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How the mighty have fallen - Johnny Forza on ABFT this week


Ye Olde Curmudgeon
May 28, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
Well our former Broke Straight Boys exclusive, Johnny Forza, continues to make the rounds of "D" level web porn sites. Having been to Dallas Reeves, he now appears on this weeks ABFT. He has that charming look still and those pecs and ass of death, but he has lost body tone in his abs. At least when he fucks here he doesn't suffer from JFSFDS (Johnny Forza Semi-Flaccid Dick Syndrome) the way he did when he was here, so that's an improvement. I couldn't help but think as I was watching him how far he has sunk from his status here to where he is today. That's what can happen when a person's ego collides with the "grass is always greener on the other side" syndrome. But having said all that, he still melts my butter with that charming smile and attitude. And the luscious cock and nice ass don't hurt either -lol!!
Stowe ~

For those of us who are not so initiated, would you mind sharing, what is "ABFT"? Or to disclose a link?

Well our former Broke Straight Boys exclusive, Johnny Forza, continues to make the rounds of "D" level web porn sites. Having been to Dallas Reeves, he now appears on this weeks ABFT. He has that charming look still and those pecs and ass of death, but he has lost body tone in his abs. At least when he fucks here he doesn't suffer from JFSFDS (Johnny Forza Semi-Flaccid Dick Syndrome) the way he did when he was here, so that's an improvement. I couldn't help but think as I was watching him how far he has sunk from his status here to where he is today. That's what can happen when a person's ego collides with the "grass is always greener on the other side" syndrome. But having said all that, he still melts my butter with that charming smile and attitude. And the luscious cock and nice ass don't hurt either -lol!!

I agree. Pretty sad. he has so much potential! Check him out on Daddy Mugs or whatever its called http://www.boyztube.com/gay-videos/watch/322132-daddy_mugs_fucks_johnny_forza.html
I agree. Pretty sad. he has so much potential! Check him out on Daddy Mugs or whatever its called http://www.boyztube.com/gay-videos/watch/322132-daddy_mugs_fucks_johnny_forza.html
Wow! On one of the threads discussing Jimmy Johnson's bottoming scene, I theorized that perhaps there is an audience of older, out of shape men who enjoy identifying with a similarly built man fucking a young former exclusive top, and this scene is an even more extreme example of a similar pairing. This type of scene is most certainly not to my taste but does seem to validate my thought process.
I thought he was hot in the ABTF video. The Daddy Mugs scene is another tory.
He was on Men.com this year. Wonder what happened there. I also see advertisements around that he has also joined a new site called jockhunter.com
Wow! On one of the threads discussing Jimmy Johnson's bottoming scene, I theorized that perhaps there is an audience of older, out of shape men who enjoy identifying with a similarly built man fucking a young former exclusive top, and this scene is an even more extreme example of a similar pairing. This type of scene is most certainly not to my taste but does seem to validate my thought process.

I've seen a lot of this guys videos and he gets some nice looking boys. Well jake cruise does also so maybe their paying a pretty penny for pretty boys.
you have to realize that it is his life and his decisions. If that's what he thinks he wants to do then so be it. I agree with Mikeyyank that it was a good scene. If he gets paid for it and that's what he wants. Good for him. He likes what he does or he wouldn't do it.
you have to realize that it is his life and his decisions. If that's what he thinks he wants to do then so be it. I agree with Mikeyyank that it was a good scene. If he gets paid for it and that's what he wants. Good for him. He likes what he does or he wouldn't do it.

I tend to agree with your point of view Joeychuck2. If someone decides this is what they want to do for a while, so be it! I've noticed that a lot of models who's first performance (I viewed) may have been on Broke Straight Boys, appear on a great number of sites. I don't profess to know how it works, I'm just a person who collects scenes of models I either like or am familiar with. My travels have led me to different sites where, I may see a model perform and then see them on another site. Reason being....sometimes they are owned by the same production company but, have different sites for different audiences. Many models who I thought would be one hit wonders, end up using the exposure from different site appearances to: earn money and build their fan base as well as, make a name for themselves. Some may have even decided to create their own site or company. Case in point, Austin Wilde, Dallas Reeves...and so on. So, what we see and have an opinion about, may not be the result of a desperate model seeking greener pastures at all. It may be a "means to an end". Jimmy Johnson (I know the mention of this name will raise a certain head or two) has used his exposure and to the best of my knowledge, has even appeared on Television! I would say, there are a few guys, using a "Porn Modeling Career" as a catalyst for greater things. That's just my opinion.
" Means to and end" Am I the only one that feels bad for the boy ? Terrible way to wake up. Whatever you think about him.
Johnny gave us some good times. Just find it sad. And Jimmy too with that ugly guy. I started with Jimmy and Johnny.
And enjoyed them both. Just seems things sure have gone downhill in just three years. Broke Straight Boys included. My 2 cents not worth a thing.Just feeling allot older.
" Means to and end" Am I the only one that feels bad for the boy ? Terrible way to wake up. Whatever you think about him.
Johnny gave us some good times. Just find it sad. And Jimmy too with that ugly guy. I started with Jimmy and Johnny.
And enjoyed them both. Just seems things sure have gone downhill in just three years. Broke Straight Boys included. My 2 cents not worth a thing.Just feeling allot older.

LoL; It used to be "A penny for your thoughts" and now, people give their" :2c:"...times have definitely changed Johnny! We are all getting older! (And in most cases, Wiser too!) the wise one.jpg
LoL; It used to be "A penny for your thoughts" and now, people give their" :2c:"...times have definitely changed Johnny! We are all getting older! (And in most cases, Wiser too!)View attachment 12994
I agree with Betu, johnny. We are ALL getting older and as we can't control aging or how the world changes around us, we need to learn how to deal with it, as we can't fight it. It's a losing proposition to try to stop the world from spinning, and it's best to just find our place and go along for the ride.

This is true in all aspects of life, but as Broke Straight Boys is a microcosm of life to me, so I also can reflect on what I consider it's golden age when there were exciting new models constantly being introduced and I was fascinated and entertained, as I watched the progression of what seemed to be scared kids develop into true Broke Straight Boys personalities aided of course by our jovial host David, and I also miss the golden age of the Broke Straight Boys forum with it's myriad personalities from all over the world seemingly always here to brighten my day or to cause me to think about things that hadn't occurred to me previously.

But it does us no good to be saddened by change, and so I do try my best to embrace it. And I still enjoy some models here, particularly Ronan Kennedy, Ayden and Paul, (hopefully he is still a part of the Broke Straight Boys family), and I certainly enjoy my experiences with my friends on the Broke Straight Boys forum of 2014, some old and some new. Actually, I hate change, but I understand there is no going back in life, but only forward and I try to enjoy the present, as best as I can.
Hello fellow New Yorker (I was born in Brooklyn) -
You mentioned my three current favorites so I had to wave hello: Ronan Kennedy, Ayden and Paul!
As for Johnny F, he is from New Jersey, is Italian (I thought), is handsome and has hairy blonde legs. In other words, he is missed here.
Hello fellow New Yorker (I was born in Brooklyn) -
You mentioned my three current favorites so I had to wave hello: Ronan Kennedy, Ayden and Paul!
As for Johnny F, he is from New Jersey, is Italian (I thought), is handsome and has hairy blonde legs. In other words, he is missed here.
Hi back at ya, Lakeside. So obviously we native Brooklynites have impeccable taste!!! :thumbup1:

Take care buddy!
Some guys get turned on by older, fatter, uglier... guys. Who know maybe Johnny got turned on by it. The same with viewers. Some get turned on by watching an "ugly guy" fuck a "beautiful stud."

I'd like to see it again but after 1 view it doesn't let you see it again without joining. Any ideas?
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amateur boys first time (ABFT). it's one of the bonus sites.


Thank you, Stowe, for bringing this video to our attention - and thanks, Another1, for decoding the acronym! I had forgotten all about Boys' First Time - it used to be part of a package subscription I had over a decade ago, and, believe it or not, BFT had its own (minor) golden age, when a lot of cute French-Canadian models (some, of my acquaintance) appeared on it. (The production values of course weren't good, back then.)

So, OK, I'm going to play Devil's Advocate, for a moment. . . I think it is quite premature to be going all "Edward Gibbon" on dear Johnny Forza - because I think he still looks spectacular!!!. I see no evidence of any marked physical decline. . . abdominal definition is notoriously variable, depending on the stage of the "bulking/cutting" routine - something which is very evident if you look at the careers of other models who hit the gym in a big way, like Tom Faulk and Marcus Mojo. (Especially with Marcus, when he's cutting, he has a rippling eight-pack down there; when he isn't, he just looks thick and fleshy and even a little chubby in the sub-pectoral region.)

I certainly agree with everyone - I wish Johnny were still with Broke Straight Boys, because he'd be paired with better partners, and getting better direction. However, I thought this Boys' First Time video was AWESOME!!! To my eye, he looked just fabulous, with that hot summer sunburn/tan, and what's more. . . I thought he was 100 per cent more seductive, and connected to his partner, than I'd ever seen him before! Also, I loved the filming technique, which spent the preponderance of the video on full-body-shots and full facial reactions, as opposed to the seemingly-interminable (and to my taste, very boring) insertion close-ups which figure so prominently in a lot of gay video. In fact, I'd have to say that this was my favourite video of the week!!! So, thanks, Stowe!

(Also, I'm glad to see that Johnny has been catching up on some good reading - on the middle of "his" bookshelf is the same edition of the collected works of Aristotle, that's sitting on MY bookshelf!!! LOL!!!)

Re: the "Daddy Mugs" caper - - - Mike, Betu, Peter, and others, have hit the nail on the head. Though this sort of schtick is a minority tendency in gay video, in straight erotica, it is the prevailing norm. An incredibly beautiful girl is paired with an impossibly schlubby and forgettable man. . . because the man isn't the issue; and, furthermore, it gives the audience a sense that, "Yes, YOU TOO can f*** a porn-star!"

