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New Behind The Scenes Videos - 01/09/12

Thanks for this bts interview. It was so fun to hear how the guys really feel about the different activities they do as part of their profession. They were all just as nice and kind as can be. Each and everyone of these guys are true professional actors that bring a little extra joy to the viewers of their work. Thanks again and best wishes.
behind the scene interview gave us a nice view of the guys.
Bobby, Colin, Darren, Anthony, Chad and Conner are six guys i enjoyed watching.
thanks for this bts interview.
Both of these bts events were great. The interview episode showed that these guys get along and enjoy each other's company. I preferred the q & a and discussion parts as opposed to the reading and commenting on forum part. This interview was much better than the recent one on cdudes.

Kodi's cooking scene was just terrific. He is absolutely adorable. When Chad walked into the picture and seeing those two together, I said to myself - Clay, there is your next scene. What a hot pairing they would make. I hope you can do this, Clay.

This is my open fan/love/apology letter to Bobby. Though I have been harsh on you in the past for everything from weight to sideburns, it was only because you are the best young star on Broke Straight Boys and I want you to remain that way. I apologize if I have ever offended you because that was not the purpose and if you will only look back at some of the forum replies that I have made about you I have done everything from defend you to offer you a BMW for Christmas for God's sake! You look great. Your personality is adorable. You make every scene that you are in all about Bobby and I don't care who else is in it with you; you are the one that has the presence. So keep up the good work and take my suggestions for just what they are; the ramblings of an old man with excellent taste. I honestly don't know if you will ever get this note or even be told about it but now my friends who post almost daily will know that I not only cast aspersions but also compliments and yours were long overdue from me. Your the best. Thanks, Bobby.
This is an answer to a previous request. Thanks Clay!

I am proud to say that this BTS event may have been in the works for a long time, but isn't it nice to see these Broke Straight Boys models we all idolize in episodes but are equally nice off the set in an informal interchange of ideas, jokes, and opinions as well. I loved seeing their reaction to the posts on the forum. I really liked when they began reading posts off the forum from the likes of Mikeyank, Tampa24, Beth, Ms. Kianna, and others I forgot (Please excuse my short-term memory lapse). I was especially pleased they acknowledged they had such a well formed appreciation for these frequent posters.

Having an ego myself, I was delighted to hear Colin (one of my favorites of all time) read one of my posts as well with Colins added comments. It is so rewarding to hear your own words written in describing how I feel about that specific model, Colin. WOW!!! It made me think to myself, that's my big beautiful sexy boy! Colin, let me tell you, you made me one happy old man! I want to say sincerely "Thank-you Colin" from the bottom of my heart! And may I add I found you to be more handsome than ever in this very interview! I hope to see you in many more episodes on Broke Straight Boys

While these guys are not the only guys on Broke Straight Boys, they surely constitute the majority of Broke Straight Boys Royalty in the minds of most members. The overwhelming attitude that all of these guys possess is they "bring a positive work-ethic to the Broke Straight Boys studio" and "they bring a sincere desire to please their audience". For these reasons, I have no higher praise to offer!

I look forward to many more episodes with these models and some more BTS interviews just as lively and funloving as this! You guys have my deepest respect:thumbup::smiley-love001::001_wub:



PS My thanks goes out to Clay:smiley-love021: for making this BTS scene happen in the first place. I so appreciated this little get together. It was perfect!
Awwwwwwwww, they are such nice guys. I just wish that CHAD:001_wub: would have done more talking. He seems kind of quiet and maybe shy, but maybe he just didn't want to compete with Bobby and Darren...........not saying that Bobby and Darren talk a lot, or anything.:smile:

And I totally agree with CHAD, the cum on the face is the worst part. They should definitely say that it is against the Broke Straight Boys rules to get any cum on my beautiful CHAD.:thumbup1:

After all, if Jimmy doesn't have to bottom..................
Awwwwwwwww, they are such nice guys. I just wish that CHAD:001_wub: would have done more talking. He seems kind of quiet and maybe shy, ...

I agree with you on this, Ms.K, but you know what they say about those quiet and shy types ... once you get them in bed, they're anything but...
at least that has been my experience back in the day.

I agree with you on this, Ms.K, but you know what they say about those quiet and shy types ... once you get them in bed, they're anything but...at least that has been my experience back in the day.

