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out of respect


Active Member
Mar 20, 2011
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I know this request is not going to go over very well with the members, and possibly the production staff. But I have to beg you to please consider removing all of the videos that have Mike R or Dustin in them. I also know that this request may never be granted. I don't feel anything but utter sadness and grief when I see their episodes on display. Some see a celebration of their lives but I see what could have been and a life cut down to soon. I believe their videos should be retired out of respect to their memory, and their families. Sometimes doing the right thing is very hard, but it's still the right thing anyhow.. when they were alive they could speak up for themselves, and help their loved ones understand why they were doing this kind of work, but not anymore, those days are gone....I'll wait for your reply. And I would also like to hear from the members concerning this request, your ideas are most welcome, I would be interested in the pros and cons.......

I feel the same way when I see the photos of both those boys here on the site. I for one, will never watch another MikeR or Dustin video again. The death of Dustin is especiallly troubling to me because I made the terrible mistake of seeing the video of his death which was filmed by a tv crew. If you haven't seeen it, I strongly warn you NOT to see it. You will regret it, as I do. As far as I know, there is no such film involving MikeR. And if there was, I surely wouldn't watch it.

If your sentiments are like mine, you feel as I do that this site is NOT supposed to make members sad, quite the contrary. And seeing them both displayed in the episodes pages doesn't help.

But then again, on a much larger scale, we all know of major entertainers who pass away prematurely all the time. People like Keith Ledger and even Michael Jackson. No one would ever think of hiding their works so as not to depress the public. Keith Ledger's Batman movie was released on schedule soon after his death. And Jacko's songs never stopped playing.

In time, and sooner than you think, there will be members here who will have no idea what happened to MikeR and Dustin, and they will watch their work and enjoy them. I didn't know about Dustin until after I heard about MikeR.

The only acceptable solution for those of us bothered by the thought of what happened to these boys, is for us memebers to decide for ourselves whether or not we want to see these particular episodes.
The only acceptable solution for those of us bothered by the thought of what happened to these boys, is for us memebers to decide for ourselves whether or not we want to see these particular episodes.
I agree with your word's lubetube. I think that is the best solution to this most sensitive question. And there will always be clips of them available on the various porn sites, so removing their work from this site is not a solution either. The parent's and families of both young men are not member's of this site, and will not accidentally see any of their work here either.

They both choose to go into the adult film industry, and must have realized that their scene's here would live forever on the Internet, both in their life and their death.
I totally agree with you all. The last two videos Mike R did I have not seen yet and just will not watch them. I can see both sides of the issue. And yes both Dustin & Mike opted to do this. At the very least, take down the ads Broke Straight Boys have all over the net with Mike R's photos in them. If people want to watch the videos so be it. But advertising him on line for profit is in very poor taste!
Back in college we had a beer refrigerator called Wally. It was named after a minor comedian, Wally Cox, who for years was on the game show, Hollywood Squares. He died and because Hollywood Squares was shot well in advance, for a good year afterwards, there was Wally, at the end of the show, waving goodbye to us from the Great Beyond. We'd laugh, having consumed as much pot as beer, and wave back at Wally from our dorm room. Bye-bye, Wally.

Totally sick and in poor taste, but then, what college kid isn't?

You can't remake the past. Mike's and Dustin's work on this site is part of their legacy. For ever person who thinks the videos should be down, I can guarantee you there is another guy who wants to watch Dustin and Mike back in action, enjoying life, sex and all the joy it brings. It's a fine way to celebrate their life and good work.

I could see taking Mike off the home page banner, but I bet Mark has a new website for us shortly, too, to go along with all the other changes. That would help a lot. But keep the videos up and proud. I didn't see either Mike or Dustin hiding from their work here.
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Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Van Gogh, Reubens, Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne Katherine Hepburn, Sans Saens, the list goes on. They have all passed on, yet we celebrate what they chose to share with us and ultimately leave behind as their legacy to the world they populated. The greatest insult of all would be to deny future generations the chance to share in that legacy. Now I am not comparing Dustin or Mike's work to these others, per se, but, the principle is the same. As heartfelt as the idea may seem, we cannot obliterate the life work of someone who has died, simply to relieve our own personal pain. For those of you here in Forumland who are suffering the pangs of loss over these two fine young men, I can only encourage you to seek comfort in the knowledge that these boys were doing something they enjoyed doing, and were proud to be people we liked, and, in a sense, admired. They gave of themselves as only they could. Accept and treasure the gift, I will!
MikeR and Dustin

Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Van Gogh, Reubens, Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne Katherine Hepburn, Sans Saens, the list goes on. They have all passed on, yet we celebrate what they chose to share with us and ultimately leave behind as their legacy to the world they populated. The greatest insult of all would be to deny future generations the chance to share in that legacy. Now I am not comparing Dustin or Mike's work to these others, per se, but, the principle is the same. As heartfelt as the idea may seem, we cannot obliterate the life work of someone who has died, simply to relieve our own personal pain. For those of you here in Forumland who are suffering the pangs of loss over these two fine young men, I can only encourage you to seek comfort in the knowledge that these boys were doing something they enjoyed doing, and were proud to be people we liked, and, in a sense, admired. They gave of themselves as only they could. Accept and treasure the gift, I will!

