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Messing Around With Mike

Some of the most significant changes in this piece were in the story with Shelly. Mike had arranged for her to come over one night for the three of us to play. She was a year behind me in school. In the story I say she was thirteen. She probably was twelve. Solo Touch won't publish a story with kids under the age of thirteen.

One change is in her name. It wasn't Shelly. That is the name of my ex-wife. If she ever found out I'd used her name in a piece of porn, she'd kill me. But then, she is my ex-wife. We're now friends but she has many reasons to kill me.

I really tried to take my ego out of writing Messing Around With Mike but I did let it show up in this story. When I stripped down - my first time being nude in front of a girl -I had a boner. While that's in the story, what Mike and Shelly made me do is not. They insisted I put on a rubber. I'd made them stand outside the tent to show off their nakedness and they thought this was only fair play. I was embarrassed enough by my exposed hard-on. I didn't want to emphasis it by putting on a condom. I had no choice. They laughed as I put it on. I felt very small, no matter how large my dick was at this moment. When later Shelly was handling my cock and I blasted, I came in the rubber. I just wanted to hide but there's no shelter in a tent with three nude teenagers. So in my version of this story, I don't wear a rubber. Mike and Shelly can put it in theirs.

I frankly will not go into the biggest change in the story with Shelly. As far as I know, Mike and Shelly are still alive. Horny teenagers deserve to have their young mistakes remain buried in time. All I will say is that things occurred that night which would have gotten us all in trouble with the law. Beyond that, I will assure you we entered the tent virgins and left virgins. Mike did cum while humping Shelly's belly and wearing a condom. I only came the one time Shelly handled my cock. What I wrote in Messing Around With Mike, beyond my admission above, is true. You don't need to know the rest.

So here are the untruths: Mike and I never jerked off naked in Fred's back yard although I did, sitting next to his picnic table. Mike and I did cum often on tables in my house instead. I exaggerated my involvement in giving Mike a hand job. Because of Solo Touch's rules, I had to eliminate anything but masturbation and dry humping, and I made some other small changes. Mike never rubbed his dick. Another partner of mine did. A personally embarrassing moment was eliminated. I kept things legal.

I feel safe in saying that Messing Around With Mike is 90% true. It may even be 95% true. The changes are all at the edges. It remains that Mike and I were very sexually active young teenagers who loved to play games, get naked in public, give each other hand jobs and rub our bodies against each other. And we liked to cum. We really liked to cum.
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