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New BTS videos added + Interviews

in the category of 'no matter how well you do, there is someone who complains'
the Broke Straight Boys red shield over the photo of blake makes him look like he is wearing a moustache. lol
you miss seeing his handsome face when i go to his interview.
thanks for the bts interview with blake and the other bts videos
It's funny how a day plans out. I was gonna do some clothes shopping this afternoon but decided to check out the updates on this thread. I came across Chad's interview and thought "Hey I havn't seen his films yet". Well I watched Chad and Jason and was so impressed I downloaded every other Chad film on the site. It's currently taking me about 1 min to download a 400mb film - that's ace..

The shopping will have to be done tomorrow.....
It's funny how a day plans out. I was gonna do some clothes shopping this afternoon but decided to check out the updates on this thread. I came across Chad's interview and thought "Hey I havn't seen his films yet". Well I watched Chad and Jason and was so impressed I downloaded every other Chad film on the site. It's currently taking me about 1 min to download a 400mb film - that's ace..

The shopping will have to be done tomorrow.....

chad had/has that affect on many of us.
Chad's Interview

Wow, what a wonderful BTS between Sha and Chad. First of all I never appreciated how hot Chad was until watching him fully dressed, (go figure :wink: ).

Second both Chad and Sha talk about what a great guy Jimmy is, and what a good father he is too.

And mostly Chad talks about his favorite forumite, Ms. K. :blush:

I found it thoroughly entertaining.
I absolutely loved chads interview. He is so awesome and kind and fun to watch. I felt so honored that he mentioned me and ms kianna out of how many members are on this site. Hes such a great guy. Plus all he has to do is sit and a beach I loved it.
There are just more reasons to love CHAD:001_wub: every day.

In case you read this, though.......I have never been to an event. Sha doesn't bring you guys anywhere near my home town. I did say that I would be tempted to go to San Diego though. I have never met anyone at Broke Straight Boys, but a couple of forumites have gotten to know me really well.:001_wub:............and MARK does come in right behind you on my "I have a major crush" scale.:blush:
sha has a conversational style of interviewing that makes listening fun.

all this time i have been saying, 'sha' as if it was shaw and not 'sha' as if it was shay.
i learned alot from this interview.
and i have gained a greater respect for chad and blake.
Great to see these new BTS videos. Thanks so much for taking the time to produce and share them with those of us who are unable to attend the events. I appreciate your work very much. Thanks and best wishes,
Phoenix Vids Are Really Good!

Hi guys,

I just added a few Behind the Scenes videos and also Chad and Blake Bennet's Interviews. Enjoy ;)

2012 Phoenix Pride: http://members.brokestraightboys.com/bsbevents/events/2012-phoenix-pride/

I finally got to watch all of these Phoenix vids. They're well worth watching for the first 2 especially.

Cole is his usual charming self and looks great. The more I see of Angel Rock the more I like him. Of course Blake got alot of the attention in the vids. And he has enough personality to carry it easily. It is so much fun to see a Pride event through his eyes as a young straight guy who never knew all the diversity that gay culture encompassed. He seemed to have a childlike sense of wonder at all that was unfolding around him. And he was amazed at all of the attention he was getting at the booth.

We find out that the temperature at Pride literally reached 100 degrees. Also that Blake had a scary close call with dehydration and heat exhaustion. Sha spies a tall glass of chocolate milk in the crowd that he goes gaga over. Heat or no heat, he takes off in a sprint trying to get a better look at the guy with Blake trailing behind him. haha Blake happily and graciously offers to use himself as a prop at one point in the video just so that Sha can better look at the guy and capture him on film. That part's a riot! :biggrin: I highly recommend that you guys and gals check out the Phoenix vids.
Great Videos Blake!

In this post I really want to address it to Blake, in the hopes that he'll see it here. :)

Dearest Blake,

I loved your BTS videos. In the interview part it was so neat to see how you still weren't quite sure what this experience was going to be like. You had only done one scene. You weren't sure how your scenes with other guys were going to play out or if viewers were going to like you. Then of course you saw the ratings your scenes received from the entire membership of the site. Then you got on the forum and saw all the positive attention that so many of us were eager to give you. The rest is history. haha I'm just so glad that it worked out for you as well as it has. And I mean that in the personal sense that it really has helped to open a very positive chapter of your life with new and unique experiences. I'm especially glad that you have been able to go on the road to the events and do so much traveling so you can see even more of the world.

Thank you for giving the shoutouts to Stimpy (Cumrag) and I. It warmed my heart when you said you'd love to meet me Blake. Believe me. Tampa would love to meet you too. haha :001_wub: Maybe one day... I did have the pleasure of meeting Sha before in Orlando. He's just a beautiful person inside and out. It warmed my heart to see him having so much fun himself at Pride. He deserves all the happiness he can get in life.

That was not good at all to hear that you got dehydrated at Pride. How bad did it get Blake? Did you pass out? Or was it some of the standard symptoms like dizziness, disorientation, nausea, vomiting, etc.? Since I saw no band-aid on your arms I assume they were able to rehydrate you without an IV. You do have to drink lots and lots of fluids at these Pride events in the south, and in the summer. At the Pride events here in Florida the heat and humidity will be so intense that the sweat is just pouring off of you and running into your eyes. It can get up to 95 degrees with 100% humidity. And that really stings when the salt from your perspiration gets in your eyes.

The only thing I'll scold you for (in the lost loving way possible of course, xo) is that you should have had a drink in your hand the whole time Sha was walking around with you. Seriously though, if you ever get the feeling of being light headed, dizzy, or nauseated in the heat...start drinking water or gatorade quickly. And stay away from alcoholic drinks in intense heat like 100 degrees. The alcohol will actually dehydrate you. Plus the effects of alcohol and extreme heat are not healthy in themselves. Caffeine is not good for dehydration either. So stay away from soda if you are already experiencing dehydration or heat exhaustion. Good ole water is still the best. :001_smile:

i loved when you said that you don't make porn. That you make "Awesome". LMAO Well, we love to watch you make "Awesome"!

I thought that was pretty cool that you made note of the sign language interpreter on the stage at the event. I am learning sign language myself as a hobby and have many deaf friends through church. Every Sunday I sit in the pew with my deaf friends in front of the interpreter. I have a few friends who are going to school to become interpreters themselves. I'm nowhere close to being fluent in sign. It is really just for self-enrichment that I am picking it up. But I know enough to communicate my thoughts. It's not always so easy for me to interpret what other people are signing though. LOL Deaf people are really neat to get to know. They are very gentle souls. And I'm amazed at how many of them are gay in my area.

I thought that was really funny the way Sha was practically chasing after that guy. It was so cool of you to offer to be a prop so that Sha could get a better look. LOL It was sweet the way you reacted to being asked for an autograph. Yes. At the Pride events people do like to get autographs from some of their favorite models. I'm sure that is a very funny experience though writing down your full stage name for the first time.

Well Blake I just wanted you to know that I had watched your BTS vids and I enjoyed them immensely.

Thank You! XOO :001_smile: