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Gay Porn Star Model Ashton Taylor

All I was trying to say is that as of now, Ashton still has over-all very high ratings as he is still on the third row of top models, despite the criticisms by the forum, myself included, for his lack of a solid erection when performing, and his unwillingness to bottom thus far. My point being that the scores come from total membership and not just the forum, and so he is still very appealing to over-all membership on the site. We shall see how his ratings go moving forward but for now he is doing very well in the ratings department.

Now mikey if I were a wise-ass olde curmudgeon, I'd simply say that this shows there is no accounting for taste.

But since I'm not (??) I'll simply say that I must be the outlier of the site because when I'm watching porn (as I also prefer in my personal life as a big, olde bottom) I don't care how nice looking or hot a top is, but when fucking he's got to have a rock hard dick which can be thrust in and out and made to do all sort of wonderful moves to pleasure both his bottom and himself.