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Well-known Member
Jun 2, 2010
Reaction score
When I saw the announcement I knew it would be bingo again and how!Gave it a 5 and if Mike is still available,wish
you would ask him back.Almost all members would welcome it I think.All right he bottomed only once and did
not like it but who knows.Things can change.After all it also took a couple of years before Austin Grant bottomed
for late Dustin Michaels first time and other shoots followed
in which he did.Try again to talk Mike into it.Besides there
are smaller dicks then the one Diesal has isn't it and the
color of money...:lol:
Request for Flip-Flop with Jordan and MikeR

I assume my request is probably too late, if MikeR has already left the Broke Straight Boys stable. However, I cannot imagine a better fucking than the Jordan/MikeR tag team getting tag teamed. Just a little of their own medicine.

This would even things up and make the unnecessary roughness they are famous for their ultimate fate. Remember, this is coming from a believer and devout follower of MikeR. I am more than put out with today's matchup with MikeR and Leon. I have to wonder if MikeR is deaf for him not to notice the pain Leon was in. Riding as Leon's top means Leon is pretty much at the mercy of MikeR. I am not happy with what I am seeing.

Perhaps, this is deliberate on MikeR's part. You know, if you never plan to return, why not burn a few bridges like Leon, for one. I am pretty fed up with MikeR.

I only recommended the flip-flop because it would be the ultimate in PAIN for the tag-team of Pain. Perhaps they might need a trip to the hospital as a consequence of their own unnecessary roughness with each other. I am beginning to wonder if MikeR knows the difference between a living, breathing human and a 4-wheeler ATV?
I assume my request is probably too late, if MikeR has already left the Broke Straight Boys stable. However, I cannot imagine a better fucking than the Jordan/MikeR tag team getting tag teamed. Just a little of their own medicine.

This would even things up and make the unnecessary roughness they are famous for their ultimate fate. Remember, this is coming from a believer and devout follower of MikeR. I am more than put out with today's matchup with MikeR and Leon. I have to wonder if MikeR is deaf for him not to notice the pain Leon was in. Riding as Leon's top means Leon is pretty much at the mercy of MikeR. I am not happy with what I am seeing.

Perhaps, this is deliberate on MikeR's part. You know, if you never plan to return, why not burn a few bridges like Leon, for one. I am pretty fed up with MikeR.
I only recommended the flip-flop because it would be the ultimate in PAIN for the tag-team of Pain. Perhaps they might need a trip to the hospital as a consequence of their own unnecessary roughness with each other. I am beginning to wonder if MikeR knows the difference between a living, breathing human and a 4-wheeler ATV?

Ahh... the famous Eye for an Eye defense.
How perfectly medieval of you.

It amazes me how you can condem the actions of MikeR for causing Leon (sigh) pain, and in the same breath wish to see MikeR, (and Jordan, who was'nt even in the scene) subjected to worse pain than what he caused in the first place! (ie: "a trip to the hospital" ) I am surprised you did'nt suggest Diesal fuck MikeR raw without lube!!
Maybe that will follow in another post.

As for Leon (sigh), he himself said he was surprised it did NOT hurt as much as he thought it would, and in fact, admitted to some pleasure.. "you will see it in my face.." Perhaps you did not stick around to watch the parting interview. It ended with a fist bump and Leon (sigh) inviting MikeR to go "shopping"

Maybe the Golden Child, Leon (sigh) , is a lot tougher than you think.

- Jason
i wasn't going to watch this update, mike and leon do nothing for my third leg. i'll give it a watch tonight.
Leons statement on pain, a

Ahh... the famous Eye for an Eye defense.
How perfectly medieval of you.

It amazes me how you can condem the actions of MikeR for causing Leon (sigh) pain, and in the same breath wish to see MikeR, (and Jordan, who was'nt even in the scene) subjected to worse pain than what he caused in the first place! (ie: "a trip to the hospital" ) I am surprised you did'nt suggest Diesal fuck MikeR raw without lube!!
Maybe that will follow in another post.

As for Leon (sigh), he himself said he was surprised it did NOT hurt as much as he thought it would, and in fact, admitted to some pleasure.. "you will see it in my face.." Perhaps you did not stick around to watch the parting interview. It ended with a fist bump and Leon (sigh) inviting MikeR to go "shopping"

Maybe the Golden Child, Leon (sigh) , is a lot tougher than you think.

