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Politics Discussion (BE RESPECTFUL)

They were lined up at early voting places today in Texas. We are going to vote on the day because our polling place is just down the street and almost never a wait. Plus I like to see the look on the old folks faces when the local gay couple arrives. Especially during primaries when we request a Democratic ballot. It’s us and a few old hippies. Lol. But I’m glad to see lines in Houston. We may go blue after all. That would just be fabulous. I’d like to roll Greg Abbott over the cliff in his wheel chair just like the old Paul Ryan anti Obama Care commercial. Metaphorically speaking of course. Lol. Can you imagine one drop off for Harris County/Houston. It’s like the 3-4 largest city.
I thought of you Rep when I saw the news about the lines for early voting in Texas. But whether you vote now or on November 3, your vote in Texas could be crucial. I will vote here on November 3 but in New York it is a foregone conclusion that Biden will receive our 29 electoral votes. Our friends in Florida can make a huge difference as well. But wherever you live in the U.S, PLEASE vote!!!
I'm off today for California to vote and deal with a few minor business matters. Then back to my dad's house to get this place finished and ready to sell. I have not been so motivated to vote ever in my life. Even Nixon did not raise the level of disgust the Orange Bloviator raises in me.
I'm off today for California to vote and deal with a few minor business matters. Then back to my dad's house to get this place finished and ready to sell. I have not been so motivated to vote ever in my life. Even Nixon did not raise the level of disgust the Orange Bloviator raises in me.

Evidently you are not alone. I hope everyone gets out and proves the majority of us are not crazy or brainwashed.
Standing ovation to Senator Rob Donaldson in the Judiciary Committee hearing with Judge Amy Barrett:
"Mr. Chairman, I will ask no questions because there's no point in doing so. We all know this is a pro forma charade with the outcome already locked up. I will simply take a few moments to address Judge Barrett directly.
Judge Barrett, I feel genuinely sorry for you. You have strong credentials and merits. However, you are here not because of them. You are here only because you are a token, a pawn.
Throughout the rest of the history of this country, your name will have an asterisk by it, denoting that your place on the Supreme Court is illegitimate, the result of hypocritical, amoral conniving to turn the Court into a far-right political rubber stamp by two-faced mandarins of a Republican Party destined to go down in flames, consumed by its own internal rot and the fire of its own decrepitude.
You will forever be denied the opportunity to compete truly on your own merits. You are in that seat only because, despite all your protests to the contrary, your record has convinced the GOP king-makers that you will be a reliable robot to help them implement their dark, Hobbesian, plutocratic vision for America.
Object and hide behind high-flown jurisprudential rhetoric all you want, but no one will believe you.
Everyone, Democrat and Republican, knows that you are before us only because the history of your teaching, your scholarship, and your public statements has convinced Trump, McConnell, Leonard Leo, the Koch brothers, and all the billionaire backers of the Federalist Society and the right-wing dark money machine that you will be a reliable Handmaid, doing their bidding even if you yourself don't think so or don't realize it.
I feel sorry for you because you will take the seat of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a titan of American jurisprudence, who will go down in history as everything you will not: independent, her own person, dedicated to the marrow of her bones to equal rights for all, and an implacable foe of anyone, no matter how well-funded or how well-cloaked behind anonymous shell corporations, who tried to push any American into second-class status, any woman into less than full equality, any political activity into the shadows, any marginalized minority into permanent subservience, and any religious bigotry into political power.
You represent the opposite of Justice Ginsburg in every imaginable way: the way you got here, the way you will be counted on to rule, and the ways in which your presence on the Court threatens everything Justice Ginsburg stood for.
This is a sad, sad fate for a woman as accomplished as you. I am profoundly sorry for you, and for our country as you take your illegitimate, corrupted, forever asterisked seat on the Supreme Court."
Standing ovation to Senator Rob Donaldson in the Judiciary Committee hearing with Judge Amy Barrett:
"Mr. Chairman, I will ask no questions because there's no point in doing so. We all know this is a pro forma charade with the outcome already locked up. I will simply take a few moments to address Judge Barrett directly.
Judge Barrett, I feel genuinely sorry for you. You have strong credentials and merits. However, you are here not because of them. You are here only because you are a token, a pawn.
Throughout the rest of the history of this country, your name will have an asterisk by it, denoting that your place on the Supreme Court is illegitimate, the result of hypocritical, amoral conniving to turn the Court into a far-right political rubber stamp by two-faced mandarins of a Republican Party destined to go down in flames, consumed by its own internal rot and the fire of its own decrepitude.
You will forever be denied the opportunity to compete truly on your own merits. You are in that seat only because, despite all your protests to the contrary, your record has convinced the GOP king-makers that you will be a reliable robot to help them implement their dark, Hobbesian, plutocratic vision for America.
Object and hide behind high-flown jurisprudential rhetoric all you want, but no one will believe you.
Everyone, Democrat and Republican, knows that you are before us only because the history of your teaching, your scholarship, and your public statements has convinced Trump, McConnell, Leonard Leo, the Koch brothers, and all the billionaire backers of the Federalist Society and the right-wing dark money machine that you will be a reliable Handmaid, doing their bidding even if you yourself don't think so or don't realize it.
I feel sorry for you because you will take the seat of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a titan of American jurisprudence, who will go down in history as everything you will not: independent, her own person, dedicated to the marrow of her bones to equal rights for all, and an implacable foe of anyone, no matter how well-funded or how well-cloaked behind anonymous shell corporations, who tried to push any American into second-class status, any woman into less than full equality, any political activity into the shadows, any marginalized minority into permanent subservience, and any religious bigotry into political power.
You represent the opposite of Justice Ginsburg in every imaginable way: the way you got here, the way you will be counted on to rule, and the ways in which your presence on the Court threatens everything Justice Ginsburg stood for.
This is a sad, sad fate for a woman as accomplished as you. I am profoundly sorry for you, and for our country as you take your illegitimate, corrupted, forever asterisked seat on the Supreme Court."

