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Gay Porn Star Paul Canon in the HOUSE

I'm sure that Paul will understand that "little johnny" is growing up and establishing his own identity. :biggrin:

Thank You mike . That was beautiful. So strange to wake up this morning and not see Paul's Beautiful face looking back at me.
I hope I can handle it? I miss him already. Hope he will be more new scenes soon. Silly.. I feel a part of me feels it is gone.
Oh Well...Love You Both...Paul and mike.. xoxo Johnny
Again.. Thanks for your help mike.
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Paul hates you now little johnny!!! lol Damien Kyle told me over a year ago that if I was really a huge fan of his I would have his Avatar. But nobody can replace my Tank!! Paul will understand, it's not like you changed it to another model or something right?
Paul hates you now little johnny!!! lol Damien Kyle told me over a year ago that if I was really a huge fan of his I would have his Avatar. But nobody can replace my Tank!! Paul will understand, it's not like you changed it to another model or something right?
There Is No Other Model...No body can replace Paul. I just needed to get real...xo
Hey, Mr. Paul Canon ~

Welcome back - and thanks for your new scenes, which were superb. You're beautiful; you're sweet; you're funny; and you're an artist in the bedroom. Since Jason retires, you're the guy who's keeping me at Broke Straight Boys . . it's all on your shoulders now, dude! LOL! ;-)

Big hugs,
Thank You mike . That was beautiful. So strange to wake up this morning and not see Paul's Beautiful face looking back at me.
I hope I can handle it? I miss him already. Hope he will be more new scenes soon. Silly.. I feel a part of me feels it is gone.
Oh Well...Love You Both...Paul and mike.. xoxo Johnny
Again.. Thanks for your help mike.

Hey, Johnny -

Hugs from the Arctic circle. Look, I kind of get where you were coming from, when you changed your icon.

I signed up for both Broke Straight Boys AND College Dudes, just for Jason Matthews. And ONLY for him. The boards, the conversations, the bonus sites - you name it - ALL that was secondary, to having the chance to appreciate Jason's poetry in motion. (Of course, I have since come to appreciate many beautiful friendships I have received here - including yours.)

Johnny, I spent a good long time, deciding what to make as my icon, here. You will NOT be surprised, that I seriously considered making a picture of Jason, my icon. (And that, too would have been a perfect, and fitting, decision. I am proud, to this day, to be, if not Jason's biggest fan - one of the MANY fans who loved and appreciated his performances here, above all others. No model - to my heart or mind - will ever exceed him.)

In the end, though, Johnny, I chose an icon which was more connected to me personally, and other aspects of my life (and idiosyncrasies). Because, while I love Jason, and admire Jason - I am not Jason. I am. . . myself. And, posting here, it is nice to share a little bit of myself, with others - in a broader and fuller way. So, I chose an icon which reflects other parts of my thinking, and feeling, and other parts of my life. Though I don't know, of course - I hardly imagine that this choice ever bothered Jason, when he was here. Because, while he was here, he always knew I was his devoted fan, and if that made him feel good about his work at Broke Straight Boys - that's all that matters.

Johnny, same goes, for you and Paul. Paul is an absolute sweetheart. He knows how much you love him, and are inspired by him. Because he is a smart, and sweet, and lovely human being, I am sure he ALSO knows that he has a permanent, enduring, never-ending place in your heart. (XOXOXOXOXO)

But, Paul being as bright and thoughtful and caring as he is - I am sure he has no qualms, Johnny, about your venturing forth to the extent of adopting your own personal icon! I am sure that Paul, like all of us, simply wants to get to know YOU - the REAL, FULL, YOU - as best he can.

Johnny, your love and loyalty to Paul is extraordinary. YOU ARE Paul's number one fan. And - you are ALSO Johnny, a person we know and love IN HIS OWN RIGHT. (This is not an "either/or" proposition, Johnny - it is a "both/and" proposition :-) So it is just fine that you have adopted a new, personal, icon. Because it helps you to express who you are.

Johnny, I have no doubt that Paul will ALWAYS remember you and care about you, for your praise, and care, and love, for him. Likewise, all your friends here love you too, for JUST the person you are - with ALL your stories, all your history, and all your loves and cares. Johnny - this is the meaning of friendship. Which I am sure that Paul understands ~ because he is a very nice guy.


Hey, Johnny -

Hugs from the Arctic circle. Look, I kind of get where you were coming from, when you changed your icon.

I signed up for both Broke Straight Boys AND College Dudes, just for Jason Matthews. And ONLY for him. The boards, the conversations, the bonus sites - you name it - ALL that was secondary, to having the chance to appreciate Jason's poetry in motion. (Of course, I have since come to appreciate many beautiful friendships I have received here - including yours.)

Johnny, I spent a good long time, deciding what to make as my icon, here. You will NOT be surprised, that I seriously considered making a picture of Jason, my icon. (And that, too would have been a perfect, and fitting, decision. I am proud, to this day, to be, if not Jason's biggest fan - one of the MANY fans who loved and appreciated his performances here, above all others. No model - to my heart or mind - will ever exceed him.)

In the end, though, Johnny, I chose an icon which was more connected to me personally, and other aspects of my life (and idiosyncrasies). Because, while I love Jason, and admire Jason - I am not Jason. I am. . . myself. And, posting here, it is nice to share a little bit of myself, with others - in a broader and fuller way. So, I chose an icon which reflects other parts of my thinking, and feeling, and other parts of my life. Though I don't know, of course - I hardly imagine that this choice ever bothered Jason, when he was here. Because, while he was here, he always knew I was his devoted fan, and if that made him feel good about his work at Broke Straight Boys - that's all that matters.

Johnny, same goes, for you and Paul. Paul is an absolute sweetheart. He knows how much you love him, and are inspired by him. Because he is a smart, and sweet, and lovely human being, I am sure he ALSO knows that he has a permanent, enduring, never-ending place in your heart. (XOXOXOXOXO)

But, Paul being as bright and thoughtful and caring as he is - I am sure he has no qualms, Johnny, about your venturing forth to the extent of adopting your own personal icon! I am sure that Paul, like all of us, simply wants to get to know YOU - the REAL, FULL, YOU - as best he can.

Johnny, your love and loyalty to Paul is extraordinary. YOU ARE Paul's number one fan. And - you are ALSO Johnny, a person we know and love IN HIS OWN RIGHT. (This is not an "either/or" proposition, Johnny - it is a "both/and" proposition :-) So it is just fine that you have adopted a new, personal, icon. Because it helps you to express who you are.

Johnny, I have no doubt that Paul will ALWAYS remember you and care about you, for your praise, and care, and love, for him. Likewise, all your friends here love you too, for JUST the person you are - with ALL your stories, all your history, and all your loves and cares. Johnny - this is the meaning of friendship. Which I am sure that Paul understands ~ because he is a very nice guy.


Thanks Ambi
You have always been so good to me. What a Beautiful post. Really made me feel good. What a Nice Man You are.AlWAY'S...
So Thank You Again.
I miss being Paul. But I will Always LOVE him. No one comes near close. But it is fun being me.
So thanks again my Friend..
All My Love....
Hi Paul. Have I told you lately that I Love You. Looks like your Gone. And your heart belongs too someone else.
But you will Never be forgotten.Thank goodness for Facebook and Twitter. Broke Straight Boys will never have another Paul.
Be happy. You are missed......Love Forever.....Johnny
Hi Paul. Have I told you lately that I Love You. Looks like your Gone. And your heart belongs too someone else.
But you will Never be forgotten.Thank goodness for Facebook and Twitter. Broke Straight Boys will never have another Paul.
Be happy. You are missed......Love Forever.....Johnny

You need to catch a lil beauty in your salon dude..
You need to catch a lil beauty in your salon dude..
Your right Jon. Cause I'm not catching it on here anymore. No beauty for me to look at.
And please don't ask me to leave if I'm not happy.
I can afford to just stay and watch the ship sink..Dude...
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Your right Jon. Cause I'm not catching it on here anymore. No beauty for me to look at.
And please don't ask me to leave if I'm not happy.
I can afford to just stay and watch the ship sink..Dude...

Why would I ask you to leave if you were not happy - I'm not one of those people Johnny.. xx