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Messing Around With Mike

Thank you Smiley. I found that the hottest chapter of your story, yet. I loved reading about you being dominated by Mike, and how much you loved pleasuring him, and how you jerked off one more time that day, after he had left, recalling all that had happened while he was at your house.

I can definitely relate to your wonderful story. :thumbup:
Thanks, Mike. :001_smile: I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. As a writer, it's nice to know that at least with you, I hit a home run to end Messing Around With Mike. I liked being dominated by Mike, too. :cool:

You of anybody must know of how often I jerked off after Mike left. You must have gone through the exact same thing after games with your buddies. We'd have a big day together and as soon as he'd go home, I'd still be so hot and bothered, I'd have to go to the bathroom and jack off one more time. I compared notes with Mike and he did the same.

I've got to add this fact to another story, just because it happened so often. The story of Mike and me playing Rub Off and then humping each other, followed by jacking throughout his house, ended this way. I write about walking home with a boner in my pants and it was such a sexy night, I remember that feeling better than much of the evening. As soon as I got home, I went right into the bathroom to jack off again. :cumshot:

One more post to wrap things up, including the time I saw Mike years later, and we'll be done.
The conclusion of Messing Around With Mike:

Mike and I stayed jerk off buddies, messing around and playing our games, for at the most eighteen months. It probably was a month or two less. Our relationship ended because just before he turned sixteen, Mike’s family moved away. But even before that our sessions were winding down. We were seeing less of each other because we plain ran out of new games and our jerk off sessions got boring. I mean, really, how many times can you hogtie and gag a naked guy? Once should be enough, don’t you think?

Another reason was both of our parents started to get really suspicious that we were doing something illegal, immoral or dangerous together. Or maybe they knew. When they questioned us about what we were doing, they always asked about drugs, which curiously was one vice we didn’t do. The never quizzed either of us about having sex, or even hinted at it, and after Mike moved the subject was dropped so I never found out what mine had learned or suspected. Being concerned parents, they knew enough to tighten the leash. Our parents started calling each other, checking up on our alibis. That evening we spent together in his fold-out bed, humping for the first time? I lied to my parents, telling them Mike’s folks would be home and it was OK with them for me to spend the night. Toward the end, our folks would have sniffed out a lie like that immediately. They also instituted a rule that we couldn’t be together unless a parent was around so if I said I was going to Mike’s, my mom would call his house first to make sure his mother was there. During our last few months, it got very difficult for Mike and me to spend extended unsupervised time together. It was then we both ditched school one day to mess around. We got away with that one, too. On other days we still had the avocado tree. We’d go under it when my mother was home, keeping an eye on us. She never got wise to that.

While writing this I have wondered, will anybody will believe this story? Could two teenagers in 1960s white bread America have been so horny, so into jacking, so risk taking, so stupid, and frankly, so into cum? The answer is yes, this is what happened. This is my life. Mike, and his name really is Mike, and I did all this stuff. Look at it from my perspective. When I was thirteen, I had a best buddy who would accept, fulfill and even expand most any sexual fantasy I could come up with, and the same was true for him. Wouldn’t you have gone there? Wouldn’t you, too, have explored that side of yourself? If you could have been this sexually active when you were thirteen and fourteen, wouldn’t you have been, too?

Our young ages completely colored Mike’s and my sex. You can say the sexual fantasies we acted out were juvenile. Guess what? We were juveniles. Our striping games, domination play, bondage, public nudity, excessive masturbation and fetish for semen are exactly what you’d expect from thirteen to fifteen year old boys. OK, maybe not the semen. But we didn’t just play juvenile games. Mike and I weren’t there only for the cum shots. Our relationship was much deeper. We were into each other. There was an intimacy underlying our domination games. Our needs and desires were definitely being considered. I cared for Mike and he cared for me. We cut each other a lot of slack to let the other boy express himself sexually. We had incredible trust in each other, the only relationship I’ve ever had where that trust was never broken. For as long as it lasted, we were a good pair. My first sexual relationship was a successful one. We allowed each other full and free expression of our sexual desires, supported each other in fulfilling those desires, and gave the other boy room for personal growth. We even knew when the other guy needed a hug. Not too bad for a couple of young teenagers.

One day when I was a senior in high school, Mike rang the doorbell to my house. He’d been gone from town for years but was back for a visit. We ended up in the backyard, catching up. Now living in Arizona, he was in college. Mike said he was no longer a virgin and had a steady girlfriend. I believed him but told him I was still one. At that point, I’d only had a few dates with girls. Besides being older, Mike was always more aggressive than me. We sat on my old swing set next to the avocado tree. I asked Mike if he remembered what we’d done under its branches. He said of course he did. We laughed about a few of our times together, the crazy ones, including our mad, nude dash out of the house to avoid being caught by my mom, his hogtying me and the Boner Run, and agreed we were stupider than slugs back then. I told him I now knew the correct mechanics for a blow job. Did he want to go under the avocado tree for old time’s sake and have one more afternoon of fun? Mike said no. I was OK with that. He soon left. Really, without the sex, once we’d made sure each other was fine, there was nothing there. Still, part of me wishes he’d said, “Sure, let’s mess around.” It would have fit the let’s-try-something-new attitude of our best times together. We would have had to play a game of HORSE to see who would have to strip and give the first blow job, and I would have made sure the blow jobs went both ways, with each required to give and receive. I’m also certain we would have made each other swallow. Surely Mike would have insisted I finally eat his spunk.
I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every post here, Smiley! Thank you so much for sharing these intimate details of your life with us.
Thank you, ladies. I'm glad you liked it. I think it's a dynamite story, too. :001_smile: I'm gratified I drew you into the emotions from that time, Ms. K. Hopefully I made you laugh somewhere along the way, too.

I really appreciate being able to post this here. Seeing my writing in a new light has been invaluable to me. Many modifications, edits and rewrites have resulted. Messing Around With Mike is a better piece because of this exposure. It's been like taking a Broadway play out of town for tryouts before revealing it on the Great White Way. Think of this as going to a Spider-Man preview, without the risk of serious injury. :001_tongue:

I'm going to put Messing Around With Mike away for a week, to try and make it fresh before a last edit. I also think I'm going to print it out and do the final edit with a proverbial red pen. Then I'll submit it to Solo Touch. I'll be interested on how they'll post it. I'm going to encourage them to serialize it, putting a teaser on their home page and publishing a section a week. When it's all done, they've agreed to hyperlink the seven parts together so it would make it readable in the future when somebody delves into their archives.

Thanks again, and I hope lurkers out there also got some enjoyment and maybe a boner from Messing Around With Mike. Jerk it off in Mike's honor, would ya?
I've been commenting on your story, throughout, Smiley, and it was a bitter sweet end to it, which reminded me a bit of the lyrics of the Peter Paul and Mary song, "Puff the Magic Dragon", when after Jackie no longer comes to play:

A dragon lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.
One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more
And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.

But you and Mike had a great ride, and you obviously remember it all, all these years later. Thank you Smiley, for a very entertaining, and thought provoking journey down memory lane.
I've always loved Peter, Paul and Mary. I'm a vinyl collector and I have all of their early records in good playing copies. Great call, mikeyank. And as for bittersweet, for every "happy ever after", life deals us a dozen bittersweets.

You already know how instrumental you've been in polishing this piece. I've taken yours and other folks suggestions to heart. Even in that last post, Broke Straight Boys forum members are there. I have a sentence on trust in the concluding section, but it existed only after Jayman01 and Ms. Kianna commented on the extreme trust Mike and I had in each other.

I'm still mulling over adding a short paragraph based on one of your comments, mikeyank. It would be on how my relationship with Mike set a pattern for all of my successful later relationships. The ones that have worked are the ones in which I could play second fiddle. Mike's domination over me was powerful. I certainly wrote that attitude into Messing Around With Mike, although I also show how our relationship was reciprocal. I'm not sure I want to be blatant in pushing this dichotomy at the end or just leave it implied. This is porn I'm writing, so blatant might be better.

Again, I wouldn't even be thinking about this if it hadn't been for you, mikeyank. Thank you very much for your contributions.

I'm resurrecting this thread because my story has been published! It is now up on Solo Touch.

For those to whom this is a new thread, I wrote a 22,000 word memoir about a jack off buddy I had when I was thirteen and fourteen. It's called Messing Around With Mike. Mike was year older than me and we beat off together three or four times a week for a year. While we never advanced to BJs, we were very physical with each other and loved that side of our relationship. We were also quite public with both nudity and our sex. We took great risks. I presented our story upthread in short bits, emphasizing the individual tales but not the whole relationship, which shows up more clearly in the new version now on the Interwebs. Even if you read the story here in this thread, I'd recommend you give the version just published a try. I think Mike's and my story is told much better this way.

I wrote Messing Around With Mike as a seven part narrative. Here is a link to Part 1. From there you can go to all the other parts.

Part 1 is a stand-alone, true, first-time story. Parts 2 and 3 are often expository but still have great sex, including an abuse scene unlike any other. It is also true; it has to be because I'm not creative enough to invent something like that. Things really get rolling in Part 4, with sexual adventure after sexual adventure, including much public nudity and the night Mike and I had a neighborhood girl over for an naked, cum-filled camp-out. In Parts 5, 6 and 7, I switch to the present tense to describe a dozen vignettes, giving the reader the depth and breadth of Mike's and my play together. You will see that it wasn't all just casual sex. We were also aggressive, angry and passionate, and for young teenagers, quite respectful of the other guy's needs and wants. To use the slang of the time, we were into each other. The story ends exploring these facts.

Messing Around With Mike would not be as good a read without the help of two posters on the Broke Straight Boys forum. The good works of both slimvintage and mikeyank are all over the piece. mikeyank was inspirational when it came to remembering what those days were like. He made me re-experience the joyous and explosive power of young, forbidden sex. Many times in PMs mikeyank described to me, better than I could, what I was like to be a teenager and have sex with another boy. Through him, I saw myself more clearly. slimvintage was the wordsmith, correcting my grammar but more importantly, using two words to say what took me eight. Where my writing is concise, you can thank slimvintage. I do. Neither took their jobs lightly. mike yank wrote often to me as I edited Messing Around With Mike and the document I got back from slimvintage had over 500 changes from the one I sent him. I cannot thank you guys enough. I love you. :001_wub:
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Thanks Smiley for your kind words, but I commented and discussed your story with you because i enjoyed it so much, as I related to my own "messing around with David" on the opposite coast of the U.S. from you at the same age as you and Mike.

You have every right to be proud of your finished product. Much like S.E. Hinton's "The Outsiders", your story is also a great coming of age story about love and trust. "Stay gold Ponyboy".
I think Messing Around With Mike is a must read on this forum, Smiley! It's wonderful and sensual and absolutely captivating! Thank you for sharing this story with us! XXXX

Dear man, thanks for bringing back Mike in his final form, and thanks for letting me be a part of the semi-final process (I know you kept on refining after my job was done). It was a real pleasure to proof it.


I had his manuscript for quite a while before sending it back. Having read it on the forum in bits and pieces I knew how good it was and felt a little daunted at the task he'd set me. I started after a while to get messages wondering what I'd gotten up to with Mike and why was it taking so long. In the end I did a marathon and stayed at it till dawn, much the best way since the changes I ended up suggesting were in that way all of a piece and not intuitions of the moment over the course of time. I'm sure you all have picked up from reading Smiley on the forum what a great person he is. Imagine then having the honor of a dialogue with him about the final form of his masterpiece. Good times. Thanks again mister.

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You three are all too kind. Thank you very much. As for your S.E. Hinton comparison, mikeyank, you're also too generous. I know my limitations. I'm James Patterson compared to her Raymond Chandler. And it's cool to hear how slim edited the piece. I would have done the same thing, putting it off until a marathon session. His editing did have a wholeness to it that now makes sense.

I would love to take Messing Around With Mike to the next level but I'm not sure how. I could expand it out to the length of a short novel by delving more into Mike's and my character. I was conscious in the writing process of the tug between character development and good stroking material. I almost always voted in favor of the latter. This is porn. I also could expand some of the stories. The one about Mike and me jumping into the concrete culvert naked that's in Part 4 was reduced to the barest of facts. It works this way but a multiple paragraph retelling of that story would look more into our risk taking and the barriers we had to break through.

On the other hand, as Mark Twain said, "If you have the time, be brief." That may be the best advice ever given a writer.

The problem is that the market for porn novels has gone away. At least that's what I see when I go into sex shops today. There used to be racks of porn books. Not any more. Maybe I could turn Messing Around With Mike into an e-book but that market still seems to evolving. I'm in no rush. I did get smart by copyrighting an early draft of Messing Around With Mike before I even posted it here. The story definitely is mine. With time, as the free version of the story fades into Solo Touch's archives, maybe there would be a market for an expanded version for which someone would be willing to pay.

I want to make a few more posts regarding my story. One would go into the truthfulness of Messing Around With Mike, laying out what is true and which are the exaggerations. For now, be assured that at least 90% of the story is accurate, with many of the changes made to accommodate Solo Touch's rules. Another post will look at memory. To me, that's the most fascinating thing to come out of writing Messing Around With Mike. I understand much better how my memory works.
I want to make a few more posts regarding my story. One would go into the truthfulness of Messing Around With Mike, laying out what is true and which are the exaggerations. For now, be assured that at least 90% of the story is accurate, with many of the changes made to accommodate Solo Touch's rules. Another post will look at memory. To me, that's the most fascinating thing to come out of writing Messing Around With Mike. I understand much better how my memory works.
I would love to read more about your story and any related things that the story telling process has inspired in you.

