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Is it true that Log Cabin Republicans support Ryan?


Jul 29, 2012
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Los Angeles, CA
I heard on the radio yesterday that the Log Cabin Republicans are endorsing Ryan for VP. Is this true? I really don't understand how any self respecting gay person can support Ryan or many of the republicans - it's sort of like a Jew voting for a Nazi. Many of these politicians openly hate us and would take away many of our hard won rights - not to mention their attitudes about porn. What do you guys think!
i am sure that i have met at least one republican who shared my social views.
i am sure that i have never met one who shared my economic/political views.
how others come to their own sense of what is in their best interest is a mystery to me!
that people come to decisions has been a long time source of interest.
I honestly believe that if the truth were known there would be very few politicians on either side that really gave a shit about gay marriage and est. It is just an easy band wagon that they can hitch a ride on. All they have to do is stand up against gay marriage or abortion rights and the extreme right wing evangelicals will hitch on there wagon and all the votes that go along with them. These extremist are simply blind to anything except those two issues; it don’t matter if Grandma is going to die from lack of meds as long as the gay people don’t get anything.
I heard on the radio yesterday that the Log Cabin Republicans are endorsing Ryan for VP. Is this true? I really don't understand how any self respecting gay person can support Ryan or many of the republicans - it's sort of like a Jew voting for a Nazi. Many of these politicians openly hate us and would take away many of our hard won rights - not to mention their attitudes about porn. What do you guys think!

I think I totally agree with you.
Officially, Log Cabin has not officially endorsed Romney or Ryan. It did issue a press relese praising Ryan's selection based on his brand of economics, vote in favor of ENDA (according to them), and willingness to dialogue with Log Cabin Republicans.

However, GOPround, another gay conservative group has endorsed both Romeny and Ryan.

As I have stated previously, no self-respecting GLBT person can vote for the Republican ticket. However, we can be our own worse enemy. According to exit polls in the 2000 Presidential election about 20% of gays and lesbian voted for Bush. Then after 4 years in that horror of a year - 2004 - when Republicans engineered 13 state constitutional amendment votes banning marriage equality, exit polls showed that about 25% gays and lesbians voted for Bush again.

But that party has gotten worse since then on gay related issues. Thus I repeat, no self respecting GLBT person or even our truly supportive straight allies can in good conscience vote for the Republican ticket or anyone in either party who doesn't support full equality for glbt people and I mean more than just marriage; I mean ENDA, and the plethora of other rights currently denied us.


I don't understand how self-respecting straight people can endorse the Republican nominees, either....
I don't understand how self-respecting straight people can endorse the Republican nominees, either....

First, the disclaimer. This does not necessarily reflect my views. I am only repeating what I have heard. Some people are not necessarily voting for the Republicans, but against Obama whom the dislike more, at least that is their reasoning. I personally am displeased with both parties and do not put much faith in Washington DC at present. I have just over two months to decide which candidate to choose. It will not be easy.
My issue is with politicians pandering morality. If they want to discuss ethics, sure, I'll get involved in that arguement. But morality is a different issue entirely and I can't endorse a candidate who will use his own moral code to legislate. And if a candidate has questionable ethics on top of a strong moral agenda, that person will never get my vote.
Maybe gay rights and marriage is not the top of the agenda of reasons to vote for either party. I certainly would not dis a party purely on their stance on gay marriage IF I their other policies outshone the other party. For instance economy, defence, medical care, education and employment are much higher on my list of priorities than gay marriage.
Maybe gay rights and marriage is not the top of the agenda of reasons to vote for either party. I certainly would not dis a party purely on their stance on gay marriage IF I their other policies outshone the other party. For instance economy, defence, medical care, education and employment are much higher on my list of priorities than gay marriage.

No. I'm not a one issue voter either. I support some things that are considered conservative. It's just that the Republican party is so far to the extreme nowadays on just about every issue that it seems no moderates are allowed. Just ask Romney. He has to pander and grovel to the far right. Even to some of the lunatic fringe.
It isn't surprising that there are gays that support organizations that hate them. Hitler had a "friend", Capt Rohm, who supported his rise to power only to be sacrificed along with the other gay nazis in the party once Hitler got elected. A significant number of clergy in the Roman Catholic Church are gay, but the Pope believes that God made a mistake when He made them. Yes, this is an example of serving those that despise your sexual orientation and pretending that it isn't happening to you.
Now Im not sure if they ever did officially endorse him, I would only assume they certainly did. First of all they are, after all, republicians. More importantly however, the Log Cabin Republicans were very heavily supportive of Ryan even getting on the ticket and he was their choice out of all the possibiles even before Ryan was selected. They had some issues with him but they said over a month ago that Ryan is the Republicans chance to strenghten the ticket.