Well said, Your Majesty! Perhaps if I thought there was something wrong with porn and doing it was something to be ashamed of doing I might feel differently. Both were stars and their videos are their legacy.
Very nicely stated Markymark. I totally agree.

thank you for sharing your feelings, however, I doubt that is what Mike would want.
thank you for seeing my grief and sadness my friend, I too did not know of dustins death until yesterday, and I did see the video, it plays in my head sometimes like it's on a loop or something. I know this may sound silly for some but I can't seem to stop the tears, the horror and tragedy of these two losses is sometimes kind of overwhelming for me, then when I see their faces the wound of grief is still very raw. I don't know what to do.. I really like this site and enjoy the other boys videos so much, yet I'm left with this sorrow that is just as powerful, they say time heals all wounds, my God I hope it does, thanks again for your 2 cents, it's the best advise I've heard in a long time and it's also very nice to know that someone understands what I'm going through right now, which is nothing compared to what Mikes family is suffering at the moment, and his friends........my heart aches for your loss, I am so sorry you have lost such a dear and wonderful friend....

I am heartbroken that you are so grief stricken. I wish there was something I knew of to ease the pain, but there isn't, not really.

You may not know this, but Mike was a very popular model on this site, and, he was also a very popular forumite. So much so, that he communicated frequently in private messages with several of the forum members. Imagine their shock and grief!

While you may not wish to view his videos at this time, I encourage you to go to the memberslist and look up BrokeMike, or BrokeMikeR. this was his screen name on the forum. He posted quite a few things. Sit back and read all his posts and get to know him on a level that you didn't know him. He was very forthright. He was a truly exceptional young man. I think if yo get to read his posts and get to know him, you will find it comforting, and that, may ease your grief. MikeR also did interviews after Broke Straight Boys events, look those up as well, and again, those will help your grief. I mentioned earlier that I did not think he would want to be taken off the episodes. I think once you read his posts and listen to his interviews you yourself will realize that Mike was all about living.

Please take the time to do this alad, I truly think it will help you.

You forum friend,

I am heartbroken that you are so grief stricken. I wish there was something I knew of to ease the pain, but there isn't, not really.

You may not know this, but Mike was a very popular model on this site, and, he was also a very popular forumite. So much so, that he communicated frequently in private messages with several of the forum members. Imagine their shock and grief!

While you may not wish to view his videos at this time, I encourage you to go to the memberslist and look up BrokeMike, or BrokeMikeR. this was his screen name on the forum. He posted quite a few things. Sit back and read all his posts and get to know him on a level that you didn't know him. He was very forthright. He was a truly exceptional young man. I think if yo get to read his posts and get to know him, you will find it comforting, and that, may ease your grief. MikeR also did interviews after Broke Straight Boys events, look those up as well, and again, those will help your grief. I mentioned earlier that I did not think he would want to be taken off the episodes. I think once you read his posts and listen to his interviews you yourself will realize that Mike was all about living.

Please take the time to do this alad, I truly think it will help you.

You forum friend,

thank you, I have read alot of mikes posts and also watched alot of his videos and interviews, trying very hard to find some sense of it all, you see I worked as a nurse for quite awhile and I saw alot of suffering and pain, more than enough for anyone, so my one refuge was this site full of life, joy, laughter, sexual awakening and discovery. Then one day all that was shattered in a blink of an eye. So, what do I do now? Old memories that I thought had been dealt with are now back in force, you see I had a patient that was very dear to me, and one day she started chokeing on some food, I rushed to her to do the H.M. to clear her airway, but struggle as I did, it was no good. She died,,,,, jusy slipped away right before my eyes, so these videos were a relief for me, to see life and all its excitement, wonder, discovery, and a little laughter too. But now that has all changed, I feel for the friends of mike and dustin (andrew) each time I see their faces. I know the points about other artists that have passed, but still enjoying their art. But something as intimate as sex between two people is very different in my book. So I guess it just takes time for these kind of things......I am a person that feels deeply, that's what made me a hell of a good nurse. But this can also be a curse if you will, I know mike and dustin(andrew) were proud of their work, it's just to damn hard for me to see it right now, do I wait and let time do its job or not? We shall see.......I am truly grateful for the warm responses I've recieved since joining the forum, I see why mike enjoyed and loved you guys, a neighborhood of friends that were and are as close as any family, I believe that alone is what comforts many of you at this moment. I can only hope that my experiences with you will be only half as good as that, till next time friends, God Bless......
We have considered these as well but these two guys would not want their videos down. Broke Straight Boys was a huge part of their lives and they would be upset if we removed anything from this site with them in it. I think MarkyMark said it the best. May Dustin and Mike RIP.


thank you for at least taking the time to consider my suggestion, and like I said before, they were really thrilled to be able to share their lives with us all. So I do see your point about their videos remaining a continuing part of BSBs. And I would never want to disrespect their wishes, we all deserve that much at least.these kind of emotions when they are this raw can do things to your way of thinking. that's a very natural form of grief, but mike and dustin(andrew) would not want anyone to remain in a state of sorrow, when they themselves enjoyed life to the fullest. these things take time, it's a shock to the system, I've seen it myself many, many times. IT DOES GET BETTER!!
aladinsane, something tells me we are going to be very happy that you have chosen to join Broke Straight Boys and to share with us here in Forumland. You display a sensitivity we all appreciate. I know it is hard to see that video, and I would never want you to keep going back to it in your mind. But there are many other wonderful videos Dustin participated in, and in time you will be able to view them and enjoy his cocky attitude and smart aleck smile that so many of us remember. We welcome you to the forum, a place for friendship, and hopefully for healing when needed.
I look forward to seeing whatever there may be left of scenes he was in, and going back over the ones I already know by heart. Most people who die at his age don't leave behind them the testimony to their physical, mental and spiritual beauty that he has left and that reside in the archives of this site. In this day and age it's a heritage anyone could be proud of.

If you look over the archives you'll see other young guys who have performed in a number of scenes, in quite a few cases over the course of months and years, and then have stopped. A whole bunch of them were pretty wild-assed. I remember baby faced hotties who were, according to the banter, doing ok in half-way houses, or who needed the bread because they'd had some semi-spectacular crash and wanted to fix the car. Some of the stories were true and some weren't.

None of this applies to MikeR's case, but we can't assume that he and Dustin are the only guys we've seen in these scenes who have died in the interim. Life is a special, fragile thing that takes a lot of knocking about when you're young, especially if you're in the demographic of those who have the ballsy audacity at 18 to get on a plane and go shoot gonzo gay porn in Florida.

I've been thinking about this ever since posting the quote above on MikeR's RIP thread more than a week ago. Broke Straight Boys's archives are the repository of excellent moments in the "working" lives of a lot of cute kids, some of whom are probably in their mid 30s by now. I'd be sad at news of the death of any single one of them, but realize that the likelihood of hearing about it is pretty slim.
Life is a special, fragile thing that takes a lot of knocking about when you're young, especially if you're in the demographic of those who have the ballsy audacity at 18 to get on a plane and go shoot gonzo gay porn in Florida.
It is sad but true, that the type of 18 yo with that "ballsy audacity" to get on a plane by himself, to go meet a crew of older gay men, who will check out his naked body, groom him and prepare him to film gay porn that will be shown world wide on this site, as well as you tube, and x-tube, and a myriad of sites accessible to all with a computer, are also the kind of guy's who live life hard and fast.

For at least a decade, I would vacation twice a year in Fort Lauderdale, which was the spring break capitol for college age kids, and discovered the sub culture of guys of similar age who lived in town, on the streets, in shelters, or found girls or men to temporarily house them. They would earn their food, beer and drug money by doing various gay sex acts with older men for small amounts of cash. And I certainly did partake in the young hotties. And very often I would see the same guy every day of my vacation. They would come to my motel room for a shower, a meal, to watch television and to earn some bread.

So many of the models on Broke Straight Boys are much like my young "friends" were back in the day, and I always wondered what happened to them too, and I worried if they found their place in society, or if they crashed and burned, after their youthful looks left them. The attitude of the young hustlers that I would meet in Lauderdale was similar to the attitude similar guys on this site project, that they are young and invincible, and lived life hard without any worries about the future or any consequences that their actions might have.

I'd like to think that all of the models from this site, and all of the guys who I became close to and cared about over the years in Fort Lauderdale are all happy well adjusted citizens today, but I also fear that for some, what Slim suggested, may alternatively be the case too.
Mikeyank. There are not many and you don't see "hustlers" on the street in Ft.Lauderdale/Miami anymore. Hustlers today are much smarter. They are escorts that advertise or dancers in clubs or they find "sugar daddies" and most of these guys don't do or are not interested in doing porn.

In the 10 years I've been doing porn and dealing with models there are several types of boys.

Boys that live home with parents and go to school and are close to there brothers & sisters and have the influence of a grandparent around the home. They have parents that teach them morals & standards and take the time to listen to there child and make sure there child is going down the correct path. I'm not saying that this type of boy is not going to do drugs and there is some kind of drama at home or some form of dysfunction but somewhere in these boys minds, doing porn is NOT the answer and they will not be caught doing such things...they seem to know better.