So true Stowe. You have to watch those shy, quiet types. When the bedroom door closes they can turn into some really kinky freaks. lol
I want to thank Clay for doing these videos for us. It was so nice to see so many of all our top favorite models all together at one time and interacting with one another. And they all looked scrumptious in their undies too! lol

I wonder at times if they realize how much so many of us in here care for them as people beyond just their bodies and their performances. I feel a special attachment to Colin because he just seems so genuinely nice. With both of us being Scorpios I think we have rather similar personalities and perspectives on the world around us. I really appreciate the kind words he directed towards me. :thankyou:

He melted my heart when he said in a post a while back something to the effect that he had been a nobody living his life in obscurity before Broke Straight Boys Now that he had videos out he was just overwhelmed by all the positive attention. Colin always was a special person. Coming to the site just allowed more people to meet him and see what a wonderful person he really was and is. Even before more of the world was introduced to you Colin, you were always a unique and special man. xo

To reiterate what I said earlier though I think that all of the beautiful men in this interview (including dear, sweet Kodi of course) are some of the best on the site. Beyond all your physical beauty ( of which you all have plenty of) we viewers also have the most fervent hope that you are happy in your personal lives. We wish you all nothing but the best, wherever the river of life carries you...now and into the future. :001_smile:
I have to honestly say that I found this thirty minute BTS more entertaining than anything that I have seen on a sex update in months. I loved every minute of it.

Over this past weekend, I had commented when a member suggested that they bring back some of the older veteran guys from Broke Straight Boys-1, that while I didn't necessarily want to see the older guy's back, I did miss the more personal interviewing style of David, and how we rarely got to "know" the current models, and how getting a sense of who these guys are, makes the sex so much hotter for me. Handsome young guys having gay sex are available all over the net, but the back stories and the personal connection to the guys is what has always turned me on, on this site.

Well, Clay sure took care of my concerns with this masterpiece. Connor and Chad were fairly reserved in this setting, but we did get to hear from both of them, and I enjoyed hearing from them too. The star of this scene to me was Bobby. That kid has a hell of a personality, and always brings a smile to my face, as he is so laid back, and has an innate sense of confidence about himself. If I could meet two of the models on the site, I would love to hang out with Bobby and Jimmy, as they seem like real fun guys, who would make me laugh, as well as turn me on with their good looks.

Colin looked absolutely fantastic. His body has never been better and I like the somewhat longer hair style as well. And he is truly a gentleman, and an honest seemingly open book as well. My two biggest surprises from this interview scene were Darren and Anthony. Neither were a favorite of mine prior to viewing this, but I have a new admiration for both. I loved Anthony's facial expressions and his honesty about bottoming, and Darren turned out to be an intelligent handsome guy, who gave me negative vibe's in his sex scenes, but I now think that he is a cool guy.

I watched the first half, with Clay asking questions and was blown away by the format and the responses, and had intended to write these comments, but then when the guy's started reading our comments from the forum, it got even more interesting.

Thanks to the guy's and to Clay for the nice things that they said about me, and my friends, Ms. K, Tampa, Stimpy, Abe and the other's. By directly connecting to us, based on our comments makes for an even stronger bond between the performers and the audience.

My final comment is that while this wasn't a sex video, the guys stripped to their shorts was way hot, and the best part was Bobby almost constantly stroking his cock through his shorts throughout the interview. We didn't get any close ups, but it sure looked like Bobby was hard some of the time, as he could not keep his hands off his cock, and my attention was constantly diverted between whoever was talking, and Bobby's crotch.

Please present more of these kind of BTS, guy's. I absolutely loved it.

A big thank you to all of the models. Clay and the crew. Stuff like this will keep me a member here long into the foreseeable future.
I couldn't agree more with you Mike. I wish it could have been me writing every word of what you said above. Because that's how i felt about the guys and Clay also. That was a very well written post. This was such an unexpected treat. Interviews like this are why I joined Broke Straight Boys as a reality site and why I've been here for years now. You can see gorgeous men having sex all over the web. But you will rarely get to see them in an unscripted moment or be able to relate them as much more than 2 dimensional sexual objects.

It's moments like this that we can see them our models here as real human beings with their own lives, their own personalities, and their own hopes and dreams for the future.

Having said that it was a nice touch to have them in their underwear. (And Kodi shirtless) It's nice to be able to admire their physical beauty in all of its youthful glory without them being nude. It was very tasteful though that none of them were naked. That would have ruined the feeling of intimacy we gained with them here. If that makes sense...

I'd love to comment further but I am in a bit of a rush at the moment.

Thank you Clay for bringing this to us!
Sorry can you tell me about the cooking scene missed something here.
I really enjoys the back scene interview, was spontaneous and great. Could have got excluded the forum part. Time consuming and not interesting. Questions were benign enough. Benign is the word. More interested in why these gay for pay guys do the shoots. Still don't believe that someone would do something for money (more than one time) that they felt was not them!! I think they just enjoy sex with no stereotypes, mist prefer women but will do guys for money in a video but I also think if they saw the right guy in a bar they would go for it.
Aside form Logan's interview, that was, for me, the best BTS ever. I didn't particularly like the reading of comments. Not that there is anything wrong with it, it's just that the boys seemed to have some problems reading. I noticed that when Bobby, JAime and Jimmy read forum comments. Maybe if someone had already had chosen the comments, and read them to the boys, and then have the boys comment, it would have been smoother. Just saying.

