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Lest we not forget....


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
leeds england
You may think this thread is going to be about sad things but you're wrong.

I work about 80miles away from home and each monday have to make the journey to my weekday residence. I usually pack my bag on Sunday afternoon but this Sunday I had other things on my mind. Monday morning came and I was rushing around throwing stuff into my bag. Shock horror, when I opened my bag this morning I noticed that I had forgotten to pack my underwear.

I had 30mins to get to the local store, buy some new underwear, put them on, and get into work. I just made it by a whisker but my balls were freezing by the time I put my underwear on as it was minus 4 degs outside.. ouch.

Anyone else had a momentary lapse of thought..
You may think this thread is going to be about sad things but you're wrong.

I work about 80miles away from home and each monday have to make the journey to my weekday residence. I usually pack my bag on Sunday afternoon but this Sunday I had other things on my mind. Monday morning came and I was rushing around throwing stuff into my bag. Shock horror, when I opened my bag this morning I noticed that I had forgotten to pack my underwear.

I had 30mins to get to the local store, buy some new underwear, put them on, and get into work. I just made it by a whisker but my balls were freezing by the time I put my underwear on as it was minus 4 degs outside.. ouch.

Anyone else had a momentary lapse of thought..

Get used to it, ya pup, you! It's just startin' for ya. :wink:

Just remembered I need to go get something from the pantry. Now what was it? Oh, yeah. I'll be right back.

Any idea why I just ended up in the pantry? hhmmm.......... It'll come to me........
Get used to it, ya pup, you! It's just startin' for ya. :wink:

Just remembered I need to go get something from the pantry. Now what was it? Oh, yeah. I'll be right back.

Any idea why I just ended up in the pantry? hhmmm.......... It'll come to me........

Ah Paris, so true so true....ah........what were we talking bout?
Frozen underwear wasn't it? LOL. I once had a carton of ice cream in my hand, wallet sitting on lid. Put ice cream in freezer, ....and found frozen wallet four days later. Had not even missed it!
You may think this thread is going to be about sad things but you're wrong.

I work about 80miles away from home and each monday have to make the journey to my weekday residence. I usually pack my bag on Sunday afternoon but this Sunday I had other things on my mind. Monday morning came and I was rushing around throwing stuff into my bag. Shock horror, when I opened my bag this morning I noticed that I had forgotten to pack my underwear.

I had 30mins to get to the local store, buy some new underwear, put them on, and get into work. I just made it by a whisker but my balls were freezing by the time I put my underwear on as it was minus 4 degs outside.. ouch.

Anyone else had a momentary lapse of thought..

I used to have the same problem of forgetting my underwear but now it's just Depends!. :w00t:
I don't know hhow many times I've looked for glasses or keys only to realize I was wearing them or had them in my hand...
Get used to it, ya pup, you! It's just startin' for ya. :wink:

Just remembered I need to go get something from the pantry. Now what was it? Oh, yeah. I'll be right back.

Any idea why I just ended up in the pantry? hhmmm.......... It'll come to me........

Hi Paris, welcome back I missed ya. xx

Oh yes and I forgot to tell you guys that if I have to do the family food shop on a weekend that I have to take a shopping list. Thing is, 9 times out of 10 I will add something that's not on the list that I like, and forget something that mother has put on the list which I've missed..
Hi Paris, welcome back I missed ya. xx

Oh yes and I forgot to tell you guys that if I have to do the family food shop on a weekend that I have to take a shopping list. Thing is, 9 times out of 10 I will add something that's not on the list that I like, and forget something that mother has put on the list which I've missed..

Thanks for the welcome back, Jonnie!

Can't tell you how many times I have written a shopping list starting with something I really needed, then forgot the list at home. Remembered many of the things on the list. Except for the thing I went there for in the first place! :blush::lol:

Little tip for ya on wearing new undies fresh out of the packet. Did that once. Bought black silk boxers. Decided to wear them on a night out with out having washed them first. Got a rash everywhere they touched. :cursing: I've never done that again! They did feel good when I wore them though! :001_smile:
Thanks for the welcome back, Jonnie!

Can't tell you how many times I have written a shopping list starting with something I really needed, then forgot the list at home. Remembered many of the things on the list. Except for the thing I went there for in the first place! :blush::lol:

Little tip for ya on wearing new undies fresh out of the packet. Did that once. Bought black silk boxers. Decided to wear them on a night out with out having washed them first. Got a rash everywhere they touched. :cursing: I've never done that again! They did feel good when I wore them though! :001_smile:

Too late dude, I got the rash xxxxxxxx Love u Paris just wished u were in Paris so I could jump on top of ya xxxx
Too late dude, I got the rash xxxxxxxx Love u Paris just wished u were in Paris so I could jump on top of ya xxxx

I know you are just having fun (dam big pond between us), but I really would like to apply a soothing balm to your rash. Jump is a good word, isn't it?
I suppose underwear is a necessity in cold weather whereas wearing underwear in the hot humid tropics maybe uncomfortable.
Well I'm back at parents after another busy week at work. Guess what I forgot this time... yes I was in a rush this morning and I have forgotten to bring my mains lead for my laptop. I now have 36mins remaining for the rest of the weekend. So if you don't see my posts or PMs you know why and that I'm not ignoring you.
Well I'm back at parents after another busy week at work. Guess what I forgot this time... yes I was in a rush this morning and I have forgotten to bring my mains lead for my laptop. I now have 36mins remaining for the rest of the weekend. So if you don't see my posts or PMs you know why and that I'm not ignoring you.

Poor, Jon. You do need to keep a list. Keep it somewhere on your person! :001_smile:
There is an advantage of no underwear. Nature made our balls outside our body to keep them cool and hanging. They should make them with a slit to keep them hanging while keeping everyting else in place.
I remember what i was gonna type now i was talking to my best friend on the phone and i was getting out of the car i was getting pissed off i could not find my phone my friend could hear me and started laughing her butt off only to finally wear out from laughter and to say hey stupid are you looking for your phone and i was ummm yeah i dont find it funny she said check your ear i hung up on her i was embarrassed i think i have hardening of the arteries and not the good ones lol...