To all my adoring fans that have been with me through the years. United beside the new fans that I continue to develop as my career pushes forwards. As most of you are aware I have an epigastral hernia that needs some fixin.
Its not a major issue.. it causes no pain problems or discomfort. It generally goes relativly unnoticed. My primary concern was with the scarring. In consideration of those who care for me, I was approcahed by many people and adivsed to recieve a second opinion. So I did. Actually I got 2 additional opinions. The injury is not life threatening and had did not bother me so immediate action is not necessary. However its something that needs fixed eventually and doing it while young aides in the recovery process dramatically. So to maximize the potential of minimizing long term damge I decided to go ahead with it and get it over with!
This morning they put me down, cut me up and sewed me shut. The hernia is officially gone and the road to recovery begins ! I woke up fine from anesthesia. So far so good. Very minor pain. No nausea (yet) I feel like any other day. Just thought I would keep you all updated and I will continue to do so !
Until Next Time,
Jason Matthews
I'm glad to hear things went off without a problem! And I hope the pain stays away, but I'm glad to know you went through with it because i know you wanted to.