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Ponderings for April 16th 2022

Just a quick note to say that I will be taking a break from regularly posting on the forum. I’ve been here since Mark gave us this forum in October of 2008, and it has been one of my favorite activities over these past fourteen years for me to be able to express myself on a daily basis on things that are important to me. And it has been a place where I have met dear friends, both online and in person, but it is time for me to take a break.

The forum has become old and stale and boring with not much of interest to me. The current direction is not what I signed up for. I’m not leaving and perhaps I will comment on a new scene such as the one coming up this weekend with Darron & Chris. I love David and will continue watching and enjoying his product, but this doesn’t feel like the forum that I’ve known and loved for all these years. Later……………

Sorry to hear that Mike. Hopefully things change around here. I think the lack of new content is a good part of it, we can only comment so much on the same stuff so long before it gets repetitive. I've been considering not renewing my subscription next year, I haven't cancelled yet, but it crossed my mind. I know I will always hold this site in a special place.

One update just isn't enough and the vintage stuff I've already seen a chunk of it as I've been around a long time and remember some of the sites that no longer exist where it was from 😕
Sorry to hear that Mike. Hopefully things change around here. I think the lack of new content is a good part of it, we can only comment so much on the same stuff so long before it gets repetitive. I've been considering not renewing my subscription next year, I haven't cancelled yet, but it crossed my mind. I know I will always hold this site in a special place.

One update just isn't enough and the vintage stuff I've already seen a chunk of it as I've been around a long time and remember some of the sites that no longer exist where it was from 😕
Fully agree.
The Forum is a community& while the subject may be gay males & porn that is not what is important at least to me . I am at heart a realistic idealist & optimist which may sound contradictory to others but despite all the horrors & shit in this worlds I continue to hope for better days and that includes for Broke Straight Boys & our Forum. So I will continue to post as I have with the hope others will join me.
The company that I work for part time has been closed for the past days for the fall recess during the Jwish holiday week of Succos and so I have been off since October 6th, but today I return for my two day week. My childhood friend David who I met in the Boy Scouts at age eleven, and who I explored my sexuality with, (I say explored and not discovered because I knew that I liked boys and not girls way before age eleven). He spent the last week with me. He lives in Florida with his long time partner, but he comes up periodically and uses my apartment as his headquarters as he has business associates and other friends that he sees up here. We did a lot of exploring of New York City together, as he hasn’t lived here for over a decade and there is always so much new happening in this city. I will share some of my pics on the New York City thread that Tampa started.

David is also a tech wiz and the last time he was here a year and a half ago, he set up my current computer system with an iPad Pro, a large external screen, with a keyboard and a mouse which I am using now. This trip he set up two Amazon Echo Dots. I now just tell Alexa to turn on and off lights, to play radio stations or my own musical selections with just a voice command. I still need to study more about how to use Alexa. This is the one in my kitchen. (The phone behind it has nothing to do with it, just was sitting on my kitchen table behind it When I took the pic.)

The company that I work for part time has been closed for the past days for the fall recess during the Jwish holiday week of Succos and so I have been off since October 6th, but today I return for my two day week. My childhood friend David who I met in the Boy Scouts at age eleven, and who I explored my sexuality with, (I say explored and not discovered because I knew that I liked boys and not girls way before age eleven). He spent the last week with me. He lives in Florida with his long time partner, but he comes up periodically and uses my apartment as his headquarters as he has business associates and other friends that he sees up here. We did a lot of exploring of New York City together, as he hasn’t lived here for over a decade and there is always so much new happening in this city. I will share some of my pics on the New York City thread that Tampa started.

David is also a tech wiz and the last time he was here a year and a half ago, he set up my current computer system with an iPad Pro, a large external screen, with a keyboard and a mouse which I am using now. This trip he set up two Amazon Echo Dots. I now just tell Alexa to turn on and off lights, to play radio stations or my own musical selections with just a voice command. I still need to study more about how to use Alexa. This is the one in my kitchen. (The phone behind it has nothing to do with it, just was sitting on my kitchen table behind it When I took the pic.)

