This was so funny, but sadly it reminds me of a similar incident I had with my nephew a few years ago. We had been at the beach drinking beer and smoking some herb. He wanted to stop and get a hot dog on the way home. When he got back in the truck he was complaining the hot dog guy didn't give him the right change. He said the hot dog was was 50 cents. He gave the guy one dollar and got back one quarter, 2 dimes and a nickle. I told him that was correct. The hot dog was 50 cents, and he got 50 cents change. He was stoned and confused and said he didn't understand. I explained there are 100 pennies in a dollar. There are four quarters in a dollar. Each quarter has 25 pennies. So, how many pennies does 4 quarters equal? He said 250! Boing! Duh! He looked at me and asked me why I asked him that question. I told him to never mind, just eat the damn hot dog!