Peter, you and I feel the exact same way about beautiful Shane. He was the perfect studly straight boy, and I was quite annoyed with David at the time, as I felt that he badgered him into doing it, in the many scenes leading up to it, and probably gave him an ultimatum if he was to remain on the site.
I also found it a very difficult scene to watch, and did not watch the entire scene until over a year later. But we are obviously in a minority on this take, as I often read negative comments about the exclusive tops on the site, who "need" to bottom, as that seems to be the ultimate goal in many folks minds.
I felt the same way in the scene where Mike Robbins was coerced into doing it for a short time, before he said "No más"! And I also admired the integrity of Jimmy Johnson, as he never acquiesced to the pressure to do something that is not his thing. And from what I have seen through clips provided by fellow forumites, of Jimmy's current gay for pay work, that he still has not been forced to do it, and is apparently still quite successful in the industry, maintaining his "integrity", as a straight top.
I totally agree with you about Tank Shane's bottoming scene. It was painful to watch. I still love to watch Shane's scenes and I hope he is doing well in life.
As for Jimmy "still" being successful in the industry...we'll once again have to agree to disagree. Out of 27 scenes he had 6 that reached a 4.0 or higher. And those 6 scenes were mostly when he was paired with some of the best looking, most popular and/or most talented models of the site...where most of the time he rode on their coattails. His highest rated scene ever (with Bobby) was a 4.2. If fulfilling the terms of a contract is the gauge of success, then he was successful. But in ratings and overall popularity he was not successful on this site with a majority of the viewers.
I love the fact that Blake has bottomed. It seemed like a natural progression for such a hot and successful man on the site. I still see Blake as a very straight guy doing gay for pay. He never put on airs of being a super dominant alpha male. So it was much easier to see him progress to bottoming. And just as I expected...he looks HOT doing it. haha As we've said before with Blake...I could sit and enjoy watching him read a newspaper. haha If I ever saw him shirtless eating a vanilla ice cream cone I would probably go out of my mind. LMAO
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