The kind of videos made by Daddy Mugs and Jake Cruise cater to exactly this kind of fantasy and sensibility. While this kind of erotica usually doesn't do much for me, as an old(er) fat bald dude with an impossibly gorgeous much-younger b/f (who likes older men exclusively, and yes, there are a few guys like that out there). . . I understand why a small corner of the gay market likes it. There is no sense of "competition" for the beautiful young model in the scene - but rather, the capacity for imaginative self-interpolation, into the scene. (The "Yes, I can do this too!" moment.) Personally, for moments like that, I'd prefer just to see a really high-quality SOLO, so I can imagine I'm giving the model head, but. . . to each his own!!!

People who comment on Daddy Mugs and Jake Cruise productions, on-line, regularly exclaim - "How could that beautiful young man DEBASE/DEGRADE himself, by having sex with that old guy????" While I understand that sentiment, completely, I think it's important to realize that, for a lot of the models who are completely (or almost completely) straight, in their sexual orientation. . . it hardly makes ANY DIFFERENCE whether they are having sex with a beautiful young man, or an ugly OLD man. It's still sex with a MAN, and doesn't really turn them on all that much, either way - apart from the semi-automatic things that happen to a young guy's dick, when it gets stroked or sucked. In either case, they're thinking about their girlfriends all the way through the scene, and anyway, as Jason once hilariously said: "It's all about the Benjamins!" ;-)

Finally, as many people have noted, Johnny is one of a long line of Broke Straight Boys models who have tried to use their fame and exposure gained on this site, as a "stepping-stone" to cashing in on a variety of other sites. . . with varying degrees of success. Sometimes it sort of works; often, it doesn't - and, in any case, I would prefer that the models (the good ones!) stay with Broke Straight Boys, because I have a sense that Mark and company genuinely care about their models (and their health) and treat them, by and large, fairly, and kindly. The same cannot be said of many other sites.

Anyway, Johnny is still gorgeous - and so I think dark apprehensions about his "decline and fall" are much overstated. Though he is blond (not my usual thing); and super-muscular (definitely not my usual thing!); and got a reputation as a rather wooden performer during his time on Broke Straight Boys . . I still warmed up to him, over time. Especially seeing him in his "Behind-the-scenes" videos, was a real eye-opener, to me. He has a luminous smile and a wonderful laugh, and SEEMS LIKE (as much as one can tell, at such a remove): a genuinely sweet human being.

So, like all of you, I wish him lots of love, and all the best - wherever he is!

Re: the "Daddy Mugs" caper - - - Mike, Betu, Peter, and others, have hit the nail on the head. Though this sort of schtick is a minority tendency in gay video, in straight erotica, it is the prevailing norm. An incredibly beautiful girl is paired with an impossibly schlubby and forgettable man. . . because the man isn't the issue; and, furthermore, it gives the audience a sense that, "Yes, YOU TOO can f*** a porn-star!"

The kind of videos made by Daddy Mugs and Jake Cruise cater to exactly this kind of fantasy and sensibility. While this kind of erotica usually doesn't do much for me, as an old(er) fat bald dude with an impossibly gorgeous much-younger b/f (who likes older men exclusively, and yes, there are a few guys like that out there). . . I understand why a small corner of the gay market likes it. There is no sense of "competition" for the beautiful young model in the scene - but rather, the capacity for imaginative self-interpolation, into the scene. (The "Yes, I can do this too!" moment.) Personally, for moments like that, I'd prefer just to see a really high-quality SOLO, so I can imagine I'm giving the model head, but. . . to each his own!!!

People who comment on Daddy Mugs and Jake Cruise productions, on-line, regularly exclaim - "How could that beautiful young man DEBASE/DEGRADE himself, by having sex with that old guy????" While I understand that sentiment, completely, I think it's important to realize that, for a lot of the models who are completely (or almost completely) straight, in their sexual orientation. . . it hardly makes ANY DIFFERENCE whether they are having sex with a beautiful young man, or an ugly OLD man. It's still sex with a MAN, and doesn't really turn them on all that much, either way - apart from the semi-automatic things that happen to a young guy's dick, when it gets stroked or sucked. In either case, they're thinking about their girlfriends all the way through the scene, and anyway, as Jason once hilariously said: "It's all about the Benjamins!" ;-)

I have never seen any Daddy Mugs but I saw plenty of Jake Cruise a while ago and while I have to admit Jake is not much to look at, he brings genuine enthusiasm and a sense of fun that is very rare in g4p porn, where everybody mostly looks like they are going through the motions most of the times (i.e. pretty much all of Broke Straight Boys at the moment, except when Zeno Kostas is on the case IMHO).

To me that is the same thing with Jason Matthews, who, to me, could never be considered in any way, shape or form a 'looker' but has the best performances of all the site. He sure can act like he enjoys dick whereas most of the models can't seem to want to get away fast enough.

So performance and enthusiasm will always trump looks in my mind!