Standing ovation to Senator Rob Donaldson in the Judiciary Committee hearing with Judge Amy Barrett:
"Mr. Chairman, I will ask no questions because there's no point in doing so. We all know this is a pro forma charade with the outcome already locked up. I will simply take a few moments to address Judge Barrett directly.
Judge Barrett, I feel genuinely sorry for you. You have strong credentials and merits. However, you are here not because of them. You are here only because you are a token, a pawn.
Throughout the rest of the history of this country, your name will have an asterisk by it, denoting that your place on the Supreme Court is illegitimate, the result of hypocritical, amoral conniving to turn the Court into a far-right political rubber stamp by two-faced mandarins of a Republican Party destined to go down in flames, consumed by its own internal rot and the fire of its own decrepitude.
You will forever be denied the opportunity to compete truly on your own merits. You are in that seat only because, despite all your protests to the contrary, your record has convinced the GOP king-makers that you will be a reliable robot to help them implement their dark, Hobbesian, plutocratic vision for America.
Object and hide behind high-flown jurisprudential rhetoric all you want, but no one will believe you.
Everyone, Democrat and Republican, knows that you are before us only because the history of your teaching, your scholarship, and your public statements has convinced Trump, McConnell, Leonard Leo, the Koch brothers, and all the billionaire backers of the Federalist Society and the right-wing dark money machine that you will be a reliable Handmaid, doing their bidding even if you yourself don't think so or don't realize it.
I feel sorry for you because you will take the seat of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a titan of American jurisprudence, who will go down in history as everything you will not: independent, her own person, dedicated to the marrow of her bones to equal rights for all, and an implacable foe of anyone, no matter how well-funded or how well-cloaked behind anonymous shell corporations, who tried to push any American into second-class status, any woman into less than full equality, any political activity into the shadows, any marginalized minority into permanent subservience, and any religious bigotry into political power.
You represent the opposite of Justice Ginsburg in every imaginable way: the way you got here, the way you will be counted on to rule, and the ways in which your presence on the Court threatens everything Justice Ginsburg stood for.
This is a sad, sad fate for a woman as accomplished as you. I am profoundly sorry for you, and for our country as you take your illegitimate, corrupted, forever asterisked seat on the Supreme Court."

Tell it like it is, Senator.
I found this story today and thought it worthy of sharing. The political ad in question is not as interesting in itself so much as the official response from the party being sued. Please keep in mind that Ivanka Trump's own aunt Maryanne Trump does not have high praise for her niece. In Mary Trump's recent book, the niece of both Donald and Maryanne quoted (and recorded) retired federal judge Maryanne Trump's indignation at the forcible state sponsored kidnapping and imprisonment of minor children and infants at the borders. Referring to her niece Ivanka Trump Kushner, Maryanne Trump saw little hope for help in changing policy from that quarter in the White House. Maryanne Trump said, "Ivanka gives a shit. She's all about herself."

As far as Jared goes, I've never been impressed with him either. He was promoted in the beginning as this kind of genius "Boy Wonder" who was going to bring peace to the Middle East and finally settle the Palestinian question once and for all. Along with that Trump gave him input in just about every major policy initiative. As well of course he's been tasked with the national response to Covid. In 4 years of hindsight of listing his great accomplishments (ahem) he's been shown (to me at least) as being in way over his head and having a much dimmer bulb upstairs than he or his family wants us to believe. I'm not fooled at all into thinking that the combined master intellects of the whole adult Trump White House family (along with Kushner) would be enough to boil water.

In regards to Kushner in particular...merely being arrogant, ambitious, shallow, greedy, power hungry and corrupt...does not a genius make. After all, we know that when he was first put in charge of the national response to the Covid crisis, he totally floundered. When he realized that a rational and scientifically sound national approach to the virus was actually going to be hard, and require more work and more brain cells than he had available for the task at hand...he punted. His "genius" plan was to let himself off the hook, stop working on a national response (because he was way out of his depth) and shift the burden on to the states. Since most of the states in the beginning of the outbreak with the highest number of cases were mostly "blue" states that weren't likely to vote to re-elect Trump's administration anyway...why not just let those citizens die and then blame their Democratic governors? States like New York, New Jersey, Delaware, California, etc. Genius!

And that's where we still stand today. The federal government abdicated any meaningful national response to a national crisis and pushed the burden on to the individual states. And we see how well that has worked out in comparison to every other industrialized country in the world that formulated a decent national response to Covid. Thank you Trump. And thank you Jared Kushner.


Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner's lawyer threatens to sue Lincoln Project over Times Square billboards

Tal Axelrod 1 hr ago

Attorneys for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner threatened to sue The Lincoln Project, a prominent Republican group opposing the president, for billboards it put up in Times Square in Manhattan.

The attorneys in a letter to The Lincoln Project complained about one billboard showing Trump, a senior adviser to her father, smiling and gesturing next to figures showing over 33,000 New Yorkers and 221,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. The lawyers also cited a billboard featuring Kushner, another senior White House adviser, next to body bags and an unrelated 2019 quote from before the pandemic in which he said New Yorkers would "suffer."


"I am writing concerning the false, malicious and defamatory ads that the Lincoln Project is displaying on billboards in Times Square," wrote attorney Mark Kasowitz. "If these billboards are not immediately removed, we will sue you for what will doubtless be enormous compensatory and punitive damages."

The Lincoln Project, as well as Democrats, have launched withering criticism at the White House over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic as cases spike across the country. The group has risen to prominence by releasing rapid-fire ads highlighting the latest controversy stemming from the White House, often going viral online and drawing rebukes from the president.

The anti-Trump group has most recently begun teaming up with Democratic groups to roll out ad buys worth millions of dollars in key swing states to hit President Trump on an array of issues, including the current health crisis and its economic fallout.

The Lincoln Project maintained in a statement it will leave the billboards up, saying they accurately depict what they say is a lax attitude toward the pandemic.

"The level of indignant outrage Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have shown towards The Lincoln Project for exposing their indifference for the more than 223,000 people who have lost their lives due to their reckless mismanagement of COVID-19 is comical. While we truly enjoy living rent free in their heads, their empty threats will not be taken any more seriously than we take Ivanka and Jared," the group said in a statement.

"It is unsurprising that an administration that has never had any regard or understanding of our Constitution would try to trample on our first amendment rights," it added, "but we fully intend on making this civics lesson as painful as possible."

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...s-square-billboards/ar-BB1alqTR?ocid=msedgntp


Here is the full official response of Lincoln Project to the threatened lawsuit:

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I found this story today and thought it worthy of sharing. The political ad in question is not as interesting in itself so much as the official response from the party being sued. Please keep in mind that Ivanka Trump's own aunt Maryanne Trump does not have high praise for her niece. In Mary Trump's recent book, the niece of both Donald and Maryanne quoted (and recorded) retired federal judge Maryanne Trump's indignation at the forcible state sponsored kidnapping and imprisonment of minor children and infants at the borders. Referring to her niece Ivanka Trump Kushner, Maryanne Trump saw little hope for help in changing policy from that quarter in the White House. Maryanne Trump said, "Ivanka gives a shit. She's all about herself."

