Originally Posted by **casper** View Post
That Ricky guy just doesn't do anything for me. I'm certainly glad that Shane and Logan was there to pull his weight for him. this would have been a complete 5 if they would have left Ricky out and just went with Shane and Logan. I gave it a 1. I don't think the three guys are in the same league.
While we are all entitled to our opinions when it comes to voting it would seem to me that a 1 rating is harsh. As a soon to be Director, the only two ways I can think of that a video could be rated a one are:
1. We are viewing 17 minutes and 34 seconds of two (or more) dead individuals or,
2. The Director, after setting up his camera, leaves the room to answer a phone call, the camera is rolling and aimed at the carpet at the foot of the futon and for the next 27 minutes and 9 seconds we are staring at the carpet and the only sign of life is a spider crawling across the carpet to the other side.
It seems to me that as long as we have some sing of life, we see dick, have a cum shot they deserve something.
Live Long and Prosper,
well vicekid,
You might actually win it.haha. I decided to not post anymore of my ideas because David and Tyler hate me anyway so I'm not likely to win so I'm not wasting anymore time messing with them..haha
I rated the video a 1 because it did not in my opinion go with the site at all. This ricky guy looked like he was in his 30's and I don't find him attractive in the least. I don't even think he was straight anyway because he certainly took the cock in easy enough without to much effort. He looked like and old man and I originally thought he was a member of the staff. I don't know where all the good applications are that we keep hearing about unless they was put in the wrong pile and ended up getting tossed in the trash. I would have probably rated a couple of dead people higher because I could at least have stared at the screen until it went blurry so I could claim that I seen them actually breathing. The carpet might have got a rating of 2 if it was particullarly nice carpet. I will look forward to seeing you as the director for a day. The whole director thing is confusing anyway because they were not actually specific if they wanted to like film in dorm rooms, or semi trucks or whatever...I thought they wanted some that they could easily do at the studio that would at least provide a little excitement in and otherwise dreary business. If you don't win though vice kid we should get together and make our own videos. I don't think they would buy one from me but, they might buy one from you...they actually like you. Why don't you call me up sometime and we can discus some good scenes that we could do, you can be the middle man and if you do that well than we might let you be a bottom boy for me, Thomas, And Slim, and Baal too, can't leave him out. I could have posted tons of very awesome scenes if they were actually going to do them outside the studio but, they were not specific. I was also going to delete all of my ideas but apparently we don't have that function anymore. I wouldn't want to go to Florida anyway because I woldn't want to know any of those people anyhow. Me and some friends have been filming some of our own stuff and I will let you know when we get ready to post it on the net so that you can see a true artist at work.

You haven't sent me a message in a long time vicekid so I was wondering if you have decided to turn straight and marry the 87 year old "model" that you've been with for sometime. Someone actually posted a picture of her up on the message board and I think you can get an 8X10 glossy for a self addressed stamped envelope.
I will look forward to hearing from you....or not if that is your descission.
Love ya Harold
P. S. how long do you think it will be before someone says that I'm whining again...2 minutes, 5 minutes, maybe 15 if there all just waking up.hahaha
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