Now, the boys that apply to do porn come in many different forms.

1. The gay boy that all he dreams about is having sex on a website and it looks fun. These boys usually come from families that support there "gay son" and basically come from a good family, its just a right a passage for these gay boys to have fun and make money...these are usually your twink femme gay boys.

2. The struggling college boy or the boy that lives home with parents and can't go to school or find a job. His parents are tight on money, he needs to work because his parents can't give him expensive shoes or cell phones and perhaps one of the parents lost there job. He can't find a job to make a lot of money so he talks to a friend of a friend and the friend tells him if he wants to make money, film porn. He can make fast money and have fun having sex and its not a full nor part-time job and he can make money without jeopardizing his education or keep finding a job. These boys are usually bi-sexual, curious or gay and is the common type of model that applies to most porn studios and do porn.

3. The next example is what I call hood rats. They come from broken homes one or both parents are absent. This boy is brought up in a home where the parents were very abusive, drug addicts and/or alcoholics. The parents are usually divorced and had a child out of wed-lock and doesn't take time to listen and teach there child, these guys are usually straight and *think* they can do porn because they have been sent out into the world unprepared and only know from having children out of wed-lock and living a life of poverty, crime and drugs. These guys are so desprite they will do anything for a buck and tell you what they want you to hear...these are the true new hustlers!

With all 3 examples something is going through the boys mind that he had decided to do this type of modeling and all are so excited about having sex and making money, they will get on a plane, train or drive to film porn without thinking otherwise.

As a studio, and I think most studios do the same, we chat, email and talk to the model extensively before planning there trip so we do set up some sort of comfort level, however, it does take a lot of nerve to get on a plane to meet a porn producer. What does this tell us about the youth of today?
Some of it has to do with the fifteen minutes of fame that Warhol airily pronounced as everyone's right. Big Brother and all the clone programs have proven to these kids that they can be "famous" for longer than a quarter of an hour. And if they're willing to walk the walk they can be famous for fucking on the futon.

We've all noticed that young straight guys are more and more comfortable with their more rad sexual proclivities. None of my brides's friends was shocked or otherwise put off when I brought up my bisexuality at the engagement party, least of all the bride. If that was true then it's no surprise that these guys now are very open to having sex with attractive people of whatever persuasion.
Sadly I have decided to end my membership with this site....I just cannot continue to see their faces and somehow be sexually turned on, which is the whole point to a porn site, my heart breaks each time I go to this site....and there is something about their videos that just seem more like a memorial than a porn, then there are all the friends that they have known and shared the futton with that is also a sad reminder, and in the end this site has become one big memorial to their short lives, some can get past that fact and enjoy the videos, but I cannot, my mind is not at peace and I am always reminded of their tragic end, last nite I had dreams about Dustin(Andrew) and they were not good dreams, try as I might I cannot continue going on like this, I realize alot of you knew these wonderful young men much more than I do, but like I've said before "I feel things deeply", my work as a nurse was full of these kind of tragedies, and I just cannot do it anymore. When every wakeing hour and my dreams are spent thinking about these tragic circumstances then it's time for me to move on, my life cannot continue like this. your kindness and patience dear friends is the one bright spot in this whole experience for me, I cannot explain why these two have affected me so much, but it is what it is... the tears will not stop and the sorrow does not ease, so I must say goodbye and till next time my friends, all my best to you and yours..................be well.....
Sadly I have decided to end my membership with this site....I just cannot continue to see their faces and somehow be sexually turned on, which is the whole point to a porn site, my heart breaks each time I go to this site....and there is something about their videos that just seem more like a memorial than a porn, then there are all the friends that they have known and shared the futton with that is also a sad reminder, and in the end this site has become one big memorial to their short lives, some can get past that fact and enjoy the videos, but I cannot, my mind is not at peace and I am always reminded of their tragic end, last nite I had dreams about Dustin(Andrew) and they were not good dreams, try as I might I cannot continue going on like this, I realize alot of you knew these wonderful young men much more than I do, but like I've said before "I feel things deeply", my work as a nurse was full of these kind of tragedies, and I just cannot do it anymore. When every wakeing hour and my dreams are spent thinking about these tragic circumstances then it's time for me to move on, my life cannot continue like this. your kindness and patience dear friends is the one bright spot in this whole experience for me, I cannot explain why these two have affected me so much, but it is what it is... the tears will not stop and the sorrow does not ease, so I must say goodbye and till next time my friends, all my best to you and yours..................be well.....

You do realize that as of April 1st, Mark is uploading a whole new Broke Straight Boys site. I know the old footage will still be available but there will be a new set, a new futon and all new boys and a new voice behind the camera so don't you think you should at least give the new Broke Straight Boys a chance?