BSB Addict
Most people know me as a pretty extroverted person. I am really open about my life, will talk about anything with anyone, and am not afraid of much.
When I tell my friends that as a young girl, I walked with my head down and hoped people didn't notice me, they are pretty surprised. It was painful for me to be on display. However, it was even more painful to not be noticed. I spent a lot of time carefully choosing my clothes and make up and shoes and fixing my hair so that no one could ever point out a flaw. I worried about bad breath constantly even though I hardly ever spoke to anyone. Silly teenage girl angst.
Old habits die hard, but at least now I walk with my head held high, usually.
When it comes to being vulnerable to someone, or facing potential rejection, even those of us who seem pretty confident are often terrified.
I had a major crush on someone recently, but every time I tried to get closer or express my feelings more openly, I'd panic and say something that implied my feelings were actually the opposite of what I had meant to say, or had said. I was so worried about how I appeared to him that I'm pretty sure I hurt his feelings, in trying to protect my own.
Whenever you need a confidence boost just think of all your forum friends. I bet if these guys were straight they'd be fighting over you. And WebMonkey thinks your smart, witty, pretty and you have great breasts...that's really complimentary coming from a guy who's attracted to men and not women! I could even say if I were gay I'd think you were gorgeous, but that would be too