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Ponderings for April 16th 2022

Finally got to shut the AC off for a bit, was really nice having the windows open for a change. Got my electric bill for last month, $154. It normally runs $40-50 or so. I really feel for the families that need to cool a larger house, I'm just doing a 600 sf condo...
Hot young guys is my main driving force and I think about them much of my waking hours, (and apparently in my sleeping hours too based on the dream I woke up from the other morning, that I described on this thread). When I go out in the morning my eyes are scanning the streets for hotties. When I go to the subway station, I do the same.

I’m not thinking about hot guys 100% of the time, but well over 75%, I’d say. And whereas most gay guys I know watch porn quite a bit, but standard gay porn with naked guys having penetrative sex doesn’t really interest me. But a cute guy getting shirtless like in TikTok or YouTube videos or a movie or series can really turn me on. I am being as honest as I can here. I love the freedom that this forum gives me to be my genuine self here, something I can’t do in other parts of my life.

Hmm, have you checked out this YouTube channel? https://www.youtube.com/user/EXTREMEWORKOUTS I think it may be of interest to you :angel:

Fitness influencer Brandon William. If you like built 20 something guys, he is for you :blush:
Thanks again Chac! I see he has 623,000 followers and the video I was just watching has close to 900,000 views. YouTube is an incredible platform where anyone including a hot young guy like Brandon can create his own content and develop a world wide following. I love YouTube. And I appreciate your suggestions. Please keep them coming. :thumbup1:
There is an almost limitless amount of videos on the net catering to all tastes. I am not just speaking about porn when I say this. This both a good and bad thing depending how the user uses it. For me it is good and Mike's and chac54's appear to me a very good example. I am most happy for the two of you. May the two of you continue to use in good health far into the future.
Finally got to shut the AC off for a bit, was really nice having the windows open for a change. Got my electric bill for last month, $154. It normally runs $40-50 or so. I really feel for the families that need to cool a larger house, I'm just doing a 600 sf condo...
I was finally able to give my air conditioner a rest this weekend too. I got my Con Edison bill for last month and it was $230, whereas during the off months it runs around $60. But I do run two air conditioners and I am home five days a week, so during the extreme heat and humidity this summer, it is worth it for me. And while it is cool and comfortable this morning, under 80 degrees, I know that we are only in mid August and that we are far from done with summer heat and humidity, but for now it is a pleasant break!
I really have nothing special to ponder on today, other than I'm mentally preparing for my endocrinologist to yell at me on Thursday, a year passed since my last appointment and I lost no weight. I'm so fucking disappointed in myself. Oh well, tomorrow is a fresh start I guess. For now I try and sleep, if my poor tummy will let me... It isn't very happy with what I fed it apparently......
I really have nothing special to ponder on today, other than I'm mentally preparing for my endocrinologist to yell at me on Thursday, a year passed since my last appointment and I lost no weight. I'm so fucking disappointed in myself. Oh well, tomorrow is a fresh start I guess. For now I try and sleep, if my poor tummy will let me... It isn't very happy with what I fed it apparently......
I love your honesty Chac. We all do things to our bodies thar aren’t good for us, well at least I do. I have a new primary doctor that I saw for the first time last winter. He told me to eat healthier foods and to lose weight. When I went back three months later and his nurse weighed me. I told him I hadn’t lost weight and he said, “I knew you wouldn’t”. How did he know? He only met me that one time before. But I know I should, not for him but for me.
I love your honesty Chac. We all do things to our bodies thar aren’t good for us, well at least I do. I have a new primary doctor that I saw for the first time last winter. He told me to eat healthier foods and to lose weight. When I went back three months later and his nurse weighed me. I told him I hadn’t lost weight and he said, “I knew you wouldn’t”. How did he know? He only met me that one time before. But I know I should, not for him but for me.

It does no good to lie to yourself. I guess maybe the docs see so many people and have taken psychology in Med school they can get a feeling for what people are like. My doc is pressuring me to have surgery to shrink my stomach (he brings it up every visit). But I also know how weak willed I am when it comes to food, that's why I don't buy junk foodz if it's in the house I'll eventually eat it. With those surgeries you need to follow the diet exactly otherwise it can be dangerous. I honestly don't know what to do anymore.
You need to do what you like. It is your life & doing things you like may cut it short but so what. Is it worth more to not do them and be unhappy no! Of course within certain boundaries. After all you only have 1 life to live!
You need to do what you like. It is your life & doing things you like may cut it short but so what. Is it worth more to not do them and be unhappy no! Of course within certain boundaries. After all you only have 1 life to live!

