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jake spencer looks bored


Oct 20, 2018
Reaction score
Hi: I know the guy is cute and at the beginning he acted like he was really into his performance. The last couple he seemed bored. Perhaps he is learning that porn is a job which means it is hard work and not always fun. Regardless he needs to get his energy up. That energy is the reason i found him hot to begin with.
I have different standards for my enjoyment than most fans of the site have. For me it is all about the physical beauty of a performer and I still find Jake exceptionally good looking with a beautiful face, a very sexy hot body and a beautiful cock. I could watch him for hours. But I fully understand your point and the ratings in his last scene with Chris were his lowest but of course in a two man scene the ratings are reflective of both performers.

I for one am not at all disappointed in Jake's performance and just hope that there are many more scenes of his available on this site in the future. He is most definitely in my top five Broke Straight Boys performers ever and to quote Billy Joel, I say to Jake, "I love you just the way you are". :smiley-love021:
I am not sure I would agree with you regarding Jake. It may be that you are thinking that his quiet persona is actually boredom. I find his concentration when fucking his partner's is very intense. If you listen very carefully you hear him say a few words periodically in his deep yet soft voice. I think its just his very masculine personality. I watch his eyes, hands, mouth, body movement and his dick and its anything but bored to me. Just my opinion...
Look at y’all taking up for lil ole Jakey. Y’all are blinded by his beauty. LOL. We all saw that last scene and it was a 3 from me, and Jake did look bored. But hey....I expect every model to have one bad scene now and then. I will say, however, that was the only scene that seemed off to me. Jake seems like the type that will bounce back.
Look at y’all taking up for lil ole Jakey. Y’all are blinded by his beauty. LOL. We all saw that last scene and it was a 3 from me, and Jake did look bored. But hey....I expect every model to have one bad scene now and then. I will say, however, that was the only scene that seemed off to me. Jake seems like the type that will bounce back.

Jaybifla, I was actually going to mention Jake's last scene as not showing his usual hotness, but that had a lot to do with his partner in that scene. Understandable.
Jaybifla, I was actually going to mention Jake's last scene as not showing his usual hotness, but that had a lot to do with his partner in that scene. Understandable.

I totally agree with you. Jake was there to have sex and his partner was there to win an acting award.
Ya’ll are crazy. It is not Chris’ fault that Jake was boring as hell in that scene. Chris has 3 scenes rated higher than Jake’s first highest rated scene. And don’t get it twisted, Jake is in my favorites and Chris is not. I had to go back and watch part of it to see if I was imagining things, and I’m not. You can see it at the very beginning of the scene when Chris is kissing Jake’s neck and Jake is sitting there like he’s zoned completely out. I don’t want you to think I’m hating on him, because I’m not at all. But Jake is just as responsible for that boring scene, and even more so because he is the aggressive top.
First of all as my friend "petefromsaintpete" likes to remind us on the forum, "It's only porn" and I hope no one takes any of this banter among us as being serious as we all have enough serious shit going on in our lives. But saying all this I do want to point out that Jake's last scene was released on February 8th and since then we have had seven partnered scenes and two solos released, and folks are still talking about Jake.

As P. T. Barnum said many years ago, “I don't care what the newspapers say about me as long as they spell my name right.” :smile:
First of all as my friend "petefromsaintpete" likes to remind us on the forum, "It's only porn" and I hope no one takes any of this banter among us as being serious as we all have enough serious shit going on in our lives. But saying all this I do want to point out that Jake's last scene was released on February 8th and since then we have had seven partnered scenes and two solos released, and folks are still talking about Jake.

As P. T. Barnum said many years ago, “I don't care what the newspapers say about me as long as they spell my name right.” :smile:

Totally. I certainly don’t want anyone to take any offense to anything I say. It’s just silly conversation amongst friends as I see it.
I just commented on Jake, because he was the topic of conversation. I had honestly moved on past this scene when it was released.

I will say one other thing. I think this scene got a bad review because it was so highly anticipated when it was announced. Jake was a favorite amongst many and Chris had 3 scenes in the very top for a while. So, I think it was just a let down from everyone’s expectations. It happens. I honestly just think it was a fluke.
And when I said, “y’all are crazy”, I meant that jokingly.
And when I said, “y’all are crazy”, I meant that jokingly.
I most certainly understand that Jay. In the time you've been on the forum, I've learned to enjoy your sense of humor. That to me is the forum at it's best, just a bunch of friends hanging out and goofin' and joking with each other. Hell Peterh from Seattle is my real life friend and he's given me a harder time than anyone else on the forum......well with a few exceptions. Right Peter? lolololol
I have, but I wasn’t being paid to entertain.

Which is something that these young models may still have to understand. Don't forget, Jake is only 18. Not everyone had developed a sense of professionalism by then, especially when the profession is having sex on camera. And this is in no way a put down of Jake.
Which is something that these young models may still have to understand. Don't forget, Jake is only 18. Not everyone had developed a sense of professionalism by then, especially when the profession is having sex on camera. And this is in no way a put down of Jake.
That's kind of the way I see it too, O.F. Currently we have two types of models on Broke Straight Boys We have the pros who've either been exclusively on Broke Straight Boys for years like Chris who has been performing on this site since March of 2016 and other pros who've performed on other gay porn sites prior to Broke Straight Boys And then we have the true amateurs to gay porn such as newbies Sky and Kace and Jake who as O.F. mentioned had only turned 18 when he joined the site several months ago.

For me the joy of watching a very handsome guy who is an amateur with just six scenes under his belt is charming and entertaining. I don't need to see true professionalism in a hot young inexperienced guy like Jake. If he stays in the industry and remains a Broke Straight Boys, perhaps a year from now I will judge his skill sets more as a professional rather than an amateur. But for now, for me as SFPS01 said, "I watch his eyes, hands, mouth, body movement and his dick and its anything but bored to me. Just my opinion..." Amen to that! :thumbup1:
Ron Levi. I’ve had a crush on him for a long time. He’s beyond sexy. His Instagram is hot. Maybe I will surprise you with another sexy avatar in a couple months.
I just looked up Ron Levi. You are right. He is incredible! :drool:


