in a gym rat huge muscles, but he liked to workout and define his body. His pecs/nipples had that perfect bulge, I almost lost control and asked to see his chest/abs they looked that good! 

Oh well, back to trying to get some shut-eye

Night peeps!

Oh well, back to trying to get some shut-eye

Night peeps!