So true
August 18, 2022

As I am semi-retired and work on Mondays and Wednesdays, yesterday concluded my abbreviated work week. However the company I presently work for supplies schools, and we are in the height of “back to school” season, with the religious private schools opening within the next two weeks, and the New York City public schools opening the week of Labor Day. And so I will be asked to put in extra days over the next few weeks to help out with the rush. But they didn’t ask me yet and so I have a reprieve for at least one more week. :smile:

As I was out this morning doing my morning chores, I noted that we are still having less hot and humid days than we’ve had for most of July and August and so it was nice and warm but breezy out, and people seemed to be in a good mood. There is a lot of activity on Montague Street, the main shopping and restaurant street in Brooklyn Heights. Some of the empty stores from the days of the pandemic are being renovated with new tenants about to move in, and so there is activity with workmen, (some young and cute), out doing their thing and other people just walking around with a spring in their step for the final weeks of summer.

I may be going out on a boat this weekend or next, with a friend to do “Whale Watching” in New Jersey. That would be something new for me, but it sounds like fun. If I go I will be sure to take some pics to share on the forum.


Those are my ponderings for today. :biggrin:
Thank you, Mike for sharing that & whale watching is a great way to spend a day. Have fun and return safely.
As I am semi-retired and work on Mondays and Wednesdays, yesterday concluded my abbreviated work week. However the company I presently work for supplies schools, and we are in the height of “back to school” season, with the religious private schools opening within the next two weeks, and the New York City public schools opening the week of Labor Day. And so I will be asked to put in extra days over the next few weeks to help out with the rush. But they didn’t ask me yet and so I have a reprieve for at least one more week. :smile:

As I was out this morning doing my morning chores, I noted that we are still having less hot and humid days than we’ve had for most of July and August and so it was nice and warm but breezy out, and people seemed to be in a good mood. There is a lot of activity on Montague Street, the main shopping and restaurant street in Brooklyn Heights. Some of the empty stores from the days of the pandemic are being renovated with new tenants about to move in, and so there is activity with workmen, (some young and cute), out doing their thing and other people just walking around with a spring in their step for the final weeks of summer.

I may be going out on a boat this weekend or next, with a friend to do “Whale Watching” in New Jersey. That would be something new for me, but it sounds like fun. If I go I will be sure to take some pics to share on the forum.

Those are my ponderings for today. :biggrin:

I wish I could do a whale watch! That sounds like so much fun! I get motion sickness, so I'd have to load up on Dramamine haha I have lived in SE Mass for 42 years, and I've never been on one...

I saw my doctor today and in my normal ways I tend to overthink things and be a worry wort. He just changed up some of my medications again, and said lose weight. No big deal, but it may be a bit more expensive as the new medicine is a name brand, so we will see what the insurance company says.

Wishing you all the best of nights!!
I wish I could do a whale watch! That sounds like so much fun! I get motion sickness, so I'd have to load up on Dramamine haha I have lived in SE Mass for 42 years, and I've never been on one...

I saw my doctor today and in my normal ways I tend to overthink things and be a worry wort. He just changed up some of my medications again, and said lose weight. No big deal, but it may be a bit more expensive as the new medicine is a name brand, so we will see what the insurance company says.

Wishing you all the best of nights!!
I’m an over thinker too. I’m glad the doctor visit was low key without a lot of pressure on you. Have a great night my friend. :001_smile:
As I am Chac. My doctors give me home visit and I have been waiting for the eye doctor since March, the eye doctors are in short supply who make home visits & my eyes which when I was young were better than 20-20 but their over use and cataracts took their toil.
As I am Chac. My doctors give me home visit and I have been waiting for the eye doctor since March, the eye doctors are in short supply who make home visits & my eyes which when I was young were better than 20-20 but their over use and cataracts took their toil.

So true, it's very hard to find docs that make house calls and even more rare opthalmologists. My grandparents were in their late 80s and were basically homebound, they relied on those travelling docs to keep them healthy!
Being homebound I am a slave to electricity and the internet. When I go up I managed to short out my electricity as it turned out caused by my microwave shorting out. It took 8 long return trips to the garage many stairs up to the first floor then more down to the garage to trip the fuse control all 16 of them since I did not know which was the right one to get electricity back after finding the offending cause. Not a good start to my day. Of course I need a new low power over as it is all my room can tolerate. I will pay for all this body wise later today I am sure. But at least I am up amd running after 3.5 hours!
Being homebound I am a slave to electricity and the internet. When I go up I managed to short out my electricity as it turned out caused by my microwave shorting out. It took 8 long return trips to the garage many stairs up to the first floor then more down to the garage to trip the fuse control all 16 of them since I did not know which was the right one to get electricity back after finding the offending cause. Not a good start to my day. Of course I need a new low power over as it is all my room can tolerate. I will pay for all this body wise later today I am sure. But at least I am up amd running after 3.5 hours!
Glad to know that you got it all sorted out and everything is up and running again. Have a great day. :001_smile: