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Messing Around With Mike

Thanks for sharing that Smiley. OH, my am I ever laughing. I dated 6 guys nemed Mike. I even have a guy named Mike showing some intrest again.. LOL Unfortunately I am not into this Mike that is showing me some intrest now. I like you love a good woman too. However, I do perfer the company of guys for the most part. The AIDS thing kind of spooked a lot of us. That is how I became a health educator learning about HIV/AIDS first.

I really want to thank you for sharring and being so open with us here on the Forum.. I have really enjoyed it and your stories brough back a lot of old memories that I will cherrish forever.:thumbup:
You're welcome, Jayman. Thank you very much for your kind words. It's great for me to spew this out. Sure I have a very close friend from the old days I can talk to, but he's even straighter than me! :wink: Actually, we were pretty lousy in bed together. :biggrin: This is very good for my soul to get this out and see myself more clearly.

As for the love of a good woman, yes, although I will say in the "love" part, men and women are totally equal. Both can be caring, supportive, cuddling, confidence building and completely trustworthy partners. And there is one way a man is a significantly better partner than a woman. I almost can figure guys out. Women? I have absolutely no clue as to what makes them tick, except to always tell them they look beautiful. Flowers also work. :001_tongue:
You're welcome, Jayman. Thank you very much for your kind words. It's great for me to spew this out. Sure I have a very close friend from the old days I can talk to, but he's even straighter than me! :wink: Actually, we were pretty lousy in bed together. This is very good for my soul to get this out and see myself more clearly.

As for the love of a good woman, yes, although I will say in the "love" part, men and women are totally equal. Both can be caring, supportive, cuddling, confidence building and completely trustworthy partners. And there is one way a man is a significantly better partner than a woman. I almost can figure guys out. Women? I have absolutely no clue as to what makes them tick, except to always tell them they look beautiful. Flowers also work. :001_tongue:

If only being told I look beautiful and a giant bouquet of flowers, would cure all my life's ills. What a heavenly existence that would be. Shallow and brainless, but heavenly.:lol::lol:
Yes, Ms. K. As normal, you are right.

(Also always agree with a woman. You'll never win, anyway, if you try to disagree.) :wink:
Yes, Ms. K. As normal, you are right.

(Also always agree with a woman. You'll never win, anyway, if you try to disagree.) :wink:

Smiley can I keep you for my very own? I have always wanted someone that agrees with everything I say, tells me I am beautiful, AND buys me flowers. My favorites are tulips, any color but yellow.:thumbup:
Smiley can I keep you for my very own? I have always wanted someone that agrees with everything I say, tells me I am beautiful, AND buys me flowers. My favorites are tulips, any color but yellow.:thumbup:

Damn & I just sent you yellow tulips
Smiley can I keep you for my very own? I have always wanted someone that agrees with everything I say, tells me I am beautiful, AND buys me flowers. My favorites are tulips, any color but yellow.:thumbup:
On a gay site, can I have my own Pride sticker?

Mine would say Proudly Pussywhipped.

And yes, I'm yours, Ms. K. :001_wub:

And some women are so beautiful, to remind them of that again is redundant. Guilding the rose, so to speak.

But you are.
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But, that is almost perfect, and I love you for the effort. We can forget about the color.:biggrin:

If only you would agree with me all the time, or some of the time, OR EVER!:mad:

I sent you the tulips, albiet the wrong colour and now you want me to do everything else on your list? :confused1:
But, that is almost perfect, and I love you for the effort. We can forget about the color.:biggrin:

If only you would agree with me all the time, or some of the time, OR EVER!:mad:

Ms. K. I see there are basically two rules.
  1. Rule #1. Ms. K. is always right.
  2. Rule #2. When Ms. K appears to be or is scientifically proven to be wrong refer to rule #1.

I think this simplifies the rules to where anyone can understand them. I love ya. Ms. K...:thumbup:
We started these posts in the middle of my relationship with Mike. Let's go back to the beginning. I want to tell you about Mike's and my first jack off session. Half of the story was already posted in a thread by underwear fun. Let me post the whole story. I'm going to repost the first half here for completeness sake and because I've rewritten part of it to give you a better physical description of Mike. If you don't want to reread that part, just skip this post and go onto the next one. The story picks up from there.