As far as Jared goes, I've never been impressed with him either. He was promoted in the beginning as this kind of genius "Boy Wonder" who was going to bring peace to the Middle East and finally settle the Palestinian question once and for all. Along with that Trump gave him input in just about every major policy initiative. As well of course he's been tasked with the national response to Covid. In 4 years of hindsight of listing his great accomplishments (ahem) he's been shown (to me at least) as being in way over his head and having a much dimmer bulb upstairs than he or his family wants us to believe. I'm not fooled at all into thinking that the combined master intellects of the whole adult Trump White House family (along with Kushner) would be enough to boil water.

In regards to Kushner in particular...merely being arrogant, ambitious, shallow, greedy, power hungry and corrupt...does not a genius make. After all, we know that when he was first put in charge of the national response to the Covid crisis, he totally floundered. When he realized that a rational and scientifically sound national approach to the virus was actually going to be hard, and require more work and more brain cells than he had available for the task at hand...he punted. His "genius" plan was to let himself off the hook, stop working on a national response (because he was way out of his depth) and shift the burden on to the states. Since most of the states in the beginning of the outbreak with the highest number of cases were mostly "blue" states that weren't likely to vote to re-elect Trump's administration anyway...why not just let those citizens die and then blame their Democratic governors? States like New York, New Jersey, Delaware, California, etc. Genius!

And that's where we still stand today. The federal government abdicated any meaningful national response to a national crisis and pushed the burden on to the individual states. And we see how well that has worked out in comparison to every other industrialized country in the world that formulated a decent national response to Covid. Thank you Trump. And thank you Jared Kushner.


Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner's lawyer threatens to sue Lincoln Project over Times Square billboards

Tal Axelrod 1 hr ago

Attorneys for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner threatened to sue The Lincoln Project, a prominent Republican group opposing the president, for billboards it put up in Times Square in Manhattan.

The attorneys in a letter to The Lincoln Project complained about one billboard showing Trump, a senior adviser to her father, smiling and gesturing next to figures showing over 33,000 New Yorkers and 221,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. The lawyers also cited a billboard featuring Kushner, another senior White House adviser, next to body bags and an unrelated 2019 quote from before the pandemic in which he said New Yorkers would "suffer."

View attachment 24148

"I am writing concerning the false, malicious and defamatory ads that the Lincoln Project is displaying on billboards in Times Square," wrote attorney Mark Kasowitz. "If these billboards are not immediately removed, we will sue you for what will doubtless be enormous compensatory and punitive damages."

The Lincoln Project, as well as Democrats, have launched withering criticism at the White House over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic as cases spike across the country. The group has risen to prominence by releasing rapid-fire ads highlighting the latest controversy stemming from the White House, often going viral online and drawing rebukes from the president.

The anti-Trump group has most recently begun teaming up with Democratic groups to roll out ad buys worth millions of dollars in key swing states to hit President Trump on an array of issues, including the current health crisis and its economic fallout.

The Lincoln Project maintained in a statement it will leave the billboards up, saying they accurately depict what they say is a lax attitude toward the pandemic.

"The level of indignant outrage Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have shown towards The Lincoln Project for exposing their indifference for the more than 223,000 people who have lost their lives due to their reckless mismanagement of COVID-19 is comical. While we truly enjoy living rent free in their heads, their empty threats will not be taken any more seriously than we take Ivanka and Jared," the group said in a statement.

"It is unsurprising that an administration that has never had any regard or understanding of our Constitution would try to trample on our first amendment rights," it added, "but we fully intend on making this civics lesson as painful as possible."

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...s-square-billboards/ar-BB1alqTR?ocid=msedgntp


Here is the full official response of Lincoln Project to the threatened lawsuit:

View attachment 24149

Well stated, Tampa.
I found this story today and thought it worthy of sharing. The political ad in question is not as interesting in itself so much as the official response from the party being sued. Please keep in mind that Ivanka Trump's own aunt Maryanne Trump does not have high praise for her niece. In Mary Trump's recent book, the niece of both Donald and Maryanne quoted (and recorded) retired federal judge Maryanne Trump's indignation at the forcible state sponsored kidnapping and imprisonment of minor children and infants at the borders. Referring to her niece Ivanka Trump Kushner, Maryanne Trump saw little hope for help in changing policy from that quarter in the White House. Maryanne Trump said, "Ivanka gives a shit. She's all about herself."

As far as Jared goes, I've never been impressed with him either. He was promoted in the beginning as this kind of genius "Boy Wonder" who was going to bring peace to the Middle East and finally settle the Palestinian question once and for all. Along with that Trump gave him input in just about every major policy initiative. As well of course he's been tasked with the national response to Covid. In 4 years of hindsight of listing his great accomplishments (ahem) he's been shown (to me at least) as being in way over his head and having a much dimmer bulb upstairs than he or his family wants us to believe. I'm not fooled at all into thinking that the combined master intellects of the whole adult Trump White House family (along with Kushner) would be enough to boil water.