- Jason

Perhaps this flew in one ear and out the other. Leon stated as far as pain was concerned, it would be an 8 out of 10, No, it isn't an 11 out of 10. He did state that he was surprised he did derive some pleasure but he first mentioned the pain rating and in more precise terms. For the record I did watch the entire video is disappointment for what appears to be a growing trend.

For me to say anything negative about MikeR is like abandoning my first born. I thought I would never see the day I could see something negative about MikeR and always wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt. I think my past posts more than verify this. Mike has in a fuck scene with Jordan and Mike's personal friend. This was followed by the last two releases this week with JJ, Logan, and Kenneth and now with Logan again, these scenes were distasteful and difficult to watch and especially someone I admire so much as MikeR. Read my post in the Thread about the orgy scene. I just submitted it today after much tought, Medival if it pleases you.

I mentioned Jordan because MikeR has changed so much since teaming up with Jordan. I am not saying either one is particularly bad, but put them together and MikeR sinks to a new low in my eyes. Listening to MikeR's interview with David(unrelated to these specific scenes) Mike shared the fact that Jordan and he speak daily by phone and it appears their interactions encourage this "unnecessary roughness" when initiating anal sex. When Mike was a side observer of watching his buddy from Key West get fucked by Jordan and it was his the first time for MikeR's buddy, I thought MikeR was going to intercede for his longtime friend. On the contrary, he joined in offering his friend his dick to suck and at some point he took over and fucked his friend with only the slightest reduction in roughness. His friend was almost crying in pain. That is what offends me so.

When you say my recommendation is medival, MikeR did momentarily agree to bottoming in his episode with Drew (10/20/09) until moments later Mike called a halt to it cause it was too painful and he wasn't going to have it stretched out of shape. I only suggested the lovefest between Jordan and Mike as a remedy for their lack of consideration for the bottom -- the person totally at Mike and Jordan's mercy. While I don't agree in forcing every model to bottom, I do feel they need to have a taste of their own medicine. I don't think this is a medival concept. I feel the unnecessary roughness is primarily due to them never being fucked in the ass. Therefore, they don't have the necessary consideration needed to show some much needed kindness to the bottoms. There is no need to tear someone's ass up unless it is for the enrichment of your own ego. That is a sad statement about their personal character and integrity as a man. Because I held him so highly in my mind, In MikeR's case this really pains me to realize this in him.

You can look at this as medival, i guess but Jordan's and MikeR's attitude towards their sexual partner was debasing and cruel. My medival proposal came about after much thought on my part and if we want to take this reality aspect to their recent conclusion, wouldn't it only be fitting to have them and others of this thoughtlessness have a learning experience so they know what it is like on the receiving end. To my knowledge, Jordan has never topped and Leon could not withstand just a few minutes of a much milder degree of ass play. This is not a Sunday School Class and "turning the other cheek" is an altogether different concept that what most of us were taught as children and y oung adults.
I agree with cumrag. Those who refuse to bottom, and have never experienced it before, lack a crucial bit of perspective when they top others. This doesn't necessarily mean they will be inconsiderate tops, but surely having the experience may make them more empathetic. Speaking more specifically on what cumrag alluded to, it seems clear to me (just personal opinion) that Leon is more brave as well as more professional than MikeR or Jordan in this respect.

Oh, I'm sorry jasonaz, it's "Leon (sigh)" of course. Anyone who likes him must be appropriately disparaged.
A response to Jason's eye for an eye

Ahh... the famous Eye for an Eye defense.
How perfectly medieval of you.

It amazes me how you can condem the actions of MikeR for causing Leon (sigh) pain, and in the same breath wish to see MikeR, (and Jordan, who was'nt even in the scene) subjected to worse pain than what he caused in the first place! (ie: "a trip to the hospital" ) I am surprised you did'nt suggest Diesal fuck MikeR raw without lube!!
Maybe that will follow in another post.

As for Leon (sigh), he himself said he was surprised it did NOT hurt as much as he thought it would, and in fact, admitted to some pleasure.. "you will see it in my face.." Perhaps you did not stick around to watch the parting interview. It ended with a fist bump and Leon (sigh) inviting MikeR to go "shopping"

Maybe the Golden Child, Leon (sigh) , is a lot tougher than you think.

- Jason

Dear Jason,

This was posted earlier today in the thread on the "orgy scene". After writing this response two days ago, I wanted to give it sufficient time and really think it through. It starts with my comments on the 7/19/10 episode. Please read this first and then return to the following response.