In the second half, there is a strange interlude in Mike's and my first time together. I could cut it out as it really goes nowhere and leads to nothing. I've left it in because one, it happened this way, and two, it shows our awkwardness as young teenagers regarding sex. One of the problems with posting all the good parts of our times together is it makes Mike and me look like we knew what we were doing. Hardly. We were idiots, stumbling around with no guidance or even older brothers. Still, I've though often about cutting this awkward moment out of the story. I'll be interested in your opinions.

Here's part one of the first time Mike and I had sex.

“What do you mean, you can’t jerk off?”

As a thirteen year old active masturbator, this seemed impossible. “I mean just that,” was Mike’s quiet reply. He stopped looking at me. “When I play with my dick, nothing happens.”

But Mike was over a year older than me. Of course he must be able to jerk off. I said, “You mean nothing comes out?” Mike mumbled that was the case. I was confused. I had seen Mike naked when we’d changed into our swim trunks in his room, his family having a pool. “But you’re…I mean, everything is normal down there, right?”

“I bet I’m bigger than you are,” Mike snapped back. “And I guess I’ve had wet dreams. I’ve felt sticky stuff in my underwear when I wake up. I just can’t do it to myself.” I was impressed. I’d never had a wet dream although I’d read about them in my Boy Scout Handbook.

Asking Mike what happened when he rubbed his dick, he replied it got hard and then nothing. “Do you do it like this?” making a circle with my thumb and forefinger and moving it up and down.

“No, I usually just rub it with my hand,” holding his open palm down and waving it above his jeans.

“Well, you’re not doing it right.” I was the expert.

“Will you show me how?”

Would I! Beating off was my current favorite thing to do in life. I jerked off multiple times each day. Of course usually I was in my bed or behind a locked bathroom door, but I had also jacked off with friends in Boy Scouts. I’d done it occasionally with a few of my buds on camping trips, either in a tent at night or by finding a secluded place away from camp. My earlier telling Mike about one of these events lead to this conversation. My Scouting jack off sessions had been quick and solo. None of us had to be taught how to jerk off. Exciting and new, I’d love to help Mike learn to do it.

We left the screened-in back porch of my home and headed into my parents’ bedroom. I thought we might lay down next to each other and their double bed made more sense than my single. With my sister at college, Dad at work and Mom doing 1960s mom things, we were alone. I told Mike to take off his clothes. Hesitating, he told me I’d have to strip, too. I agreed, suspecting I’d be naked soon enough anyway. Deliberately we removed our t-shirts, shoes, socks and jeans. We both wore white Jockey underwear. Mike was back to looking me in the eye. “Ready?”

“Yes,” I said, removing my underwear. As Mike did the same, we stopped and stared at each other for a bit. Even though he was older than me, we were similar in height, with Mike only an inch or two taller. He was broader, deeper and stronger than I was, the age difference showing up there. Otherwise Mike was a typical flat-chested young skinny boy while I was maybe fifteen pounds overweight. Call it baby fat. Mike’s dirty blond hair, straight and long for the mid ‘60s, was parted on the right and always falling across his forehead. He still had the face of a boy, not a man, fleshy for how skinny he was, with hazel green eyes, a strong nose and thin mouth. My head was chubbier, with dark, curly hair, usually very short. While not doing it today, Mike had a tendency to hang his head and slouch, a dour teenager, all hair and turned down mouth. When he smiled, he stood up straighter and combed his hair back with his hand. I appreciated both sides of him, experiencing those teenage mood swings myself, often hourly. Mike was definitely hairier than me all over, varying from fuzzy blond over his arms to light brown around his crotch. I’d already checked out his dick when we were changing and it looked a lot like mine. I would soon discover Mike had really hairy balls. Nervous, both of us were still soft. “Lie down on the bed and get a boner,” I told him.

Mike did so, lying down on the left hand side of the bed where my dad normally slept. Holding his head up and looking down his body, Mike played with his flaccid dick, both with a single hand and in-between his two hands, rubbing them together as if he was making a clay snake. Soon the cobra arose. He continued to rub his dick with his open palm. “See, nothing happens. Stuff should come out, right?”

“Yes, white sperm. How do you feel? Do you feel tingly inside?”

“No, should I?”

“Try this.” Again, I made a circle with my fingers. “Rub up and down your dick this way.” Mike did as I asked but after only a minute or two, he stopped.

“See, it just doesn’t work for me.”

“You give up too easily. You’ve got to keep going.” Mike went back to jacking his dick but stopped again a short time later.

“You’re wrong. I’ve tried doing this before for hours! I’m just not able to jack off.” Exasperated, Mike threw his head back and his arms to the bed.

“Maybe I can.”

I reached down and started stroking his dick. For the first time, my hand touched an erect cock not my own. There was no resistance from Mike. Somehow I knew he wanted this to happen. I sat down on the edge of the bed next to his legs and continued to jerk him off. He had raised his head to watch the action, his own hands now rubbing his chest. Breathing more heavily, after a while his head fell back again with his eyes closed. Speeding up the beat, Mike rocked a bit back and forth. He may not be tingling but I sure was, experiencing so many new things as I jacked my best friend’s dick: the warmth of his hardon, the hard edge of his cap as my forefinger crossed it at the top of my stroke, with smaller ridges under his skin slipping past my fingers as they went up and down, even this strange angle of grabbing a cock from below rather than above. I went on high alert, taking it all in. With time I realized that sure enough, Mike’s dick worked just like mine, sensing it was getting ready to shoot. I asked Mike if he felt warm inside. “Fuck, yeah,” was his reply. Wanting Mike to have the pleasure of bringing himself to his first orgasm, I stopped and told him to take over. Mike did so with vehemence, tugging mightily at his dick. In a minute or two, Mike made a series of clipped grunts, ending in a long one as cum flew over his chest. Still being yanked furiously, Mike’s cock shot multiple strings of semen, which speckled his chest and formed pools on his stomach. Having brought his head up off the bed, he looked like he was in pain. His face started to relax as he slowed down his beat and laid his head down. Back to rubbing the underside of his dick with his hand, Mike continued to leak cum. His breathing no longer sounded like he was panting but instead was long and steady. The room was quiet and still. Wow. I wish I could squirt like that.
Part two of Mike's and my first time together.

I got up off the edge of the bed, where I’d remained the entire time, and I went into my parents’ bathroom to grab a towel. Heading back into the bedroom, Mike was continuing to rub his dick but his head was back up and he had a broad grin. Handing him the towel, he cleaned himself up. “That,” he said as he got up on an elbow, pushing his hair off his forehead, “was totally bitchin’. Wow, man, thank you, thank you for helping me with that. Fu-uck.” Even though he was obviously very happy, I wondered why he didn’t seem overcome by the experience. The first time I climaxed, it was like going into a magnificent new room I’d never seen before in my house. To me, that first orgasm was overwhelming to the point of life changing. Not seemingly for Mike. There is a difference between looking happy and ecstatic. I was probably looking way too deeply into this but once more I wondered if Mike had orchestrated this whole thing. Was this really the first time for him or did he just want to jerk off with another guy?

Leaving barely enough time for this fleeting thought, Mike told me it was now my turn to beat off. I lay down next to him on his left, toward the center of the bed, and started yanking on my dick, already hard from watching Mike. With it his turn to watch, he was fully involved now. At one point he asked me if he could jerk me off like I had him. Who me, object? Rolling over onto his side, his right hand replaced mine. It was now my turn to enjoy. I got up on my elbows to better watch my dick getting stroked by someone else. This was two steps beyond mind-boggling. The source of my greatest pleasure, jerking off, had never felt this good before. Too quickly I was ready to cum and took back the jack. Sometimes more of a dribbler, this time I blasted. Moaning, I got spunk all over my belly. I grabbed the towel and wiped it off.

Mike and I stayed there, naked on the bed for a while, talking little but instead accepting what we’d just done. I’m sure we both said that was awesome because it had been. Mike then got up and went into my mother’s closet. We’d previously explored her underwear drawer and he came back with a flesh colored bra and white panties. I asked him what in the fuck was he was doing? Slipping into the panties and putting his arms through the bra, he said he wanted to play mommy and daddy. I was confused and uncomfortable. Mike then lay down on top of me and rubbed his body against mine. As it had remained unclasped, Mike told me to remove the bra. Instead, I pushed him off. This was not my fantasy at all. I got up and started to get dressed. Taken aback, Mike asked me to stop. No, that’s incorrect: Mike begged me to stop. We didn’t have to play mommy and daddy, he said. Maybe we could just jerk off again? He’d like to try that one more time. I paused and sat in a chair. “Alright,” I said, “but take off those damn bra and panties. That’s just plain wrong.” Sorry, Mike, I never wanted to have sex with my mom, or even her clothes.