In regards to Kushner in particular...merely being arrogant, ambitious, shallow, greedy, power hungry and corrupt...does not a genius make. After all, we know that when he was first put in charge of the national response to the Covid crisis, he totally floundered. When he realized that a rational and scientifically sound national approach to the virus was actually going to be hard, and require more work and more brain cells than he had available for the task at hand...he punted. His "genius" plan was to let himself off the hook, stop working on a national response (because he was way out of his depth) and shift the burden on to the states. Since most of the states in the beginning of the outbreak with the highest number of cases were mostly "blue" states that weren't likely to vote to re-elect Trump's administration anyway...why not just let those citizens die and then blame their Democratic governors? States like New York, New Jersey, Delaware, California, etc. Genius!

And that's where we still stand today. The federal government abdicated any meaningful national response to a national crisis and pushed the burden on to the individual states. And we see how well that has worked out in comparison to every other industrialized country in the world that formulated a decent national response to Covid. Thank you Trump. And thank you Jared Kushner.


Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner's lawyer threatens to sue Lincoln Project over Times Square billboards

Tal Axelrod 1 hr ago

Attorneys for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner threatened to sue The Lincoln Project, a prominent Republican group opposing the president, for billboards it put up in Times Square in Manhattan.

The attorneys in a letter to The Lincoln Project complained about one billboard showing Trump, a senior adviser to her father, smiling and gesturing next to figures showing over 33,000 New Yorkers and 221,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. The lawyers also cited a billboard featuring Kushner, another senior White House adviser, next to body bags and an unrelated 2019 quote from before the pandemic in which he said New Yorkers would "suffer."

View attachment 24148

"I am writing concerning the false, malicious and defamatory ads that the Lincoln Project is displaying on billboards in Times Square," wrote attorney Mark Kasowitz. "If these billboards are not immediately removed, we will sue you for what will doubtless be enormous compensatory and punitive damages."

The Lincoln Project, as well as Democrats, have launched withering criticism at the White House over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic as cases spike across the country. The group has risen to prominence by releasing rapid-fire ads highlighting the latest controversy stemming from the White House, often going viral online and drawing rebukes from the president.

The anti-Trump group has most recently begun teaming up with Democratic groups to roll out ad buys worth millions of dollars in key swing states to hit President Trump on an array of issues, including the current health crisis and its economic fallout.

The Lincoln Project maintained in a statement it will leave the billboards up, saying they accurately depict what they say is a lax attitude toward the pandemic.

"The level of indignant outrage Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have shown towards The Lincoln Project for exposing their indifference for the more than 223,000 people who have lost their lives due to their reckless mismanagement of COVID-19 is comical. While we truly enjoy living rent free in their heads, their empty threats will not be taken any more seriously than we take Ivanka and Jared," the group said in a statement.

"It is unsurprising that an administration that has never had any regard or understanding of our Constitution would try to trample on our first amendment rights," it added, "but we fully intend on making this civics lesson as painful as possible."

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...s-square-billboards/ar-BB1alqTR?ocid=msedgntp


Here is the full official response of Lincoln Project to the threatened lawsuit:

View attachment 24149

Not surprising that Ivanka and Jared also share in the delusion that somehow the 1st Amendment does not apply to them and/or threatening lawsuits can stifle the free speech of others. The adverts in question are well within the bounds of the 1st Amendment and frankly, these two geniuses, being public figures would have a heavy burden to show the malice necessary to win a lawsuit.

What is also of interest is that Noel Casler and Omarosa both have said, in some detail that Jared is actually a closeted gay man and that Ivanka knows this and is totally fine with it. Don the Con is also aware of the fact. It would not surprise me. Jared is a very observant Jew who grew up in the Orthodox branch of Judaism which is very negative about homosexuality. It is not uncommon for Jewish guys who grew up in extremely observant homes to stay deep in the closet, marry, and screw around on the side. Noel, in particular, has not been overly shy about speaking on this subject in his comic routines on stage. Yet, Jared has not threatened him with a lawsuit. I wonder why? [Truth is a defense in a defamation case.]
Not surprising that Ivanka and Jared also share in the delusion that somehow the 1st Amendment does not apply to them and/or threatening lawsuits can stifle the free speech of others. The adverts in question are well within the bounds of the 1st Amendment and frankly, these two geniuses, being public figures would have a heavy burden to show the malice necessary to win a lawsuit.

What is also of interest is that Noel Casler and Omarosa both have said, in some detail that Jared is actually a closeted gay man and that Ivanka knows this and is totally fine with it. Don the Con is also aware of the fact. It would not surprise me. Jared is a very observant Jew who grew up in the Orthodox branch of Judaism which is very negative about homosexuality. It is not uncommon for Jewish guys who grew up in extremely observant homes to stay deep in the closet, marry, and screw around on the side. Noel, in particular, has not been overly shy about speaking on this subject in his comic routines on stage. Yet, Jared has not threatened him with a lawsuit. I wonder why? [Truth is a defense in a defamation case.]

More than likely they learned from Trump himself that frivolous lawsuits (or at least the threat thereof) is a means to look tough and scare or intimidate your enemies. Unfortunately for them in this case they are trying to threaten people who aren't just going to cower, beg for mercy or play dead. All they've accomplished for their intimidation effort is to give Lincoln Project and the major character flaws of the Kushners themselves even more exposure and free publicity.

As far as Jared being a closeted gay, this is the first I'm hearing of this. Very interesting.
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It is also the first time that I heard of Jared being bisexual or actively gay. I am learning so much on this forum about closeted gay Republicans, first Lindsay Graham and now Jared Kushner. I can see him as a cute little bottom boy! lol

It is also the first time that I heard of Jared being bisexual or actively gay. I am learning so much on this forum about closeted gay Republicans, first Lindsay Graham and now Jared Kushner. I can see him as a cute little bottom boy! lol


I can definitely see him as a bottom. He might like having to service and bend over for some tough prison guys.
That's the first picture of him I've seen that I think makes him look attractive. Almost sexy.

Usually in his suit and aloof expressions, he just comes off looking like an odd mannequin.
This was the intro last night on a Late Show with Stephen Colbert. This is a good part satire with true real footage of Jared on Fux News sticking his foot farther in his mouth. It's so dangerous to put him in front of a video camera. He usually makes a fool of himself or worse. The lights are only dimly kind of on. But no one's home. He usually comes across as so elitist, out of touch and tone deaf. His latest foray on Fox did not disappoint or break that cycle. He even managed to add rank racism and white privileged male "mansplaining" to the mix.

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This was the intro last night on a Late Show with Stephen Colbert. This is a good part satire with true real footage of Jared on Fux News sticking his foot farther in his mouth. It's so dangerous to put him in front of a video camera. He usually makes a fool of himself or worse. The lights are only dimly kind of on. But no one's home. He usually comes across as so elitist, out of touch and tone deaf. His latest foray on Fox did not disappoint or break that cycle. He even managed to add rank racism and white privileged male "mansplaining" to the mix.

This is brilliant. Thanks Tampa
Thanks for that Tampa. Jared is the classic kid born into a wealthy family and great privilege who thinks everyone has the same access as anyone else if they would but try.
Thanks for that Tampa. Jared is the classic kid born into a wealthy family and great privilege who thinks everyone has the same access as anyone else if they would but try.


And who better to understand and mansplain the plight and "complaints" of blacks who are living through the African-American experience...whose ancestors were brought over here on slave ships and whose descendants are now left in the diaspora of a still racist society...who better understands them than a smug, over-privileged, over-entitled white dude?

At my most charitable with Jared, I bend the biblical quote to...Forgive him Father. For he knows not what he does. Hopefully with more years and maturity he'll evolve to see the folly of some of his younger years.

He thinks he's far more intelligent than he really is. Jared's so arrogant, self-absorbed and tone deaf that I honestly believe he really has no idea just how ridiculous he sounds sometimes. Unfortunately for him he has a loud megaphone on the world stage for the time being. So his foolishness and flaws are given greater amplification. There's a reason Jared's dad made a $2.5M donation to Harvard before Jared attended. And it doesn't take a college graduate to figure out why. Obviously Jared did not have the grades or the SAT scores to gain admittance on his own merit.

For those of you who get baseball analogies, as was said about people such as George H.W. Bush the elder, Donald Trump and now Jared Kushner also... He was born on third base, and thinks he hit a triple.
Trump was in Tampa today acting like an idiot. You sure you won't take him back in New York? haha
Trump was in Tampa today acting like an idiot. You sure you won't take him back in New York? haha
Yes Tampa, New York will take him back one way and that is if he is convicted of tax evasion and in the multiple other cases he and his cronies are being investigated for here in New York State. Lock him up. lol