Do not want to be insulting in any way. BUT> > > > What ever happened to HOT models like the Cannon brothers,
Johnny Forza,
Vadim Black,
Tyler White,
Drake Tyler, etc? Most of them are now filming for other studios. to me for the most part the current stable of models does not compare, physically nor in sexual interest and energy. They are fun guys, but I would not label one of them as HOT and their performances are luke warm too. Am I the only one who thinks so?
HI Curious! Welcome to the forum.
I see some of the models you mention as a mixed bag.
Johnny Forza,
Tyler White, and
Vadim Black all had issues while they filmed here. I'm usually loathe to singling out models for criticism. But you ask an honest and straight-forward question as to why certain models are no longer here, why the site was willing to let them go, etc. Your implication seeming to be that the studio was foolish for ever letting them go. Fair enough in feeling that way as a new member to the site. I'll try to answer some of that from my perspective as just another member while being as gentle as I can towards said models. Keeping in mind of course that I don't claim that my answers are complete and infallible, have a monopoly on truth, or are the final say. I do not presume to have omniscient knowledge of things going on behind closed doors. I certainly don't. Others may totally disagree with some of my opinions and conclusions.
Johnny Forza. Absolutely gorgeous body. No doubt. (In my mind at least.) Nice guy, but he had issues. Once he was signed to an exclusive contract he started to feel like all he had to do was show up on set with a smile and otherwise just go through the motions of a scene. Sometimes he just phoned some of his scenes in. He was also given so many scenes that he became overexposed and current members at the time got tired of seeing him so often. The quality of his work towards the end started slipping, along with his ratings.
He also got so full of himself and felt he was so special and important, that when he was called to fly out to the studio to film more scenes, he arrived with no luggage at all. I imagine he arrived from out of state to spend a week or at least a long weekend at the studio with only the clothes on his back. He probably showed up with just his wallet, keys, and cellphone, and little to nothing else beyond what fit in his pockets. I understand that he did this routinely. Not just once in a while. I guess he thought it was funny to show up at the airport with no suitcase and that members' dues would be used to buy him new clothes. So he expected the site (meaning us members) to buy him and provide him with full sets of new and clean clothes for those several days, a toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving cream, razors, shampoo, soap, deodorant, combs, brushes, etc, etc. One would hope that
Broke Straight Boys does have some extras of those basic toiletries on hand for certain newer models especially, who are really down on their luck, sometimes going without much food at home and arriving with not much. But Johnny was one of the highest paid models of the site and had fairly steady work since he was in an exclusive contract.
Broke Straight Boys tv show showed that the decision not to renew his exclusive contract was a very easy one for the staff. In fact the conversation management had with Johnny when he was sat down and told that he would be let go at the expiration of his contract, was actually recorded and aired on tv. The
Broke Straight Boys tv show also showed Johnny leaving the
Broke Straight Boys house to be taken to the airport to fly home. As he stood in the doorway to leave, he had just the clothes on his back and looked like he could have just been going to the corner store to get a loaf of bread. One of the other models sarcastically asked him on his way out the door where his suitcase was. To which Johnny just chuckled and smiled.
Tyler White started off as a superb model. But then he went off the deep end into overacting and his ratings suddenly plummeted like a stone. There were also strong suspicions of substance abuse at the end of his time here. He also didn't endear himself any further to management when he came into the forum later and bashed employees of the site. I so hope that Tyler gets his life in order and finds happiness and contentment. He has the potential to be a really amazing man.
Vadim Black... The poor guy's a mess. He has often brought too much baggage to the table of the non-suitcase type. He got into the business at a very young age and didn't have the maturity and coping skills to deal with his life in general, let alone the responsibilities and social skills of holding down a job as a porn model. In the eyes of us members his popularity would just go up and down depending on how stable he was at the time. Some of his personal problems and issues unfortunately got played out rather publicly on the internet and here in the open forum. I always wish
Vadim Black success and much happiness in life. In spite of everything...the good, the bad and the ugly, I still have love for him. Over his whole lifetime he has been through a LOT. I don't wish to go into a character assassination by re-hashing all of his dirty laundry. Much of it can still be found in the archives of older threads. But suffice to say that he had many issues while he was here.
Paul Canon was and still is one of the most beloved models of the site. But things got very messy and complicated towards the end of his time here. His relationship with management went south. Again, I'm not going to re-hash all the old news. Also again, much of the story played out in the open forum. I would LOVE to see Paul come back to the site again. However while it may not be impossible, unfortunately I don't see it as very likely.