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Help us test a link please :)

This time it worked using Firefox 3.6.19 on my iMac. The episode that came up was Sam.
Hi guys,

Could you please test a link for us. See attached image to see which link to click on.
Can you click on the "streaming" link for any episodes like this one: http://members.brokestraightboys.com/go/603/hit and let us know if the video plays for you. It should play within seconds.

Edit: Could you also tell us the version of your browser :)

Thank you :)
It works fine using Google Chrome 12.0.742.122
i clicked on jason and mick, have audio no video, ie9, windows 7, dsl, what do i need to see the video in streaming
I wanted to be sure to let you know that it works for me and I am on a much older Mac and use Firefox as my browser.