But sex with Mike, that’s another story. I once more slipped off my Jockey shorts as we resumed our positions on the bed, with me lying closely to Mike’s left. We propped pillows under our heads so we could see better, or in other words, watch each other jerk off. We started simultaneously this time, both playing with our own dicks, getting hard, but soon after that, with only a quick glance at each other, our arms crossed and we traded the jack. This was heaven. It felt so strange to be jacking another cock while my own was being yanked. His dick felt something like mine but his hand on my dick was nothing like my own. It was as if Mike was speaking Japanese and yet I understood every word. While quite incredible, it was also awkward. Our arms constantly bumped each other. We couldn’t keep a tempo. Plus Mike seemed to have trouble getting a good grip with his left hand. That I understood. Eventually Mike stopped jacking me and lay back as I continued to stroke him, more firmly and with a sharper rhythm. Picking up the beat, he started breathing hard and wiggling around much more than just a few minutes earlier. He had no problem cumming through my jack. Again he shot a lot. Mike was a squirter. I got his spunk all over my fist and one of his shots landed on my nipple. Returning to earth, Mike once more rotated over onto his side so he could jack me back with his right hand. He had a confident, man’s grip of my cock, swiftly going up and down it, making sure he both caught its tip and hit my pelvic bone. Smiling from the inside out, I’d never been happier. Nobody had ever rubbed my erect dick before this afternoon. I wanted this to last all day. Instead, I came quickly by Mike’s hand, this time with my normal dribble all over his fingers after a couple of quick spurts. Laughing, Mike wiped his hand and my sperm on my stomach. I reached over and pressed my sticky fingers against his chest. By this point we were both laughing as we began a brief naked wrestle on the bed. Our dicks rubbed together and I didn’t care.

The round over, we got off the bed and using the towel, cleaned up for the last time. We got dressed and straightened up my parents’ bedroom. It was time for Mike to leave. My mom would be home soon.
And there is one way a man is a significantly better partner than a woman. I almost can figure guys out. Women? I have absolutely no clue as to what makes them tick, except to always tell them they look beautiful. Flowers also work. :001_tongue:

(Also always agree with a woman. You'll never win, anyway, if you try to disagree.) :wink:

Ms. K. I see there are basically two rules.
  1. Rule #1. Ms. K. is always right.
  2. Rule #2. When Ms. K appears to be or is scientifically proven to be wrong refer to rule #1.

I think this simplifies the rules to where anyone can understand them. I love ya. Ms. K...:thumbup:

I love you too Jayman, but theses are not my rules. They are Smiley's rules for dealing with women. I think I could grow to love them though!:thumbup:
And besides being joke answers to the question, don't ask me for advice in dealing with a woman. I'm the guy who's divorced and rates no better than a casual girlfriend. I'm sure there are many men, gay and straight, on this board better than I am in dealing with women.

Being serious for a second, my best answer is listen to them. Whenever appropriate, let them take the lead. In general, women are much more intuitive than men. They are often better at dealing with other people. They, themselves, are better listeners than men. I've had to be an alpha male for much of my life because of business. In my personal relationships, I find it's in general best for me to lay back and let the woman do the driving. Besides being better for the two of us, it also works for me. This way, when I do have something to say, it generally gets through. I'm listened to, too.

Harry Belafonte got it right: Man Smart Woman Smarter.
Listening to people and letting them know that you hear them, is probably the hardest part of communication. You are a wise man Smiley, and a great writer.

This whole thing with you and Mike is fascinating, but I feel like I was totally clueless about what was going on with teenage boys.:blink:
Why, thank you, Ms. K. You are a gracious and generous person. :001_wub:

Let's get back to the point of this thread: fourteen year old boys having sex.

My tales have emphasised, rightly, the games Mike and I played. But beyond jerk off sessions, those games lead to real intimacy on our part. Let's go there.

Most of our sessions were at my house but occasionally they were at Mike’s. His family had a swimming pool and as the security fence wasn’t real high, usually we swam with trunks on although occasionally we’d skinny-dip. We’d shower after a swim to wash off the chlorine. Given privacy, Mike liked us to shower together. Initially I was turned off by this but we were very understanding of each other that way. You had to really not like a task to say you weren’t going to do it. Otherwise we were willing to try most anything once, and then modify it and try it again. Showering with Mike is something I learned to like. My problem was his tiny shower, easily the smallest stall I’ve ever been in. Barely big enough for one, two of us were crushed together. In retrospect, what’s there not to like?

We were often quite physical with each other. Another common penalty for one of our games was called Rub Off. The loser would have to rub his hands all over the winner’s naked body. This could take a while and usually ended with the loser jerking off the winner. Mike and I liked this game, from both the giving and the receiving sides. Occasionally we’d have mutual rub offs. In fact, our first rub off was an early mutual one under the avocado tree. After only a month or two of being jerk off buddies, that afternoon we wiggled around each other and explored every square inch of the other boy’s body. Mike lost a card game and his penalty was letting me examine him, playing Doctor, oversexed teenage boy style. I started working on his feet and pretty soon I realized Mike was working on mine. We kept at it for quite a while, ending with an intense mutual jack in the 69 position, both of us on our sides, staring down each other’s cock, fervently watching it cum. Before that, though, we slid around and over each other, feeling everywhere. I smelled Mike’s various odors. Each freckle was discovered, every hair touched. After this day, I knew his body and he knew mine. We’d been so tight and physical that shortly afterward we had our “accidental dick in the face” conversation. Today, if Mike had turned slightly at just the wrong moment, I would have gotten a hardon in the kisser. In part 2, you learned of the harm that came from our accidental dick discussion but much more good resulted from this afternoon’s mutual rub off than bad. The physical contact of this day, getting so up close and personal with each other, felt sensational. After it, we’d regularly use our free hand to stroke the other boy’s body during mutual jacks. But it was the doors that opened because of this mutual rub off that made it so pivotal. Our partnership suddenly wasn’t about the occasional hand job. Now that we’d experienced each other’s body fully, it was OK to continue our explorations beyond casual masturbation. Our being sexually adventurous was a direct result of becoming intimate this day under the avocado tree.

If we hadn’t become so familiar, I doubt Mike and I would have tested his desire to hump me, which briefly showed up in our initial time together. A night when Mike’s parents were away and I was staying at his house, he unfolded a double sofa bed in a basement rec room. He was getting it ready for the neighborhood tramp, who was supposed to come over that night for some fun but she never showed. Instead, Mike and I slept together in the same bed for one of the few times. This night Mike wanted to try something new. He tried to explain the concept to me but I didn’t see how it would work or be any better than our hand jobs. Undeterred, Mike went ahead, first getting hard. Lying on top of me, face to face, he proceeded to rub his body up and down mine, starting off slowly and then speeding up his thrusts. Soon I was stiff, too, and without any prompting, joined in to reinforce his motion. It was natural, different and damn hot as we rocked and rolled, our boners rubbing together. Once again my antennae were up. This guy continued to surprise me. We had to play around with our action to make it work but after some serious effort, Mike blasted. He then had us switch, with me lying down on him, ramming my dick across his lower abdomen. My reaction was, oh, so this is how you fuck…got it. I learned to stay up on my arms as I also discovered it’s more of a wave than a push/pull thing. It took a while but upon my spurting, Mike, hard once again, rolled us over and mounted me higher this time. Driving his dick across my belly, he came much more quickly than before. Exhausted from a long hour spent figuring out how to screw, we lay together, drained and blissful, Mike still half on top of me, my hand gently running over his arm. Loving the physical contact, I now thought this was a pretty remarkable way to cum. I doubt Mike knew how well this would work out for the two of us. When we repeated this on other nights, with Mike starting most sessions, usually the guy on top would shoot first but a few times we managed to blast together. Of course I now know this as dry humping but we just called it humping. There was nothing dry about it as we both came out sweaty and sticky. I’d like to say we viewed it simply as an extension of our jerk off games but that would be a lie. While we never would have admitted it, Mike and I knew we were fucking each other, just a bit differently because neither of us had a vagina.

Regarding our backyard campouts:

We didn’t camp out in the backyard just to get naked in public. We did it so we could have long stretches of uninterrupted sex. Normally it involved simple dares like jerking off around the backyard, maybe on my old swing set or under one of the many citrus trees. Losing a game, we’d be forced to jack off in wide open areas like by the gate to the back alley, shooting through the chain link fence into that alley, only shielded by the darkness of the night. Sometimes instead of being public, our sex would be quite intimate. One of our backyard campouts was dominated by a mutual rub off that went on forever. We were two snakes entwined, slithering over each other’s body. This night I experienced every part of Mike as deeply as I could. The most important thing in my life right then was to run my fingers through his toes, feel the bumps from his spine running down his back, trace the curve of his calf, comparing that to his bicep, and count all the hairs on his balls. I needed to pet Mike’s face and nuzzle his crotch deeply, rubbing my cheek up and down his hard dick and smelling his pungent odor, even if it meant getting an accidental facial. Halfway through, we joked this would be the night that finally happened. Neither of us cared where the sperm shot, as long as we were moaning away before, during and after. Somehow I avoided getting my face creamed, as did Mike. How we kept from licking and kissing each other during this campout is beyond me except that it wasn’t going to occur. I don’t remember having to resist the temptation. The acts simply weren’t on the table. Instead, we massaged our bodies together and caressed each other’s skin. Plus we came a bunch. It was wonderful.

My updates this next week will be less frequent. I have a friend that came to town today and we're going to be finishing up a College Dudes we're recording. I will come back here when I can. At least I left you with a juicy one!
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Ah, shit, one more story and that's it. This is one of the first person stories that end Messing Around With Mike.

I go to Mike’s house and his parents are out of for the evening, not returning until late. We swim in our trunks this night – I’ve made the mistake of returning home with dry trunks and being questioned by my mom who thought the reason I was going to Mike’s was swimming – and then take a shower together. That gets us naked. We engage in major league groping in the shower but don’t cum. Instead, we go back to his room and play Rub Off. Before we start, we agree that we’ll wait to cum until after we both get rubbed off. First Mike lies on his bed, face down, and I sit/knell/stand beside him. I give him an extended rub down of every inch of skin on his backside, starting with his toes and working up to the top of his head. In previous Rub Off sessions, I’ve discovered a guy’s sensitive areas, like the back of his knees, lower back, ears, asshole and taint. I hit them all. Mike then flips over and I do the same with his front side, bypassing his stiff dick – OK, I give him one strong tug but that is just to drive him crazy – and ending with an extended embrace of his neck and head, running my fingertips over his face. Sexual tension flowing around us like water, we switch places and Mike washes over me with the same intensity, first back, then front. We don’t come up for air.

I try to rise after my turn but in one motion Mike pushes me to the floor, mounts and furiously starts humping me. Our dicks pound together, both of us harder than granite, with sex that’s raw, feral and passionate. We roll over and I hump Mike. I want this as badly as he does. I just want to fuck this boy. Screaming as we blast, we don’t last long as a massive amount of spunk shoots between us. Still making animal noises, Mike and I slide around in a pool of cum. This is one of my favorite moments in humping, this mixing of our warm jism together, covering our bodies from the chest down. We break and lie next to each other, breathing deeply after our outbursts. Our hands automatically reach for the other’s dick, saying let’s do it again. We begin an hours-long session of masturbation, using this rare opportunity to explore his empty house, jacking in many different ways and rooms, the most memorable being my cleaning and then playing with Mike’s crotch while he’s lying on the kitchen counter. Anybody want some toast? I do have a curfew so eventually we take a quick, naked dip in his pool and a last shower together. I walk home, carrying my swim trunks, with a shrinking boner in my pants.
Holy moly.... I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of your stories, Smiley! My god, the absolute trust you had for each other is really remarkable. I wish I'd had a friend like that when I was young!!!
Here's one more of the present tense stories that end Messing Around With Mike. It's a compilation. Each separate act was done my Mike and me, just maybe not all in the same afternoon. For example, I can’t tell you which days we lost our underwear, but yes, we did, just the way I describe it, including the bit about Mike’s mom.

Mike comes over and my parents are out of town. We play a long game of strip poker because this punishment will be a good one. The loser will have to be the slave of the winner for the remainder of the day. I win. First things first: Mike has to strip me of my remaining clothes and jerk me off, sitting beside me while I lie on the floor. I take over when I’m ready to cum. He lies down on the floor and I have him pull his dick out of the way so I can blast onto his balls. His orgasm will have to wait. Instead, Mike has to dance for me. I get out a Supremes record my sister has left me, put a side on the hi-fi, and Mike has to be a go-go dancer. He doesn’t know what he’s doing but we laugh a lot.

