Okay Mark, I'll give you that. But how many months did people here complain, and quite harshly, about Jimmy and yet he kept coming back again and again. And how could the low ratings not be a clue that people didn't want to see him? That didn't seem to matter either. And you don't think that was a good example? Seriously?
I understand about the contracts. And I am not complaining about Jimmy, or this site, hell, I love this website you have created, and I am quite proud to be a small part of it. I have been a member since 2006, or 2007, since Page 1, and I don't recall ever reading that our posts, or our votes, carried ANY weight on management's decisions. And, I have always defended your right to do as YOU think is best, for YOUR website. I was just surprised to read Blake's post about our voting and after all this time, reading that it counted for something. And let's be honest, I know I have read many posts from very angry and dissatisfied members who thought their votes and opinions meant little to management. I have always shaken my head and thought to myself, "this is Mark's website, let him do what he wants!"
I don't mean to be argumentative, or offensive. That is not at all my intention. I just like to call things as I see them, and, I have been known to be wrong before, I accept that. Perhaps I should have been more careful in my post that you quoted. Honestly dude, I didn't mean to be disrespectful, and I do apologize if you took offense.