Does that really sound medieval? Before abusive Broke Straight Boys models have any understanding, they need to see what their unnecessary roughness is like on the receiving end. When MikeR bottomed in the episode with Drew (10/26/09), basically MikeR couldn't take it and insisted the ass fucking come to a screeching halt. In this episode there was no unnecessary roughness for MikeR to complain about. Drew had just inserted his dick head up Mike's ass. To the best of my information, Jordan has never bottomed on Broke Straight Boys and Mike claims to be straight without any M2M sexual contact outside the studio. Yet the tag-teaming they so fondly make reference to is based on almost total ignorance of the act of anal sex. They are attempting only to tear up some asses and do as much damage as they mutually can.

Yes, Jason. You are right Jordan did not appear in this particular 7/21/10 episode but negative influences started showing in both their episodes when they started to put their heads together as if anal sex scenes were comparable to the professional wrestling jargon of "tag-teaming". Early anal sex scenes for both Mike and Jordan showed them taking great care and no unnecessary roughness toward their early partners was observed. However, take some time and follow their progression. In an earlier interview between MikeR and David, Mike admitted to calling Jordan on the phone almost daily as best friends would and talking about events at Broke Straight Boys It all sounds pretty innocent up to now. Unfortunately for their bottoming partners, the term "tag-teaming" was code for a steady progression of ever increasing roughness when it came to their bottoming partners. I first took note of this when MikeR and Jordan were in a scene with Mike's friend Preston. Mike agreed to sit on the sidelines during the shoot rather than have sex with one of his buddies. Right off Preston was being treated roughly by Jordan and Mike, who was sitting nearby in a separate chair, was there only as an observer. Preston began thrashing around in pain due to Jordan's roughness. Mike got out of his chair and began taking his clothes off. I assumed as consolation to Preston, Mike now offered his erect dick for Preston to suck on and soothe him down. I thought at least Mike's actions were to help his buddy keep distracted from the pain by sucking on Mike's dick. Further roughness continued from Jordan so, Mike stepped up to the plate and said let me take a turn or some such directed at Preston. In my hopes I thought Mike was there to comfort and smooth the ruffled feathers of his buddy(Preston) until Mike continued fucking Preston with the same gusto as Jordan had. It was only much, much later when Preston was squirming so that Mike finally lightened up on his ass just a little. You can check out this 11/9/09 episode and see for yourself! I guess friendship didn't count for much when looking out for his buddy--Preston.

I may be "old-fashioned" and maybe even Medieval but I believe a core value of life asking no more than this... "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". I don't think I am asking for revenge, I am only asking they take responsibility for their actions(that too may be Medieval). Since no one has ever treated MikeR or Jordan with the same disregard(unnecessary roughness) and disrespect referred to earlier, it is only a matter of simple fairness that I reluctantly proposed Jordan and MikeR participate is equally rough fuck fest of the same intensity to get a dose of their own medicine. A dose they have been dishing out for too long! Call it revenge, if it pleases you! Yes it was absolutely STUPID of me to reference being hospitalized. I, too. can get carried away, but only with WORDS and not actual PAIN.

Somehow, inconsiderate Broke Straight Boys models need to think about the human being they are toying with and bring them back to the 21st century! People can break.

My words are just that, words! It is my hope that some softening of attitudes develop among Broke Straight Boys models when viewing other Broke Straight Boys models as mere worthless, sub-human meat. Creating pain for the bottoms is of no consequence to me! Remember, were it not for the bottoms, the tops would not have so locrative monetary rewards offered them on Broke Straight Boys After work the bottoms return home to their families that love and care for them just like the rest of us. Bottoms are not second-class citizens!

Concerning the Golden Child LEON, I would ask you to again listen to his response to David in today's video. First on his agenda was to comment on his pain level and, if parenthetically, Leon added his surprise about some sensation of pleasure. If I were talking about an orgasm brought on by you, wouldn't you feel the least bit slighted if I began describing the orgasm you induced as an 8 out of 10 for pain before remembering to also mention my surprise at the sensation of pleasure as a mere afterthought?
Two postings are not exactly duplicates. My error!

My apology for inadvertently posting my first response to Jason. My computer lost this first reply so I had to reinvent it for this second reply. I did not realize my original response went through afterall.:lol:
Thanks for the support!

