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Last night.


BSB Model
BSB Model
Feb 21, 2012
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Last night I had a blast.

But awoke this morning to a friend crying his eyes out. Unfortunately I have lost a friend of mine due to drunk driving.

Sorry this post isn't more/video.

I'm in no mood. :,(
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Blake. My prayers are with you and your friends right now.
No, you can't. You have to realize that people make their own choices, and no one can change that. It is one of those hard parts of growing up. And sadly you never grow out of feeling heartbroken when your choice, or friends and families choices, are the wrong ones.
Blake, I offer to you my sincere sympathy in the loss of your friend. What should be a time of joy and happiness has, for you, turned into sadness and pain. My heart aches for you and your friends in this most difficult time.

Your buying a taxi for your friends just shows how much you care about the people you love which has already been revealed to us through your video blogs and posts here on the forum.

We love you, Blake....you may never know how much. When you hurt, we all hurt for you. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your friends.
Last night I had a blast.

But awoke this morning to a friend crying his eyes out. Unfortunately I have lost a friend of mine due to drunk driving.

Sorry this post isn't more/video.

I'm in no mood. :,(

Oh Blake, I'm so sorry you have to deal with losing a friend...
Dear Blake:

Last night in Austin was zoomy. There was a complex-sponsored event that let out early then loads of people shooting off fireworks,and the occasional nutter who insisted on shooting a gun or shotgun into the air. Air filled with a cacaphony of English, Spanish, Spanglish, slurred babble not to mention the odd overly touchy ones. Of course loads of drinking accompanied by consistent vocal warnings and taxis on standby and those being accompanied on their stumble home. No matter how good the intentions there is that tragedy that reminds us to remain vigilant and continue to care about our fellow human beings. Now time to go to BenWhite Walmart to get some fruit, salad, tomato basil soup and just contemplate life.

I send my sympathies and good thoughts to your friend's family; also love to you and your friends.
Oh, Blake, what a horrible and senseless tragedy! I'm so sorry to hear about this! Sending hugs to you!
Dear Blake,

We can never come between our friends and their destiny/fate/karma, whatever that might be.

However, I take comfort in knowing we shall all meet again in a better place.

Blessings to you for caring so much.

My heart goes out to you Blake, I am so sorry to hear you have lost a friend. You and your friends are in my thoughts.

"Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality."
Emily Dickinson
Sorry to hear the bad news. If you can... cry a lot. Let the pain out.

My brother in law died at age 40; when I was 36. Walter his heart failed and he left behind my sister and the two young sons, he wanted to see grow up.

The strange thing is that after so many years I still dream and think of him from time to time. There are so many good things to remember. Time only heals some of the pain.
Blake - I am so sorry to hear this news. You and your friend are in my thoughts and prayers. The beginning of this month my father passed away due to cancer and my sister and I were fortunate enough to be there during his illness and to help take care of him. It gave us time to be with him and speak with him and say goodbye. A sudden death, especially one under the circumstances you describe is all the harder because of the suddenness. If I may be so bold, can I suggest that you take your grief and use it to create something positive as a memorial to your friend. It need not be dramatic or earth shaking but simply something good as a way to honor the memory of your friend.
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
My sincerest condolences as well, Blake. My prayers are with you, and your friend's family as well!
Dear, dear, Blake ~

I am so very sad to hear that you have lost your friend. There is really not much that can be said, when such painful things happen. They are just too hard, and incomprehensible, too.

Other members have expressed this all, much, much, better, than I can. You did your VERY best, to take care of ALL your friends: which is the most ANY friend could ever do. That this terrible accident happened, makes me weep, also. Very much. It is a grievous loss, and whatever kind or comforting things people TRY to say: it cannot mend that part of your life, that has been torn, so cruelly :-(((

Though it will not be, and cannot be, any kind of help - you should know that your friend was very lucky, to have had you, as a friend. You are a good, and kind, and caring person, and all we can do, at this moment, is to gather around you, and embrace you, Blake.

I think rrhill has spoken some words that are very true, and very important. Grief (great grief) in such circumstances, is a natural and inevitable human reaction. Tears, and sadness, and regrets, are an almost inevitable response, to such a tragedy. And it takes a very long while for those feelings of sadness to calm - because it is a natural (not only intellectual, but physical), response.

So, rrhill is right. If there are family and friends with whom you feel comfortable sharing your pain: telephone them, or see them, and hug them, hold them, and cry with them. And don't be afraid to cry on your own, either. You will, and it is something we just can't avoid. As many members have told you, when we have suffered the loss of family or friends, crying is something we all have to do: we just have no choice, about it. I remember that when my friend, Dr. T., died at the age of 25 (from a problem with his insulin dosage; something his doctors should have foreseen): I found out when I was at the office. And I just went to the washroom, and cried for half an hour - and then, I had to go home, and cry, some more. It was just impossible to believe that he was gone. It is still hard for me to believe, even almost 20 years later.

I am very, very, sorry, Blake. You are someone whom we all love, here. As rrhill said, please don't be afraid to cry, as much and as often as you need to, in the coming days. Also, please know that your kindness and goodness (just because you are so kind, and good) will be a great source of comfort for your friend's family - I know this: it is a very difficult task to assist a family in grief, but I know that you can, and will, be a great help to them.

And please be assured of all our care, and love. I shall say a prayer for your friend, and for you, tonight - and light a candle and say prayers for each of you, where I go to church. And continue to offer my prayers and love for you, always.

Again, I am very sorry, Blake, for your great loss. All your friends, all around the world, are loving you, and embracing you, at this very moment. We, all of us, care about you, very much.

God bless you, dear friend.
"A" XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO17DIeI7Ec
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Dearest Blake,

I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your friends and the friend's family as you all get through this. It's unfortunate that it takes times like these for us to realize that we need to show how much we appreciate having each other in our lives. As TG said earlier, you may never know just how much love so many of us have for you. I can honestly say that when I think of you that it brings a smile to my face just knowing there are people in the world like you. And I think how lucky I am that you and I are sharing this crazy experience called life, together at the same time.

It gives me even greater comfort to know that when I pass on that I can look forward to meeting you and others like you later in heaven throughout the course of eternity. You are a good man and a good friend to all who know you.

I (and we) are for you to talk to if you want a shoulder to lean on or just a friendly ear as you go through this grieving process.