Dear, dear, Blake ~
I am so very sad to hear that you have lost your friend. There is really not much that can be said, when such painful things happen. They are just too hard, and incomprehensible, too.
Other members have expressed this all, much, much, better, than I can. You did your VERY best, to take care of ALL your friends: which is the most ANY friend could ever do. That this terrible accident happened, makes me weep, also. Very much. It is a grievous loss, and whatever kind or comforting things people TRY to say: it cannot mend that part of your life, that has been torn, so cruelly :-(((
Though it will not be, and cannot be, any kind of help - you
should know that your friend was very lucky, to have had
you, as a friend. You are a good, and kind, and caring person, and all we can do, at this moment, is to gather around you, and embrace you, Blake.
I think rrhill has spoken some words that are very true, and very important. Grief (great grief) in such circumstances, is a natural and inevitable human reaction. Tears, and sadness, and regrets, are an almost inevitable response, to such a tragedy. And it takes a very long while for those feelings of sadness to calm - because it is a natural (not only intellectual, but physical), response.
So, rrhill is right. If there are family and friends with whom you feel comfortable sharing your pain: telephone them, or see them, and hug them, hold them, and cry with them. And don't be afraid to cry on your own, either. You will, and it is something we just can't avoid. As many members have told you, when we have suffered the loss of family or friends, crying is something we all have to do: we just have no choice, about it. I remember that when my friend, Dr. T., died at the age of 25 (from a problem with his insulin dosage; something his doctors should have foreseen): I found out when I was at the office. And I just went to the washroom, and cried for half an hour - and then, I had to go home, and cry, some more. It was just impossible to believe that he was gone. It is still hard for me to believe, even almost 20 years later.
I am very, very, sorry, Blake. You are someone whom we all love, here. As rrhill said, please don't be afraid to cry, as much and as often as you need to, in the coming days. Also, please know that your kindness and goodness (just because you are so kind, and good) will be a great source of comfort for your friend's family - I know this: it is a very difficult task to assist a family in grief, but I know that you can, and will, be a great help to them.
And please be assured of all our care, and love. I shall say a prayer for your friend, and for you, tonight - and light a candle and say prayers for each of you, where I go to church. And continue to offer my prayers and love for you, always.
Again, I am very sorry, Blake, for your great loss. All your friends, all around the world, are loving you, and embracing you, at this very moment. We, all of us, care about you, very much.
God bless you, dear friend.