After the record, I tell Mike I have a new thing for him to do. First I tie his hands behind his back. I play with his crotch, rubbing his dick until he’s hard just to tease him. Tease turns to torture as I do it a few times. Nothing new so far. For my surprise, I go to the refrigerator and grab a can of whipped cream. I lie on the floor and put some on my nipples, stomach and belly button, with a trail leading down to a mound of whipped cream by my pubes. I tell him to eat it off. Mike objects but does it. I make him lick the places he misses. (These food games are the only times we lick each other. No biting ever, either.) The best part was unexpected. Because his hands are still tied behind him and I’m on the floor, Mike is off balance trying to eat the whipped cream. He accidentally does a complete face plant into my crotch. He comes up with the side of his face covered in whipped cream. I’m laughing hysterically. Mike isn’t. He gets pissed and I have to calm him down. I almost think we’re done for the day but he agrees to continue.

During the fight Mike demanded I untie him but that doesn’t mean I have to stop playing with his dick. I have Mike sit to my left on a towel I’ve laid over the couch and I start to fondle him. I open my legs as he reaches over and starts playing with me. Turning toward each other, our free hand roams over the other boy’s upper body. Continuing to rotate to my left, I switch to jacking Mike with my right arm. My back now against the couch’s armrest, I pull my left leg up onto the sofa and behind Mike. Turning right as I’ve been moving left, Mike tucks his inner leg, the right one, under him. He’s almost facing me as he moves in close. Every part of Mike, from his thighs up, is now available to my touch, my right hand on his dick while my left hand roams his body. Same for Mike. With one foot on the floor and one on the couch, we discover this position late in our time together and that’s a shame. It’s all hands onboard as we stroke each other high and low until we cum loudly.

Loud blasts are usually messy ones and I have something Mike doesn’t have: a bathtub. Taking back control of my slave, I have Mike give me a bath. He washes, dries and even dresses me afterward. After letting Mike clean himself off, we pick up the den and watch some TV, during which a still naked Mike has to stand at attention in the middle of the room. Bored, I have Mike jack off from where he stands, shooting onto a towel covering the coffee table. Next he moves over to the couch and after getting on his knees and pulling down my pants, jerks me off one last time as I sit there, the towel now draped over my stomach. It’s getting late so I allow Mike to go home, although when he gets dressed he doesn’t get to put back on his underwear. Instead, Mike watches me burn his Jockeys in the fire place. In a later session at his house, one that I’ve lost, he keeps my Jockeys and I have to dress and go home without my underwear. We don’t repeat this penalty again as Mike says his mother asked him about his missing pair of underwear. Something in the way he said it makes me not believe him – Mike is really a pitiful liar – but maybe the destruction of clothes is taking our games a little too far.
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Here's one more of the present tense stories that end Messing Around With Mike. It's a compilation. Each separate act was done my Mike and me, just maybe not all in the same afternoon. For example, I can’t tell you which days we lost our underwear, but yes, we did, just the way I describe it, including the bit about Mike’s mom.

Smiley, you and Mike were certainly great friends and very trusting of each other. You guys had a lot of heart and a lot of will power. I just don't understand how the two of you really put off experimenting with gay oral and anal sex. The symbolistic burning of the underware and keeping another's underwear was very interesting from a Freudian perspective. LOL Then again Freud based 95% of his research on incarcerated prisoners who were sexually frustrated. I have the impression that you guys were far from being sexually frustrated. You both seemed to manage to have sex when ever you wanted to a lot. Like you and Mike My friends and I played a lot of games but the only thing we never did was anything anal. There was some talk of cucumbers, corn on the cob, and a candle occasionally but never anything that manifested. It was always what ever we seemed to be comfortable with at that particular time. And we loved to run off and mess around in nature until we discovered tics and pubic lice from those outdoor events. Then we decided that tents or row boats would work out best. Anyway, your stories bring back so many memories from my childhood. You played much the same as I did with my friends. We never tied anyone up. I think it has something to do with a past life with me. I refuse to be willingly bound for any reason.

Bless your heart for sharing so many memories. I only hope that Mike logs in to the Forum one day and reads all these wonderful memories that you two have shared. It is sand man time for me. :thumbup1: