BSB Addict
And I watched it as a little kid! Come to think of it I must have watched it reruns also. Yep. Reruns. That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. LOL![]()
Wait, I don't think you guys are "mathing" correctly.....

And I watched it as a little kid! Come to think of it I must have watched it reruns also. Yep. Reruns. That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. LOL![]()
I must have watched The Partridge Family in reruns, because I watched it as a kid........
I had to give this scene a 5 rating, if for no other reason, for the effort by each model doing something they had never done before. This, to me, is what Broke Straight Boys is all about.
Thanks, guys for a great show.
Actually, that is what I would expect, as while it may not be politically correct to generalize, but I believe that there are some basic differences in what a man and a woman look for in sex and in porn.It's funny that it's the girls that are downing this !
alright, I will Amit that I did have a personal connection with this scene, but in a way that when a "movie star" has a good movie come out. I knew that this was going to be a great scene, and it really was a different connection between Johnny and I, but I'd hate to disappoint and say it was only on a personal level that the two of us worked well together. Lol "no homo" I dunno of that answers it... But I'm also at work, I will have more thought out responses when I get home.Blake, I am definitely one of your biggest fans and have been since your first scene. You can do no wrong!! I want to ask you a question and hope I am not out of line to do so. If I am, then please don't feel like you have to respond. I know you have done scenes with various guys. You always give it your all, and it is obvious that you like the guys you are paired with. My question is, do you ever feel emotionally attracted to a guy you are on camera with? Movie stars do love scenes (yes, I know what you do here is not a "love scene") and sometimes they get attracted to each other. Does that ever happen to you on here? I am just curious. I admire you for so many reasons, and I, like your other fans, want only the best for you (especially since I am a fellow Texan!). I wish you the best and can't wait to see your next scene and I hope many more after that. Thanks, my friend.
Oh Blake, you are quickly becoming a GOD to me!!!
I have to TOTALLY disagree with Beth about Blake seeming "too nervous" at the start. If the guy is nervous, he's nervous! Frankly, it's that kind of stuff in these scenes that gives them a ring of authenticity and captures my interest. I typically don't like the chitchat, but this was chitchat which worked for me, and it almost seemed like an afterthought to even comment on how nervous he appeared! That seemed like a REAL moment with REAL emotion, and not just something Blake was acting for the camera. And when he stated "I know it will feel good towards the end"...BLAMMO! That just did it for me. That shows Blake to be one of the few models that has really gotten what the site is about, in my opinion--straight men being enticed to experience gay sex and realizing it can feel damn good. I really wish more models would take his lead.
Blake, you are a man beyond compare. Willing to do new things, you get into it, you SOUND like a man when getting fucked, and it makes me horny as hell! You keep doing what you are doing, bro!
Hmm... I never thought of putting that in perspective.. Suppose that is something to think about.. But how would I be able to incorporate both tastes??? Sudgestions?![]()