Bobby is a treat anytime, but between him and Darren, I felt that the other boys did not get to speak up as much, I was more interested in hearing from CHAD, and CONNOR. Don't get me wrong, but Colin posts enough on the forum that I feel like I know him somewhat, and Bobby has already done the interview. Darren, though he came across more personable in this interview, I could do without. And Anthony just provokes no interest for me. I wanted more Chad and Connor.

Still, I enjoyed the whole thing. And then there was Kodi. He can fry my bologna anytime he wants! Actually, I'd rather fry his bologna, between my lips!

Thanks to all involved for a great BTS!
I have to honestly say that I found this thirty minute BTS more entertaining than anything that I have seen on a sex update in months. I loved every minute of it.

Over this past weekend, I had commented when a member suggested that they bring back some of the older veteran guys from Broke Straight Boys-1, that while I didn't necessarily want to see the older guy's back, I did miss the more personal interviewing style of David, and how we rarely got to "know" the current models, and how getting a sense of who these guys are, makes the sex so much hotter for me. Handsome young guys having gay sex are available all over the net, but the back stories and the personal connection to the guys is what has always turned me on, on this site.

Well, Clay sure took care of my concerns with this masterpiece. Connor and Chad were fairly reserved in this setting, but we did get to hear from both of them, and I enjoyed hearing from them too. The star of this scene to me was Bobby. That kid has a hell of a personality, and always brings a smile to my face, as he is so laid back, and has an innate sense of confidence about himself. If I could meet two of the models on the site, I would love to hang out with Bobby and Jimmy, as they seem like real fun guys, who would make me laugh, as well as turn me on with their good looks.

Colin looked absolutely fantastic. His body has never been better and I like the somewhat longer hair style as well. And he is truly a gentleman, and an honest seemingly open book as well. My two biggest surprises from this interview scene were Darren and Anthony. Neither were a favorite of mine prior to viewing this, but I have a new admiration for both. I loved Anthony's facial expressions and his honesty about bottoming, and Darren turned out to be an intelligent handsome guy, who gave me negative vibe's in his sex scenes, but I now think that he is a cool guy.

I loved this video/interview also. And even though I am not the most unbiased on the matter...ahemm...LOL...I thought Colin looked great! He just comes across so well in any format. Whether he's performing on set or just chatting on camera, he comes across as such a nice guy. You really get the sense with Colin that what you see is what you get. That the personality we adore on screen is what he is really like off screen. And I am partial to him with longer hair. lol But I would still have luv for Colin even if he was bald. :blush:

I agree with Mike that one of the surprises was how much personality Darren showed. Darren performs very well in the sex scenes, yet we had never been given much sense of what he was like as a person. He has always (to me) seemed rather reserved and distant. It was really a pleasure to see him in moments where he was kind of letting his hair down, so to speak. I think he impressed alot of us with his quick wit and intelligence. We got to see him as less of a stick figure cardboard model and more as a person. Judging from the reaction I think that many of us liked what we saw. :thumbup1:

Again, interviews like this and the introductory conversations before the start of sex scenes are part of what I enjoy so much about a reality site such as this one.

A good job by all! :thankyou:
BTS was amazing

Wow --> what more can I say. :smiley-love001::smiley-love001::smiley-love001:
Loved the interview scene (am even more infatuated with all the models now, although always have a keen spot for Chad).
Kodi is an adonis!! I could have watched him burn water and still enjoyed it immensley. But I have to agree with Stowe1, I would love to see a pairing of Kodi and Chad --> sensual, kissing, flip-flop and finally (Chad's favourite :scared:) a face full of cum!! Now that would be a scene I would die for.

**Dare I say it for fear of the backlash - but I would almost be happy to give up an update every fortnight to watch a BTS scene similar to this one (as long as all our favourites remain Kodi, Chad, Kodi, Chad, Conner, Bobby, Colin, Kodi, Chad etc)**

Cheers Lads
I agree wholeheartedly that it is great spending time with the models in an informal interview. I think it would be good to solicit questions from the members prior to these interviews. I was interested in the question: What's worse, kissing or getting cum in the face? Are the models that averse to kissing as to compare it with being cummed on? I'm glad most chose the latter as worse, even Chad (I don't think he really likes dealing with cum that much.) I think a kiss adds a level of intimacy that makes a scene sizzle.

And speaking of sizzling, I think Kodi making fried bologna sandwiches was hotter than a lot of sex scenes on Broke Straight Boys That kid melts my butter. I said before that he and Chad together would probably give me a heart attack, but I'm willing to risk it. It's great to hear how much they like each other. Hurray for bologna and popcorn! Now I'm starting to feel like a dirty old man so I'm going to stop. But these two behind the scenes vids are better than all the Pride vids and hotel tell alls put together. MORE...please.