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Good. Being home bound I have a whiz of a desk top I got 6 months ago which replaced a 30 year old desk top I built over time but sadly reached the end of his life. Now physically unable to do so I have a tech guy who over the years became a friend . He lives in India. I replaced my lap tops & he got business refurbished. All three are super fast & like new. The lap tops are for viewing shows, new as & the like & the desk top emails porn and Amazon. But also mainly for Broke Straight Boys, my other sites & reading.
The company that I work for part time has been closed for the past days for the fall recess during the Jwish holiday week of Succos and so I have been off since October 6th, but today I return for my two day week. My childhood friend David who I met in the Boy Scouts at age eleven, and who I explored my sexuality with, (I say explored and not discovered because I knew that I liked boys and not girls way before age eleven). He spent the last week with me. He lives in Florida with his long time partner, but he comes up periodically and uses my apartment as his headquarters as he has business associates and other friends that he sees up here. We did a lot of exploring of New York City together, as he hasn’t lived here for over a decade and there is always so much new happening in this city. I will share some of my pics on the New York City thread that Tampa started.

David is also a tech wiz and the last time he was here a year and a half ago, he set up my current computer system with an iPad Pro, a large external screen, with a keyboard and a mouse which I am using now. This trip he set up two Amazon Echo Dots. I now just tell Alexa to turn on and off lights, to play radio stations or my own musical selections with just a voice command. I still need to study more about how to use Alexa. This is the one in my kitchen. (The phone behind it has nothing to do with it, just was sitting on my kitchen table behind it When I took the pic.)

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Nice! Moving up in the tech world! I have a 12 year old desktop and a 3 year old tablet for my porn. The desktop is in a horrid state of repair, it really needs to be replaced, most of the USB ports are bad and the fans sound like they have stones rattling around in them 😂😂 isn't that like the electrician's house that needs electric work done or the plumbers that the sink leaks?? 😂😂 I've 23 years in tech and mine is some of the crappiest out there 🤣🤣🤣
Nice! Moving up in the tech world! I have a 12 year old desktop and a 3 year old tablet for my porn. The desktop is in a horrid state of repair, it really needs to be replaced, most of the USB ports are bad and the fans sound like they have stones rattling around in them 😂😂 isn't that like the electrician's house that needs electric work done or the plumbers that the sink leaks?? 😂😂 I've 23 years in tech and mine is some of the crappiest out there 🤣🤣🤣

Why not splurge and get some state of the art equipment? But you probably know how to get the best out of it. I need to call one of my two tech friends and say, HELP! lol
Why not splurge and get some state of the art equipment? But you probably know how to get the best out of it. I need to call one of my two tech friends and say, HELP! lol
I'm too frugal (cheap) I guess with tech, if it still works I tend to just do the "it can wait till it dies". My phone does 90% of my computer needs so I really can't justify the cost of another PC right now. With the economy heading down, I'd rather tighten the belt a bit.
I'm too frugal (cheap) I guess with tech, if it still works I tend to just do the "it can wait till it dies". My phone does 90% of my computer needs so I really can't justify the cost of another PC right now. With the economy heading down, I'd rather tighten the belt a bit.
Got it.
Nice! Moving up in the tech world! I have a 12 year old desktop and a 3 year old tablet for my porn. The desktop is in a horrid state of repair, it really needs to be replaced, most of the USB ports are bad and the fans sound like they have stones rattling around in them 😂😂 isn't that like the electrician's house that needs electric work done or the plumbers that the sink leaks?? 😂😂 I've 23 years in tech and mine is some of the crappiest out there 🤣🤣🤣
I feel for you said above I had a self built desktop for 25 years that I finally retired. Itt got to the point due to age I decided to get an online tech guy from India who also became a friend. Through him mI just finished replacing the ancient one & my two lap tops with refurbished whizes which costa fraction of new machines & are like new and as fast and reliable as can be. I started using the internet in the 60's when computers were the sizes of 3 story buildings & you had to submit your programs to key punchers & await results for days. Back when only the military and science (meteorology) used computers.
I feel for you said above I had a self built desktop for 25 years that I finally retired. Itt got to the point due to age I decided to get an online tech guy from India who also became a friend. Through him mI just finished replacing the ancient one & my two lap tops with refurbished whizes which costa fraction of new machines & are like new and as fast and reliable as can be. I started using the internet in the 60's when computers were the sizes of 3 story buildings & you had to submit your programs to key punchers & await results for days. Back when only the military and science (meteorology) used computers.

My computing days started on the Apple IIe and one of the Texas Instruments models of the 80s (don't remember which one, only remember it having a tape recorder device to store data/programs on.
The saying, “Thank God it’s Friday”, couldn’t be more true than for me today. After a ten day vacation from my twice a week part time job, with a week long visit from my oldest boyhood friend, followed by back to back work days, Wednesday and Thursday, each followed by night time heart wrenching Yankee playoff games, (both losses), which didn’t help. But now I finally have three days of peace, relaxation with plenty of sleep to catch up on.

I work my two day a week job not for the money, but for the structure it gives my week and my life. I wouldn’t be able to appreciate a weekend without having something to occupy my week. So I am actually grateful for how things are going…..But I like to bitch anyway. 😆
The saying, “Thank God it’s Friday”, couldn’t be more true than for me today. After a ten day vacation from my twice a week part time job, with a week long visit from my oldest boyhood friend, followed by back to back work days, Wednesday and Thursday, each followed by night time heart wrenching Yankee playoff games, (both losses), which didn’t help. But now I finally have three days of peace, relaxation with plenty of sleep to catch up on.

I work my two day a week job not for the money, but for the structure it gives my week and my life. I wouldn’t be able to appreciate a weekend without having something to occupy my week. So I am actually grateful for how things are going…..But I like to bitch anyway. 😆
Well welcome to the club, my friend.
The saying, “Thank God it’s Friday”, couldn’t be more true than for me today. After a ten day vacation from my twice a week part time job, with a week long visit from my oldest boyhood friend, followed by back to back work days, Wednesday and Thursday, each followed by night time heart wrenching Yankee playoff games, (both losses), which didn’t help. But now I finally have three days of peace, relaxation with plenty of sleep to catch up on.

I work my two day a week job not for the money, but for the structure it gives my week and my life. I wouldn’t be able to appreciate a weekend without having something to occupy my week. So I am actually grateful for how things are going…..But I like to bitch anyway. 😆
One of my older friends (he is early 70s) says it's Saturday every day of the week. He's retired and all the days mesh together for him. My Dad does the same, he usually has to look at a calendar 😆

Structure is definitely good, I know my Dad misses working (for something to do.) I keep telling him get out of the house and do anything, even if it is for a ride in the car.
One of my older friends (he is early 70s) says it's Saturday every day of the week. He's retired and all the days mesh together for him. My Dad does the same, he usually has to look at a calendar 😆

Structure is definitely good, I know my Dad misses working (for something to do.) I keep telling him get out of the house and do anything, even if it is for a ride in the c
As usual, Iamdifferent, I don't mind not working. On the other hand I have been disabled now nearly 30 years. What I do mind is that super active life style I lost.
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One of my older friends (he is early 70s) says it's Saturday every day of the week. He's retired and all the days mesh together for him. My Dad does the same, he usually has to look at a calendar 😆

Structure is definitely good, I know my Dad misses working (for something to do.) I keep telling him get out of the house and do anything, even if it is for a ride in the car.

That is exactly my situation. The two days of work are like “play work”. It is an adventure to get up and get dressed and join the work force on the subway, (and look at cute guys on their way to work or school or whatever). And I enjoy the camaraderie with the ladies in the office, the guys in the warehouse and even my bosses on occasion. And there are pressures and challenges which keep my brain engaged.

I can feel the same pressure and sometimes frustration during a given work day that I did when it was my real life, rather than my hobby as underneath it all, I know that I don’t need the job to survive as I did for the previous 45 years. And as I said it makes me appreciate the other five days of the week where I can enjoy the “retired life”. It is the best of both worlds for me, and I will continue doing it as long as I enjoy the challenge and I can physically handle it.
The beauty of human beings there are different strokes for different folks. That can make for an interesting world & does make for a great Forum.