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Gay Porn Star Paul Canon in the HOUSE

Hes always singing or making some kind of noise im sure it wont be too hard to get :p

How about convincing Paul to come on the forum and say hi to us?????? :smile:
Would it be strange for you to do a scene with Paul? Because you guy's seem to be such good friends.Of course he would have to top.
I would love to see you guys together.Kissing and all.Not sure if this is the right place to ask this.I was in the shower thinking about it.
And it did affect me.Just can imagine what seeing it would do.lol
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Would it be strange for you to do a scene with Paul? Because you guy's seem to be such good friends.Of course he would have to top.
I would love to see you guys together.Kissing and all.Not sure if this is the right place to ask this.I was in the shower thinking about it.
And it did affect me.Just can imagine what seeing it would do.lol
Go back to early last year and they did a scene together. Not romantic or loving, but very hot!!!
Would it be strange for you to do a scene with Paul? Because you guy's seem to be such good friends.Of course he would have to top.
I would love to see you guys together.Kissing and all.Not sure if this is the right place to ask this.I was in the shower thinking about it.
And it did affect me.Just can imagine what seeing it would do.lol

I wouldnt have a problem doin a scene with paul at all.
All of this talk about Paul singing in the shower and him popping dks cherry is going to give me some very nice dreams tonight, I just wish I could go to sleep now. Paul has got the most incredible singing voice though, I could listen to him sing all night. Dan x
I don't think any one would have a problem watching it.A year after your last scene together.You guy's seem perfect for each other.
Come on management lets work on that.Broke Straight Boys two top boys together again.Just the two of them.

Oh johnny, a more than second that! I'm still waiting for Damian's (the photographer) movie of "Robbie" to come out with Damien and Paul!:confused:
Hey Paul. Great interview. You're the best. Keep on keeping on. Glad you and Damien Kyle are buds. That's cool. You guys know how to look to the future and to reach for your goals. I'm betting on you. You'll be successful. You've both got guts. Keep following those dreams, guys. And, just to add, you're both damn hot too!
He popped my cherry lol that scene was rough
I just watched this again and he had no mercy with you Damien Kyle hahaha I'm glad you've learned to like it, because your future scenes (you and Mick) showed how much you grew as a performer. The end was funny with you saying "thats gross" with his nut all over your back. And "get off me" and little innocent paul giggling!! Classic rough fuck.....
Hey all. Just wanted to post something on here thanking you all for your continued support. Without all of you paying members there would be no Broke Straight Boys :)

With love and lots and lots of lube,
Well I tried to post, but it seems I can't. I hope everyone feels the love ;)
Hi Paul. It took a while for your post to show up, but it's great to hear from you. :thumbup1:

Could I ask you to please send a shoutout to your BIGGEST Broke Straight Boys fan. "little johnny" in San Francisco has been proudly wearing the "Paul Canon" avatar since he joined here and it would mean so much to him for you to send him a greeting!!!!!!!

Thanks Paul. You bring such joy to so many of us here in forumland!!!! :biggrin:
Its ok johnny. All my love goes out to my fans!!!
In the famous words of Damian Christopher, I think I'm going to leave posting on this forum.

I didn't want anything negative to come of posting, just wanted to reconnect and remind you all of who I really am.
Raul The Canon
it's just as well. I was about to take the thread of topic.
i knew I could like you, from the first glance of a photo with you in it. it's funny how some things never fade from the memory.
you were sitting on a tree stump. to your right were max and carter. watching you in your scenes and your posts made meeting you in person even more fun. during that time, I was disappointed only once.
by the way, what happened to the second dog?
love you man! stay safe and don't hurt anybody!