And I would ask all forumites to consider posting stories of their formative experiences, from childhood, adolescence or later exploratory stages in their development.

Thanks again Smiley for sharing your most interesting, and erotic recollections of your youth.
Thanks again, and I hope lurkers out there also got some enjoyment and maybe a boner from Messing Around With Mike. Jerk it off in Mike's honor, would ya?

Wow thanks Smiley. I haven't been lurking just been away. But I did remember the start of this from my posting of "Where did you make yourself first cum?" thread and was happy to see you decided to post your story. I enjoyed the read.

I remember being a teenager and my mom being weary of older boys as with a too bigger age difference was not considered an equal or healthy friendship to be in.

My mom felt the same way, even though Mike was just a year older than me.

undie, while I had already started writing my story before your thread last fall on first time teenage sex experiences, you deserve a lot of credit for this thread. I wouldn't have begun it without your post.

And I would second mikeyank's request for you, dear forum reader, to post your teenage experiences here, or even for you to start your own thread. It was a formative time for many of us.
Naughty Boys.....haha

My mom felt the same way, even though Mike was just a year older than me.

undie, while I had already started writing my story before your thread last fall on first time teenage sex experiences, you deserve a lot of credit for this thread. I wouldn't have begun it without your post.


My mind boggles at the thought of what you and Mike would have got up to if you both were happy and felt comfortable to be gay at that time. OMG!

^ LOL. That would have been really scary!

Let's start separating truth from fiction.

First, as I have said, the vast majority of Messing Around With Mike is true, down to the smallest details.

I did make up one story although I don't know why. The truth is just as good. The story of us jacking off together over at Fred's in Part 6 never happened. Fred's house was right next door and it was laid out just like I described it, with his back porch totally secluded. I did get naked and jack off on his patio shortly after Mike left town. I fed Fred's cat for a week or two while he was on vacation and had the run of his place. During that time, I beat off all over his house, including outside, with that being the best. At the time, I wished Mike had been there and so he is in my story. I did use Fred's barbecue rag to clean up my mess after I blasted.

Mike and I did give each other hand jobs while lying on a picnic table on the screen porch at my house. We often had family dinner there and I can remember both of us deliberately cumming on the table. We also blasted onto the breakfast table in the kitchen. In both cases, it was bizarre as hell to be eating with my folks at a table which, just a few hours before, had been covered with Mike's and my cum. That rush remains in the story. Lost from the story is the time I forgot to clean off the picnic table after Mike's and my antics and my mom wiped it down instead just before she served dinner. She didn't notice anything but I held my breath.

Mike and I were incredibly lucky many, many times.

Solo Touch's editor changed small things in the story. I could say I had my first drink with Mike, which wasn't true, but I couldn't say I had my first drunk with him, which was the case. Their editor is British, so he constantly changed my spellings to "honour", "favourite" and the like. I caught most of them and the site owner helped change them back to good ol' American English but a few British spellings remain. The biggest change he made was in the ending. In it, I give Mike a fantasy blow job. I knew real BJs wouldn't be allowed by Solo Touch (no fucking, either) as it is a masturbation site but I hoped I could get away with an imaginary one. No, sorry. The site owner allowed me to re-write the ending to imply oral sex, and the difference is really minor, but here is the ending as I wrote it. Mine is true. Plus I like it better:

One day when I was a senior in high school, Mike rang the doorbell to my house. He’d been gone from town for years but was back for a visit. He wore a bushy beard and later when he let me run my hand over it, I found his hair was still soft. Mike saw me in shape for the first time, football and weight training having done the job. We ended up in the backyard, catching up. Now living in Arizona, he was in college. Mike said he was no longer a virgin and had a steady girlfriend. I believed him but told him I was still one. At that point, I’d only had a few dates with girls. Besides being older, Mike was always more forward than me. We sat on my old swing set next to the avocado tree. I asked Mike if he remembered what we’d done under its branches. He said of course he did. We laughed about a few of our times together, the crazy ones, including our mad, nude dash out of the house to avoid being caught by my mom, his hogtying me and the Boner Run, and agreed we were stupider than slugs back then.

I told him I now knew the correct mechanics for a blow job. Did he want to go under the avocado tree for old time’s sake and have one more afternoon of fun? Mike said no. I was OK with that. He soon left. Really, without the sex, once we’d made sure each other was fine, there was nothing there. Still, part of me wishes he’d said, “Sure, let’s mess around.” It would have fit the let’s-try-something-new attitude of our best times together. We would have had to play a game of HORSE to see who would strip and give the first blow job, and I would have made sure the blow jobs went both ways, with each required to give and receive. I’m also certain we would have made each other swallow. Surely Mike would have insisted I finally eat his spunk.

I will cover more changes from reality in my next post.
I made two major changes in Mike's sexual abilities, one accidentally and the other on purpose.

Mike did not like to rub his dick with his hands. That was another Mike I knew. Earlier in this thread, I told you about my sexual history. My first adult male sexual partner was also named Mike. Let's call him Mike #2. He was the guy who loved to rub his cock. I was done with the first draft of Messing Around With Mike before I realized I'd confused the two. I could have gone back and changed that, and kept Mike #1 from rubbing his dick, but I didn't. One, I was lazy. Two, what writer doesn't want his protagonist to be a little better, a little larger in print than he was in real life? Mike #1 kept rubbing his dick in my story.

I really owe Mike #2 his due when it comes to this technique. I've never seen it in another guy before or since. He'd do a conveyor belt action with his hands, swapping between his left and his right, going up the bottom of his cock from his balls to his tip. He loved stroking himself this way. He did take his dick in both of his hands and hold it in prayer when he blasted. I only saw him do it once but it floored me. With the tip of this thumbs holding up the head of cock, and his fingers pointing straight up in the air, his dick would be between his hands. He'd aim his dick this way, shooting onto his chest. Moving his hands up and down his cock, he'd stroke it as he came. Remarkable.

I had a hard decision to make as a writer when it came to the ultimate sex scene in Messing Around With Mike. In Part 7, I have a grand mutual jack off scene between the two of us. I exaggerated my involvement in that scene. I was forced to because of a box I'd written myself into. Upthread I mentioned I wrote another series that has been published on Solo Touch, Antelope Patrol. It was based on my experiences with fellow Boy Scouts and I think was only partially successful as a story. The biggest problem was I tried to bring Mike and our playfulness into the equation. I should have left them out. It would have made my Boy Scouts jack off experiences less exciting but much truer. Mike is called Curt in Antelope Patrol and here is a description I wrote of him jacking off. This is pure Mike:

I didn't want Curt back in that recliner so I moved across the room to it, sat down, got comfortable and slowly started stroking my hard-on. After turning off the TV, Curt looked around and ended up sitting on the floor right where he stood...I'm glad I had a front row view of Curt's orgasm. The guy was on tonight. He wasn't just jerking off. He was vibrating. Curt was a blur. Sliding away from the TV, he started rocking, doing mini sit-ups with his beat. Curt's abs and chest rippled with his rhythm. He was humming. Not figuratively. He was actually humming, really more of a moaning hum, varying his volume with the intensity of his jacking. And his motion was amazing. His right hand was dancing. Turn, spin, dip, lift, embrace. All the dance moves were there. As Curt got close, his left hand flew from his chin to his nuts and stopped at all points in-between. His feet moved up to his butt, jutting his knees in the air. Even his toes were jumping. These were diversions, though, as the action remained centered on Curt's pink dick, its tip now moist and shiny. The motion of his right hand suddenly slowing down, Curt arched up on his shoulders, his butt rising from the carpet as he loudly groaned twice, uhh...augghhhh! With his prick a foot off the ground, spunk shot down over his chest. Curt lowered his butt as he kept yanking his dick. He breathed in short moans. Now beginning to pool on his stomach, cum was still slowly flowing out of Curt, white on pink from the neck down. A long moan and one final, deliberate pull on his softening pud meant Curt was done...Curt's knees and hands dropped to the floor and his head rolled to the side so that we made eye contact. Curt's tongue was out and he had a big smile. On me that would have looked goofy. On Curt it was Nirvana. I was in awe.

Boy, I loved watching that guy jack off!

I needed to include Mike's athleticism while beating his meat in the new story but I didn't want to repeat what I'd written before. My solution was to involve myself more in his jack. I took liberties in my description of giving Mike a hand job in Part 7. Did I fondle his whole body along the way? Did I stick my finger up his ass and play with his taint once while I jacked him off? Did I stroke him dozens of times while he laid back and enjoyed it? Did he tell me to stop and let himself cool down multiple times during jacks, allowing him to go for quite a while before spurting? Did I grab him with two hands, one below his butt and with the other on his dick, trying as hard as I could to hold onto him as he wiggled around? Did he bring up his feet and knees, pushing his ass well into the air before he came? Did he blast all over the place, hitting the wall, the table behind his head and his entire body? The answer to all of these questions is yes. The one thing I didn't do was help hold him up in the air, including pushing his ass up further as he came. In the scene in Part 7, I do. When Mike got to the point of raising his butt into the air, I backed away and just let him do his thing. I became a spectator, totally enamored of my jack-off buddy's technique.

I hope you are, too.