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One Thing Leads To Another: How Did You Get Your Man?


BSB Addict
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
DFW, Texas
We were hinting at this on the ABFT thread, as a back rub led to another guy's "first time." So how did you "maneuver" your way into his pants? For me, I kept walking in front of the guy and quickly stopping...opps.:cool: As we started "bumping" it turned into grinding and into him being in me.:thumbup: That was a fun night; we stuck close to each other all summer; I was 16, he was 15.
My first experience was with my best friend Phil in the tent episode which is well documented on here. My one and only real bf till he cheated on me was a lot different but tbh as hot as it was, I don't want to talk about it cos he was a bastard in the end.
Mine was a little more romantic and many months occurred between the initial meeting to finally the hay. I ran into Lynn one night in June at a club. He came up to me and said, "Hi, Louis. So good to see you again." I smiled and asked him if we had met before. He explained he had met me at the mall the previous Halloween. He said he was with friends and they were all in drag. We hung together that night at the bar until closing. Afterwards, we went out for breakfast and then parted our ways but not before we exchanged phone numbers. I had plans to take my parents and my sister to New York City to visit my aunt. I was still indecisive on what to do with my dog while gone when I remembered Lynn telling me he lived with his parents. I called and asked him if he was willing to stay at my place for a week and take care of my dog. He agreed. As soon as I returned from NYC, Lynn and I hit the hay that night. He stayed for 11 years. Eventually our relationship became rather tumultuous and we went our separate ways in 1975. However, after all these years we are still in contact by phone or Skype. I have not physically seen him since that time. We also live at the two extreme ends of the US with him in Washington State and me in Florida.

After my divorce I had a regular fuck buddy for 9 years, But Lynn has always been my one and only true love.

That is my story.

I was thinking I should also tell you about Karen. It started when we were both 12ish. She and I lived a few houses down from one another and hung out together all the time; I basically lived at her house since mine was like a war zone. One day, at school, she and I were reading together and a boy walked up and just started staring at us. Karen told me it was because she and I had big boobs; by then we were both a "B" cup. Apparently she had been warned by her mother that, "boys that age just want to feel you boobs and kiss." Sharing this info with me, she said we needed to "start practicing kissing." I was fine with that, she was a beautiful girl with alabaster skin and dark features. I remember at first, we used cling wrap to "not be dirty;" I didn't care, she had a fat tongue that always felt good. Within a week, we had ditched the "dirty" feeling and were all over one another. We were together for a couple of years until she moved away. She definitely taught me the pleasures of a tongue!:par50:
Damn it Beth. You sure know how to bring up old memories. Like I said above, our relationship was very romantic until the end. The following was our song and we danced to it every time they played it at the clubs.

I was thinking I should also tell you about Karen. It started when we were both 12ish. She and I lived a few houses down from one another and hung out together all the time; I basically lived at her house since mine was like a war zone. One day, at school, she and I were reading together and a boy walked up and just started staring at us. Karen told me it was because she and I had big boobs; by then we were both a "B" cup. Apparently she had been warned by her mother that, "boys that age just want to feel you boobs and kiss." Sharing this info with me, she said we needed to "start practicing kissing." I was fine with that, she was a beautiful girl with alabaster skin and dark features. I remember at first, we used cling wrap to "not be dirty;" I didn't care, she had a fat tongue that always felt good. Within a week, we had ditched the "dirty" feeling and were all over one another. We were together for a couple of years until she moved away. She definitely taught me the pleasures of a tongue!:par50:

Nice story Beth!
Like Jon my story is also well known on this forum, so here's a quick version. I met William because his brother worked for me. We instantly hit it off as best friends. This went on for a little over a year until I told him I've fallen in love with him. He was straight but I was persistant and we spent the next 20 or so years together. I will never forget him, like Louis said about Lynn he will always be my one true love!