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Jessie and David Part II (Finale? Hopefully?)


Feb 14, 2010
Reaction score
:bored: - Prety much sums it up. I hope Broke Straight Boys did not invest too much in Jessie. Sometimes, a big dick just aint enough to lose your patnies or wallet over. Best to let sleeping dogs lie and Jessie sure did look like he could use a nap.

No more please......

but why do I believe there is a fucking scene in the can.........?
:bored: - Prety much sums it up. I hope Broke Straight Boys did not invest too much in Jessie. Sometimes, a big dick just aint enough to lose your patnies or wallet over. Best to let sleeping dogs lie and Jessie sure did look like he could use a nap.

No more please......

but why do I believe there is a fucking scene in the can.........?

.............because, there always is?:scared:
One good thing has come out of this. I now have my eyes insured by Lloyd's of London in case they pick up any more models at a penal institution....or the zoo.
It seems everyone has had their chance to praise or savage Jesse. One, ad nauseam. This scene brought him no kudos. He was surly and disinterested, but worse he was tacky and rude. Making faces when he was blowing David and then asking for something to rinse his mouth out with. Insulting.
Jesse would be better off on a straight site where they only care about the beauty of the women and how big a dick is going into them. They aren't often looking for twink tops.
Old Fox said something very interesting at the end of the first thread about these two. He said something to the effect that if Jesse had come out smiling and being affable and exibited some sensuality in the scenes we would all be singing his praises. Worshiping at that great phallus. Excusing his rough, homely exterior. Old Fox said attitude is 80% of being sensual. I agree. "Sing out, Louise!!!".
David is a different matter. Nice body, nice face, (I think behind those too stylized glasses), nice dick that stays hard, which is beginning to become a feat on this site (what IS going on with all these young guys and floppy erections???). He was engaged, had a great attitude and laughed at David's jokes, even in the face of Jesse's acting out. He may be no beauty but he is far from living under a bridge. I hope management pairs him with someone more into the whole process, someone he clicks with and then see how it goes.
BUT... no socks and no glasses should be the maxim!
I felt this scene was an improvement over the first. Jesse was just a tiny bit more animated and, if not mistaken, did smile once or twice. He needs a big shot of personality. But, I was not as unimpressed by this scene as was the case in the first. David is also improving and I found that I liked his performance. I'm not sure what Broke Straight Boys has in store for Jesse..maybe a visit to charm school. But, David seems to have potential. Let's not throw these guys to the wolves quite yet. There is probably at least one more scene in the can. Let's hope for some improvement in the third round. Maybe I'm being way too optimistic, but three is always hope.
A little optimism and lot of lube goes a long, long way

I felt this scene was an improvement over the first. Jesse was just a tiny bit more animated and, if not mistaken, did smile once or twice. He needs a big shot of personality. But, I was not as unimpressed by this scene as was the case in the first. David is also improving and I found that I liked his performance. I'm not sure what Broke Straight Boys has in store for Jesse..maybe a visit to charm school. But, David seems to have potential. Let's not throw these guys to the wolves quite yet. There is probably at least one more scene in the can. Let's hope for some improvement in the third round. Maybe I'm being way too optimistic, but three is always hope.

Dear Chase,

I felt that David did his utmost in reanimating "Frankenstein" and his pet snake. Jesse seems like he is willing to respond to continued attemtps at rehabilitation efforts with the strong neck muscles rhythmic beat of David thrown in for good measure. I just wished Jesse would start saving up for his next cumshot because the final exclamation point of any shoot is the major and lumpppy cum shot. Just maybe, Jesse will put 2 and 2 together and make the needed sacrifice for the film history being made here and totally without "special effects" or "digital enhancement".

David looked wonderful with the pearlescent flourish to the right of his willing upper lip. Sure beats lip gloss, for sure! Regrettable, this display is seen all too infrequently on Broke Straight Boys and adds greatly to my viewing pleasure. Only swallowing the thick creamy load would be better, but this simply is not going to happen. I cannot imagine the abrasive powers Jesse's pet snake would have when exploring any posterior entry way. David must be more than willing to be stretched, and I mean really stretched, to the limit and then some. Nothing like broading your horizons!

I realize that comments in the past were none too kind to Jesse, but this reminds me of the moon landing and the famous statement:

“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”

– Neil Armstrong

Perhaps we can all get our rocks off, now! We'll have to begin the countdown for the next installment into David's boo boo.
I thought (per last year), we were told the scenes this year would be MUCH more interesting/erotic/pushing the limits with the newer/hotter models. As I have reviewed them, I am seeing only ~20% of that to be true. Hopefully the future, (as promised ) will bring cuter models (NOT that I am superficial), as well better scenes, (those with some chemistry). Although I think Shane is hella hot, I still think that the site should be SOLELY for straight, non Pro's, as it was years ago, and upto the Jordan scenes. Any chances of going back to those type?
I am going to say this because it needs to be said... Guys, Jesse is Str8 and he played that part well. Every Str8 guy I have ever had act very much like Jesse. After they got their rocks off they wanted to get the hell out... oh yeah and very few wanted to reciprocate. So if you wanted a real Str8 guy on here you just got one and you didn't like him. Hmmmmmm ?
Guys, Jesse is Str8 and he played that part well. Every Str8 guy I have ever had act very much like Jesse. After they got their rocks off they wanted to get the hell out... oh yeah and very few wanted to reciprocate. So if you wanted a real Str8 guy on here you just got one and you didn't like him. Hmmmmmm ?

Mmmmm. Yes, you make a very good point, Erik.
I am going to say this because it needs to be said... Guys, Jesse is Str8 and he played that part well. Every Str8 guy I have ever had act very much like Jesse. After they got their rocks off they wanted to get the hell out... oh yeah and very few wanted to reciprocate. So if you wanted a real Str8 guy on here you just got one and you didn't like him. Hmmmmmm ?

Don't count me in among that group. I just want men on here who can do the job(having hot sex) without looking like they're dying a little inside or have a gun to their head. Most men on here can accomplish that. If Jesse can't then he needs to seek work elsewhere.

I am going to say this because it needs to be said... Guys, Jesse is Str8 and he played that part well. Every Str8 guy I have ever had act very much like Jesse. After they got their rocks off they wanted to get the hell out... oh yeah and very few wanted to reciprocate. So if you wanted a real Str8 guy on here you just got one and you didn't like him. Hmmmmmm ?

That's just what I was thinking.
I am going to say this because it needs to be said... Guys, Jesse is Str8 and he played that part well. Every Str8 guy I have ever had act very much like Jesse. After they got their rocks off they wanted to get the hell out... oh yeah and very few wanted to reciprocate. So if you wanted a real Str8 guy on here you just got one and you didn't like him. Hmmmmmm ?
Erik, my favorite kind of guy is indeed a "straight" guy, and I've certainly given head to quite a few over the years who identify themselves as being straight. And yes, most are just looking to get their rocks off, and many are quite anxious to leave, after shooting their loads. But I've encountered very few with the type of attitude that Jesse projects.

Jesse is what used to be referred to as "rough trade". I like my straight guys to be masculine, basically "pussy loving" young men. But not with all of the nasty attitude that Jessie projects, and I like them to be cuter too. :cool:

So whereas I like straight guys with straight guy attitudes, I will choose a MikeR, or Alden of Alden and Robert, or Jordan or certainly Logan, as the type of straight guy that I like to lust over.
Don't count me in among that group. I just want men on here who can do the job(having hot sex) without looking like they're dying a little inside or have a gun to their head. Most men on here can accomplish that. If Jesse can't then he needs to seek work elsewhere.

I fall into middle ground between you and Erik in the kind of straight guy I enjoy on this site. I find passionate kissing and love making incongruous among straight boys, but I don't enjoy watching an unattractive street urchin grimacing through his scenes either. Obviously we all have our own personal "ideals" among our straight guys, and as long as this site offers a good variety of types and scenes, hopefully we will be satisfied by the overall product presented here.
I am going to say this because it needs to be said... Guys, Jesse is Str8 and he played that part well. Every Str8 guy I have ever had act very much like Jesse. After they got their rocks off they wanted to get the hell out... oh yeah and very few wanted to reciprocate. So if you wanted a real Str8 guy on here you just got one and you didn't like him. Hmmmmmm ?

It has nothing to do with straight or gay. It has to do with being unattractive. He's a train wreck.
I actually thought that this scene was a huge improvement over the first. David A. did his best to reanimate Frankenstein. I agree that Jesse should have made the sacrifice and "saved up" for his cumshot in the scene. I relished the fact that David A. called him out on the fact that in the first scene he was caught several times sneaking some lustful glances at David's dick. haha

I was annoyed with him when right after his cumshot was over that Jesse shoved David back to the other side of the futon. I thought that was a bit much. Straight or not it was just plain rude.

LOL I have to give a shoutout to Scorpio here.

Scorpio my brother, it's okay. I suspect you are head over heels with Jesse. haha Hey. Everybody has their kinks. :biggrin: Am I right? Are you blushing? haha
I hated this scene, and I dislike all scenes featuring David or Jesse. For starters, Jesse reminds me of what a frontal lobotomy recipient would probably be like. He seems to have NO personality. If he had a great personality, I'd love him and that huge dick of his and he has a nice body to boot. But, his horrendous non-personality completely ruins everything about him.

There is something about David I don't like either. I really don't like his annoying glasses at all, but most of all I just can not STAND that gaping grin he always gets. He seems like a pshychotic lunatic when he has that awful grin, it really gives me pause! It would be perfectly fine if he would smile at appropriate times, but that teeth baring sneer he gets when he's getting it on with someone is disturbing to me for some reason.

I gave both scenes a chance, and tried to reserve judgment until after I had seen them.

But I didn't like David at all in his scenes on College Boy Physicals, and I don't like him any better here on Broke Straight Boys I didn't like Jesse any better either, I hope they both ride off into the sunset never to be seen by the light of day (on camera) again.
