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Great Sexual partners


BSB Addict
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
Benicia, CA
I have a fetish for tall blond cut blue-eyed men who have long dicks. But I had the experience of having the acquaintance of such a person but he did not have the chemistry in bed to electrify me. So my question to you brothers and sisters, is what makes a great sexual partner? Is it race - I'm fond of English men, OK, I mean lads. Is it emotional warmth...or just a good all round personality?
Over the years, Angel, I've found myself creating a lot of romantic characters who have long legs. I just finished a murder mystery with a guy named Logan - so I'm sure that must indicate some sort of preference somewhere. But in my three decades of marriage it was really obvious: you can talk about blonde surfer cowboys who ride motorcycles and wear tool belts and tighty-whities while delivering for UPS between basketball games and during breaks from filming for Broke Straight Boys, but the real trick for finding a great sexual partner is very simple. The one never fail rule for guaranteeing a perfect bed partner and a night of heavenly sex is to find one who wants to be in bed with you. If he wants to be there then everything else is just bullshit. When the lights go out, he'll make the music play and the waves roll.

Sorry, that was just such a good question, I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I'll go back to work now.
Friends First

That is a great question....I have often wondered what was the magic moment of attraction that made me want to be with a person. Legs, butt, smile, complexion, hair color, weight, height....I just couldn't put a finger on it until I thought back about the people I had been with in the past. There were short ones, fat ones, tall ones, skinny ones, hairy ones, bald ones (still a chance Slim) all kinds and all with different personalities. Then I had an AHA moment!

We talked to each other first....we found common ground other than a mattress....we were friends first and whatever else came second. Believe it or not, in all my years of tramping and whoring, and BTW, I did more than my share, I never did have anonymous sex. It wasn't my nature. To whore around....yes, anonymous....no. It might be because I'm such a talker or maybe had to talk them into it...I don't know.

So, for me a great sexual partner would have to share common interests, be able to talk to each other, before and after, and still like each other as much as the night before. :001_smile:
Very wise. You reminded me of something I told my gay son that I heard somewhere else. The secret to finding a life partner is never who you go to bed with; it's who you wake up with. Wish I could remember who told me that. I'd like to remember what else they told me.
A great sexual partner for me is someone that will continually say "yes" to me. I have been in many relationships where my preferences were put to the back burner because they are a tad bit "freaky". The person that I want to be with will reciprocate my desires as I often do for them considering I sleep with straight men, but don't actually enjoy straight sex. I want someone, I don't give a shit what they look like, who will accept me and my freak flag with open arms.

I have to say this is a great question. For me, I have one all time best/favorite type of guy, but I am also attracted to several different types of guys. So looks or equipment is not all that for me. The hottest sex I have is with a man that is emotionally there, in other words no dead fish in my bed, let me know you are alive and you are enjoying yourself, either verbal or by touch..... Also have a personality, again no dead fish..... If a guy is not all that sexually talanted, I have been known to teach them a thing or two about things to improve their "game", but personality and emotional connection, those are not at all easy to teach, and on some level I don't even think you can teach that.
I have a fetish for tall blond cut blue-eyed men who have long dicks. But I had the experience of having the acquaintance of such a person but he did not have the chemistry in bed to electrify me. So my question to you brothers and sisters, is what makes a great sexual partner? Is it race - I'm fond of English men, OK, I mean lads. Is it emotional warmth...or just a good all round personality?

Good posts from Aquarius and Richard there Angel and they are absolutely correct. I think the more you know about the person then the more likely you are going to touch those magic buttons when you get between the sheets. And it's not just the touching, kissing, rimming, fucking etc, it's those little whispers in the ear that do it for me.
Chemistry, chemistry, chemistry! It's all about chemistry. Regardless of your preferences their needs to be chemistry between the two. That's when you are bound to find someone who will ring your bell. Almost any man can be seduced (even homophobes) but that doesn't mean they will be a great sexual partner. We have all seen that right here on Broke Straight Boys Straight men who we all fill have sex, for pay, without much personality or emotional involvement. Then one day they are paired with someone who they "click" with and they suddenly become warm and passionate and provide us with what we interpret as "their best shoot".
As for being able to teach personality and emotional connection, I disagree, I think you can teach that. I have been witness to that. I had an 18yo straight boy who I seduced. For a year we got togther for sex, and it was good sex,even if he was not emotionally connected, or had much personality. One thing he refused to do was to kiss! Well, 8 years later, he would come over and we'd start with a heavy kissing ,petting session before getting down to more serious stuff. He learned overtime to become all that I could have hoped for,as a sexual partner. He was in fact, one of the best partners I ever had. And he is not the first straight man who I witnessed such a transformation in.
And, in fairness, I am sure we all know someone gay who sucks a mean cock, but otherwise may be lacking in personality or emotional connection. In fact, there are MANY frigid queens out there. Obviously, that is no one here on the forums. Everyone here is pretty passionate about everything!
I once met a guy in a night club. We saw each other across the room and when our eyes met we both knew what was about to happen. Believe it or not we met in the middle of the dance floor and then found a table in the back. The moment we touch our hands together it was electric. After 5 or so minutes he said he would be right back. He was back in about 3 minutes and told me he just told his friends to leave with out him. We ended up in bed for one of the greatest sex experiences I have ever had. When we tried to make more than a one night thing.... it was awful. That spontaneous moment has always been the best for me. (Which just reminded me of the redneck in the bed of his pick up... Oh Crap! That was hot!!!)
I would have to say each & every one of them (not that I have had many).
The guys that I have been with have all contributed their own unique magic.
If you are looking for the definition of a great sexual partner, look in the dictionary. It's under "carking1". LOL
If you are looking for the definition of a great sexual partner, look in the dictionary. It's under "carking1". LOL

Too funny! I'm certain that's absolutely true!

I have had a lot of cock in my life... Lots of really memorable moments, especially with that 18 year old... man, that was hot (and a looong time ago), and I'd agree that chemistry is fabulous, but I have to say that when you meet someone who you are comfortable with and can share your fantasies with, who gets you and what makes you tick, and cares enough to try their best to fulfill you, even though they don't always get it quite right... that's what does it for me. I spend enough time living in my head to realize that no one will ever meet all my needs all the time, because I honestly won't wake up with a penis tomorrow, no matter how many times I might wish I could have one for a day, or a year.... and my man will not decide tomorrow that he wants to add another man to our bed that he will play with, too. (Which is why I've so quickly become so fond of Broke Straight Boys) But I'm just fine with that because he gets me on such a basic level that when we do get together, and it's good, not even great, it still brings me to my knees and makes me weep because I know how really lucky I am to have what we have together.