I agree with cumrag. Those who refuse to bottom, and have never experienced it before, lack a crucial bit of perspective when they top others. This doesn't necessarily mean they will be inconsiderate tops, but surely having the experience may make them more empathetic. Speaking more specifically on what cumrag alluded to, it seems clear to me (just personal opinion) that Leon is more brave as well as more professional than MikeR or Jordan in this respect.

Oh, I'm sorry jasonaz, it's "Leon (sigh)" of course. Anyone who likes him must be appropriately disparaged.

The post you responded to was a work-in-progress that I somehow lost. Since I could not bring it back up, I did not know it actually posted. I posted an approximation of my first message and it has fewer errors than the copy you responded to.

Thanks for the support anyway!
One cannot "force" a guy to bottom, to do that is called rape which is illegal. These guys only do what they are prepared to do for the money and nothing else. Today's film is a good example; at the very beginning Dave asked if they would kiss and both said no, which of course they did not do.

Regarding Leon, sure I like him a lot and so far his best scene is the one in the hotel bedroom. I do fear that at present he is becoming too over exposed (see the last few updates and the upcoming ones), and that they could have been split up a bit.
One cannot "force" a guy to bottom, to do that is called rape which is illegal. These guys only do what they are prepared to do for the money and nothing else. Today's film is a good example; at the very beginning Dave asked if they would kiss and both said no, which of course they did not do.

Regarding Leon, sure I like him a lot and so far his best scene is the one in the hotel bedroom. I do fear that at present he is becoming too over exposed (see the last few updates and the upcoming ones), and that they could have been split up a bit.

Short, sweet and to the point, that's what I love about you Jon! -J
I think Leon is hell bent on being a gay for pay porn model. He is open to everything he's asked to do and even after this rough sex with MikeR, he came out smiling. At least he doesn't moan and complain. He is probably the most good natured model I've ever seen on the site. I think some of it is artifice because if he's really straight he'd be more reluctant to do the nasties, but he's decided to take it all in stride. I think over time he'll be a decent bottom. It's also obvious that he's well educated, unlike many of the other models. I was amazed to hear him mention bol gogi after the scene. He mentioned it in the context of Chinese food, but it is Korean. At the very least he's been exposed to more than a lot of the others.
As far as Mike R goes, he's always a pleasure to watch and he is definitely into fucking guys. A bi-sexual is born. If he has indeed left, I'm sorry to see him go, but face it, these guys have a definite shelf life.:thumbup1:

One cannot "force" a guy to bottom, to do that is called rape which is illegal.

Are you serious? What is the point of such a hyperbolic straw man? Someone said they wanted to see some overly aggressive tops get to bottom for a change. Where in the hell do you get "force" out of that? Or is this just your method of shutting a conversation down?
Lighten up.........It's Only a Porn Flick

.................Mike shared the fact that Jordan and he speak daily by phone and it appears their interactions encourage this "unnecessary roughness" when initiating anal sex................When Mike was a side observer of watching his buddy from Key West get fucked by Jordan and it was his the first time for MikeR's buddy, I thought MikeR was going to intercede for his longtime friend. On the contrary, he joined in offering his friend his dick to suck and at some point he took over and fucked his friend with only the slightest reduction in roughness. His friend was almost crying in pain. That is what offends me so.
For the guys who are so offended by Mike's rough fucking of his bottoms, please keep in mind this is not real life, it is only a porn shoot, and there is a director, David, and his assistant Tyler, and Eddie all present during the shoot in a controlled environment. If anyone from D&E thought that a shoot was going "too far", they would out a halt to it.

This is not real life, it is pornography, a scene created for the wanking pleasure of the audience. Think of these scenes the same way you watch an action movie or a television show. It is not a documentary featuring "wild animals" in a jungle. It is a show for us, based on reality. I think that some members of the forum are taking the rough fucking to a level that is over the top.

I say enjoy the scenes, or not. If you don't like an update, hit the stop button, close the screen, and wait two or three days, and hopefully you will enjoy the next scene more.

Mick Jagger said, "It's Only Rock N' Roll", and I say the same thing here. :thumbup:
IMHO the most painful fuck in the Broke Straight Boys ouvre was Wes getting fucked by Casey who has a BIG cock. There is pain and no perkiness the instant it was over. Also number of fucking scenes have been stopped by one of the participants in the posed scenes. I imagine a lot more haven't been posted. I liked this scene and the foursome and don't plan to apologize for it.