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Paul canon fucks johnny forza

And yet the models can PM us.
And yet the models can PM us.

Call it "morbid curiosity" on my part nobelegg but, I get the sense that you have a "personal" issue with this particular model. Since it is obvious to me that you want this to play out publicly or at least on the forum, what is it, or why do you feel this way? Please don't take this the wrong way but, I don't think I've ever read such unfavorable comments from a member based soley on a models performance in scenes, or the personality we gain from what we see through the camera's eye! Having a personal interaction (in my opinion) would make this a little more relevant to me, to some degree.
Canon (since you like that), if I have affronted you in any uncomfortable manner, know that was not my intention. Your boss says you are a great guy. He would know, I suppose, but it is not for me to say, since I have never met you, nor am I paying your salary. You asked me why I am on here. 1) I prefer Broke Straight Boys over any other site of its ilk. 2) We here in the Midwest have equally hot men of exceptional caliber, even some who outshine you, who would like the opportunities extended to you, but cannot for one reason or another. I want to see them receive their opportunity and shall do all I can to ensure it. 3) I appreciate good conversation with people who thing beyond their zippers; people who possess intellect, insight, and a willingness to express themselves without the fear of being censored. 4) Broke Straight Boys has a diversity of models with different appeal factors while some, such as you, do not appeal to me at all. This diversity is what keeps me coming back. 5) I have a personal, professional agenda of which I would prefer discussing in private with your boss. There are other reasons which need not be mentioned herein.
It is most evident Canon's biggest fan...is Canon. He is NOT what most believe he is, and I, for one, would not take him to a dogfight if he were defending champion. He is hardly a 'Boy', and he has never been 'Straight' a day in his life. All his performances mirror those of Tom Cruise: he plays the precise same role but with a different name. In Canon's case, he has no initiative, no drive, no originality, and certainly no appeal for anyone who can see the transparent pretender he truly is instead of the porn star he believes himself to be. Canon's looks are racing ahead of him in time, and this can be witnessed in his cutesy-pie demeanour he has to maintain in order to lure viewers who think with testosterone instead of brain waves. Canon, get off the screen; it is most unpleasant watching you getting off on-screen. And take Thompson back to the kennels with you.

Hold the phone, Jethro. I was chided earlier for making comments resembling that which you hurled at me. I apologized for being churlish, but if you did not accept it, keep it your dilemma; I refuse to make it mine. You lusters and pitiful dreamers on this site absolutely amaze me - always wanting what you know you shall never have; always masturbating to someone who does not even know you are alive, nor does he care. And when another person opines a contrary viewpoint, however minimal or grandiose, you allow your feelings to hurt, and your date in the Bebop Ballroom for the night just went sour. I applaud your admiring Canon; you certainly have that right, and I stand by it. Simultaneously, I have an equal right to cast a negative eye toward him according to my personal preferences and observations of which he would never be among. Canon is not anything close to what he believes himself to be, and even further away from what - and where - you want him to be, so get over it. Five years from now, Canon will probably be on the streets somewhere, selling his body as he has vividly learned how to do on this site. And where shall you be? Still masturbating over a dream that can never come true? Be real - do you honestly think Canon gives one iota for you? Your pseudo-affections are horrifically one-sided, Advocate, and that side is not in your favour or better interests which ooze down the side of your leg.

nobelegg you need to tone it down. We have rules here and you need to be courteous to others and show some respect. Obviously you have met Paul Canon and know everything about him. You are being a hypocrite with your posts and I'm not even sure why you are here. Paul is a great guy and I love how you make assumptions on someone you have never met.

Mark - some of your people have been taking down posts a few here but mainly on the comments section of scene pages because they were against the new director. The language and tone of those comments were in the vast majority of cases much less antagonistic than this guy's; and yet you just say to him, "tone it down"? His comments are an affront to Paul and some of our members and as such violate the criteria of the forum as set out again just today on another thread by "Admin". These comments should be taken down and this guy given a time out from the forum. Is one membership really that important to have such a poisonous presence on the forum?
Look, spoiledboyz, I don't bear you any personal ill will whatsoever, but I have a problem with you casting aspersions on people for enjoying this website and its models as you did in your above post, and I'm going to speak my mind about it.

advocate - are you saying or implying that nobelegg and spoiledboyz (from the comments section of various scene pages) are one and the same? I'll admit tonally their diatribes are quite similar, but are you presuming based on that, or do you have better intel? Curious minds - or at least this nosey one - wants to know - lol!!
Wow this is one of the more hateful comments I've seen about myself on here or any other site. I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Thankfully enough for my "cutesy-pie" self, that is all they are, opinions. Thanks for the input!

Paul -

1. Are you saying you have been on other sites or are currently on other sites, other than Broke Straight Boys or Broke Straight Boys-related?

2. I wouldn't be too concerned about this guy's opinions, because remember: Opinions are like assholes; everybody has one; and sometimes they are one and the same!!
advocate - are you saying or implying that nobelegg and spoiledboyz (from the comments section of various scene pages) are one and the same? I'll admit tonally their diatribes are quite similar, but are you presuming based on that, or do you have better intel? Curious minds - or at least this nosey one - wants to know - lol!!

I saw him refer to himself as SB in another post, and I also noted the similarities between his messages. That's all the intel I had, but I figured it wasn't too much of a leap.
Advocate: As you know, I have heeded your sage advice and toned things down to a weak simmer. I realized my folly and accepted the chastisement duly accorded me herein. I have since behaved myself and intend to do so henceforth. And to answer your query as to my identity here and on the scene comments page, your inquiring mind has been well rewarded. I fail to perceive what significant difference it makes unless someone has a personal beef with me. And whether or not I fancy or dislike a model, I have that right. No one says everyone on here has to go with the status flow. I have my own mind, as does everyone. I am entitled to my personal opinion, as is everyone. And I have the right to voice the same provided I do so with a civil tongue, which up to this morning I have failed to do. I stood corrected, and I still stand, willing to comply with the rules of this and every forum. BUT I shall not be dictated, nor shall I allow anyone to influence my opinions against my will. I doubt you would, either.
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Stowe1: If you have indeed read my reply to Advocate, you will have noticed I accepted my verbal 'spanking' and have been duly corrected. However, your comment about my opinion and my being a bipedal sphincter appear to be as venomous as those earlier comments for which I was chided. I fail to understand why it is prudent for you to cast such barbs and feel superior in doing so when it had been brought to my attention and external demeanour to say my words with taste, for I might wind up eating them. This sounds like a double-standard you have created and exercised to suit your purposes. Along the same line, this takes away from the topic of this particular forum. As for my disliking Canon, I do not understand what difference that makes to you, save for the undeniable fact I think with the head outside my zipper, while many on here ponder with the head inside the fly while the gist of their jizm runs down their leg. If you are offended by my comments, then it is most clear you are indeed someone to whom I am addressing, and you realize this as much as I. Nowhere in the forum guidelines does it state I have to agree with everyone else, so do not expect me to. It does, however, request proper and due Netiquette, which up until this morning I failed to exert. Therefore, I am moving forward and apart from this matter, deeming it closed. You are not going to persuade me to like Canon in any capacity, nor is Canon able to do so, now or in future. End of story.
Paul -

1. Are you saying you have been on other sites or are currently on other sites, other than Broke Straight Boys or Broke Straight Boys-related?

2. I wouldn't be too concerned about this guy's opinions, because remember: Opinions are like assholes; everybody has one; and sometimes they are one and the same!!

I refuse to comment on any other mention from the one known as "nobelegg" but I was referring to reviews on other sites, not work done for a different site. And I appreciate the pick-me-up. I told Mark myself that i didn't want any of this content removed because I want members to see this type of reaction from a member. While it is uncalled for, people are entitled to their feelings and emotions.
Wow. Good form, Canon. While I respect you and your opinion, that hardly causes me to alter the way I feel toward you, et al. And thank you for telling Mark not to remove these postings; mighty chivalrous of you to exercise such influence. I also appreciate and admire the power you seem to have to determine what is called for and what is not re my emotions and feelings. Thank you for putting me in my place. BTW, if ever you and/or Mark would like to meet, I am not averse to this. In all fairness, I really do respect you, but respect does not require liking. I respected my professors in college, but I hardly liked any of them, and I made sure they recognized this from the onset.
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Stowe1: If you have indeed read my reply to Advocate, you will have noticed I accepted my verbal 'spanking' and have been duly corrected. However, your comment about my opinion and my being a bipedal sphincter appear to be as venomous as those earlier comments for which I was chided. I fail to understand why it is prudent for you to cast such barbs and feel superior in doing so when it had been brought to my attention and external demeanour to say my words with taste, for I might wind up eating them. This sounds like a double-standard you have created and exercised to suit your purposes. Along the same line, this takes away from the topic of this particular forum. As for my disliking Canon, I do not understand what difference that makes to you, save for the undeniable fact I think with the head outside my zipper, while many on here ponder with the head inside the fly while the gist of their jizm runs down their leg. If you are offended by my comments, then it is most clear you are indeed someone to whom I am addressing, and you realize this as much as I. Nowhere in the forum guidelines does it state I have to agree with everyone else, so do not expect me to. It does, however, request proper and due Netiquette, which up until this morning I failed to exert. Therefore, I am moving forward and apart from this matter, deeming it closed. You are not going to persuade me to like Canon in any capacity, nor is Canon able to do so, now or in future. End of story.

To paraphrase something you implied in this thread and said on another, I could care less what you think of me or what I say. I could care even less whether or not you like Paul Canon. As to the quote about opinions, that is an old, old saying around much before my time. I was just using it to remind Paul that everybody has opinions and shouldn't be taken seriously. Again to paraphrase you, if you took that personally then that's your problem.

I am a big believer in giving a wide berth with respect to opinions. But it is how they are stated especially when about an individual that is important. One can dislike someone or some scene without going "ad hominem"! Post to your hearts content, but like the rest of us, do not expect that some of your opinions won't be criticized or challenged. That's part of the intellectual fun of the fourm.
I have learned lots on here from genuine people. I appreciate your time and input, not overshadowing your patience with me. This said, however, my opinions toward Canon have not changed, nor shall they mellow with favour. Canon was hardly into this scene. He remained inside Johnny Forza until Johnny Forza ejaculated. Upon exiting Johnny Forza, it was obvious Canon was limp. Even the extensive masturbation could not arouse him enough. Near the end, the camera cut, and in an instant Canon (who is not a secret agent; only children play such games) was erect. When he finally ejaculated, a mere two droplets of semen exited, telling me he had previously gotten his jollies in some facet or another before filming to help him last throughout the filming. Thus, we did not see Canon at his best because his 'best' was spent off-camera before this scene was filmed. Bad form. Exceptionally bad form.