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2012 DC Pride Videos


Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas TX
Hi guys,

I just posted the videos for the 2012 DC Pride featuring Blake Bennet, Jason Mathews and Cole Gartner.

Enjoy :)

Thanks sir,
The guys look great and I enjoyed seeing the Pride event! Can't wait 'til Austin...I'll be there.:thumbup:
Watching you guys in front of the Capitol building brought back so many memories of the years I lived in that amazing city. Just FYI, you were looking at the west front of the building which overlooks the Mall all the way down to the Lincoln Memorial and then onto the Custis Lee Mansion at Arlington National Cemetery. The left side of the Capitol from where you were standing is the Senate chamber and the right side is the House of Representatives. I can remember sitting on the steps of the east front of the building and listening to some truly great concerts performed by our military bands. Too bad you did not get to go inside. It is a magnificent structure even if it serves as the workplace of probably the most do-nothing congress in our nation's history. I hope you had a chance to visit the city's memorials and some of the Smithsonian. In the three years I was there, I spent a lot of time in the "District" and I still did not get to see it all. You are very fortunate to get to visit many of our incredible cities. Hopefully, you'll get to see some of the major attractions in each. I know it is difficult to do when you are there to work. BTW..I loved the banter between you about the building.
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Sha: Good morning Blake, are you going to talk to me?

Blake: (In a very sleepy, slightly cranky, little boy voice). Noooo....you said you were gonna let me sleep....

Awwww...too cute
I always watch them and enjoy them very much. I hope to be able to attend one someday. Well after Blake's post maybe I should not use "someday" but just fucking do it.
I just had a chance t o watch it and I was not disappointed. lol I loved the banter between Blake and Jason. Sorry Blake. I did watch it. LOL I was so proud of you that you knew that the three branches of U.S government were the presidential, the legislative and the judicial. Or in other words, the president, the Congress (Including the House and Senate) and the Supreme Court.

Watching Jason go on about his fetish for cleaning places with pressure washing was just too funny. Jason! I know exactly what you mean man. Having been in management position of restaurants I know how much better sidewalks, driveways and pretty much everything else looks after a good pressure washing. Thank you for showing us pictures of the area near your home. I enjoyed the beautiful brick work you did on your sidewalk. I'm assuming that by now it is finished. Or is it? haha After watching the DC vids, I just have to say thank you for allowing us a glimpse of your off-set personality. It was my pleasure to you in action being so outgoing, smiling, laughing and just having a good time.
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You looked SO cute all decked out in a rainbow Julius Caesar-like crown. With all the rainbow freebies you got at the parade I just couldn't believe your transformation. Not that you have gone gay or anything. But I think about how short a time (relatively speaking) that you've been exposed to being around so many openly gay people. The fact that you have embraced so much of our culture and pride, as well as being aware of our struggles in daily life...it just warms my heart. Our world needs more straight people like you.

Watching you stand in awe of so much going on around you I could vicariously experience the thrill of it with you. I LOVE your sometimes child-like sense of wonder about the outside world. And I mean that with no disrespect or condescension whatsoever of course. I'm just so happy for you that you get to see even more of the world outside of Texas. Because I know out of anyone, that you do not take free travel or the opportunity to gain new experiences for granted. You relish them because you know that they add to your personal growth, worldliness and wisdom. Thank you for allowing us to get to know you even better. XXO And between you and I, I loved the rainbow created by the water also. It was breathtaking. :001_smile:
God I miss D.C. It was truly a magically captivating city full of adventure, entertainment, great people, amazing sites, loves found and love lost. Ahhhh the stories for the grandkids :) However long it takes me to make a return will certainly be too long!
God I miss D.C. It was truly a magically captivating city full of adventure, entertainment, great people, amazing sites, loves found and love lost. Ahhhh the stories for the grandkids :) However long it takes me to make a return will certainly be too long!

I hope you make it back soon also Jason. :001_smile: