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How the mighty have fallen - Johnny Forza on ABFT this week

Johnny hasn't fallen at all...he's not with a better site, and much better looking guys:


At least www.jockhunter.com doesn't try to fake a fantasy, it's very clear that it's all fantasy and a set-up...BSB2 is still trying to pass off guys as fresh-faces, straight, etc...


Hey, Samm ~

I'm gonna stick up a little bit, for Mike, on this one. I am not so much "ambivalent" about the reigning Broke Straight Boys fantasy, as I am sort of selective, about it. It is not one of my key fantasies in life - though I think it can be (and IS) really HOT when a guy who is truly straight gets "broken in."

This last fantasy is, after all, the reason Broke Straight Boys was established, and the reason the site bears the name that it does. So, obviously, a lot of members come here, for that; and obviously, the management and production staff play up this angle. IMHO, sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't - but, when it IS real, and it DOES work, it can be pretty hot.

(Despite critiques and controversies on this subject, some of which originated from nasty ME. . . I do believe Broke Straight Boys has had its fair share, over the years, of models who were either 100 per cent straight, or latently bisexual with little experience, or latently gay and DIDN'T KNOW IT, yet. And I get the reasons why people find witnessing those sorts of encounters, and progressions, hot - hell, I do, too!)

As is well-known to lots of people who do me the honour of reading my unconscionable, unbearable, rants, from time to time, I'm pretty much thrilled with beautiful sex between two beautiful models (if they are REALLY BEAUTIFUL) no matter what their orientation or state in life - whether they are rugged straight lumberjacks, or slender lads in lavender who are wont to quote Oscar Wilde, in between sips of absinthe ;-)

Like you, Samm, I don't think Johnny has fallen, at all. I think he is as beautiful as ever, and has grown considerably, as a performer. (And, as anyone who has seen his BTS appearances will attest - I think - whether you love Johnny Forza as a performer, or not, he is an ADORABLY SWEET human being!)

However, I think at least a little of the credit for Johnny's improvement as a gay video-star is due to his apprenticeship at Broke Straight Boys And, to put it simply (and bluntly): Johnny has appeared in so many gay videos, at this point, and appeared with so many great performers - it would be shocking if he hadn't learned at least a LITTLE!!!

And, while I agree that Johnny F. is looking as good as ever, and performing better than in the past, on purely TECHNICAL grounds, I haven't been able to warm up (all that much) to his or anybody else's performances either on "Men.com", or "jockhunter." In both cases, I find the scripting to be very "Falcon-circa-1989", and (more importantly) the videography to be deficient. At least as of this moment, I think Broke Straight Boys is still doing a better job of showing full-body, panoramic sex, and the reflection of facial and emotional reactions - - - which is what I like to see, and is the bottom-line, aesthetically, for me.

I just watched a scene from Jockhunter today with Johnny. He played a gay guy who was horny to find a str8 guy to fuck. He spotted a life guard on the beach and the plot goes on from there. The life guard sucked on Johnny and Johnny then fucked him. It was total doggy style fukn over a picnic table. I did not find it erotic at all. It was so similar to Bait Bus or the other ones that try to allure str8 guys into sex. Half of the scene was nothing but talking.

Whatever. He sure looked good...

Jockhunter is not Broke Straight Boys Louis, and Johnny acting the way he did on that one plus the scene in the gym is what that site is all about. What is not erotic to you will be erotic to JH's subscribers.
Jockhunter is not Broke Straight Boys Louis, and Johnny acting the way he did on that one plus the scene in the gym is what that site is all about. What is not erotic to you will be erotic to JH's subscribers.

You make a good point Jon! I know that I've done it, or acknowledge others who compare scenes from one site to another but, all sites cater to one taste or another! I shop at Home Depot and Lowes! I prefer the customer service, and the layout of things at Lowes much better but, I do shop at both! (although, I will not use a credit card or debit card at Home Depot.....just sayin'!)
I just watched a scene from Jockhunter today with Johnny. He played a gay guy who was horny to find a str8 guy to fuck. He spotted a life guard on the beach and the plot goes on from there. The life guard sucked on Johnny and Johnny then fucked him. It was total doggy style fukn over a picnic table. I did not find it erotic at all. It was so similar to Bait Bus or the other ones that try to allure str8 guys into sex. Half of the scene was nothing but talking.

I saw this scene a couple of days ago. The beautiful lifeguard was Kip whom i think is one of the sexiest MF in porn. I liked this scene vey much...
Some guys get turned on by older, fatter, uglier... guys. Who know maybe Johnny got turned on by it. The same with viewers. Some get turned on by watching an "ugly guy" fuck a "beautiful stud."

Older and fatter don't go with uglier
All that being said, I simply could not watch much of the DaddyMugs video. It just saddened me too much.