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My first Interview


Well-known Member
Dec 1, 2009
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
While having problems with my internet, I dug deep into promoting my small press, and getting our upcoming releases finished up. I had my first interview over the weekend, and thought some of you may find it of interest. I talk about everything from my work-what it's like being an editor, small press issues, poetry, etc. It was conducted by fellow writer Kody Boye, and while I stammer and ah and uh my way through it, I thought it was pretty good for my first time. If anyone is interetsed in hearing it, you can listen to it here


Or click a link and d/l it from itunes. It runs about an hour.
Congratulations Scott! :waw:

Thank you! I was pretty nervous, but it's opened up other interviews including a big one this October!

Sorry I missed you at Pride last week too. Money and some personal issues kept me from going. :/
Terrific to hear what you sound like! More forumites should record messages and post the links. Your voice is the same one we've been reading, so no surprise there. But I bet some of the people who inhabit the forum have voices we wouldn't have suspected.

If anyone else thinks it's an interesting idea to say something we can all listen to, thank Scott for the initiative and do a recording.
Terrific to hear what you sound like! More forumites should record messages and post the links. Your voice is the same one we've been reading, so no surprise there. But I bet some of the people who inhabit the forum have voices we wouldn't have suspected.

If anyone else thinks it's an interesting idea to say something we can all listen to, thank Scott for the initiative and do a recording.
Terrific to hear what you sound like! More forumites should record messages and post the links. Your voice is the same one we've been reading, so no surprise there. But I bet some of the people who inhabit the forum have voices we wouldn't have suspected.

If anyone else thinks it's an interesting idea to say something we can all listen to, thank Scott for the initiative and do a recording.

Thanks Slim! Yeah, there's not as lot of difference between me on the forums and real life.

That's a great idea, and if anyone is interested in doing that, saynow.com let's you record messages for people to listen to.
Thank you! I was pretty nervous, but it's opened up other interviews including a big one this October!

Sorry I missed you at Pride last week too. Money and some personal issues kept me from going. :/

No problem as I couldn't make it up due to BD and family commitments. Wasn't an easy choice let me tell you, but I found solace in the fact that I got to meet the big boys and Tyler. I just know everyone had a blast with the boys, they're great at that.
Congratulations, great job too by the way. Don't be so hard on yourself. this was pretty good. Just think from here it will only get better.:001_smile::001_cool: