I believe this has more to do with the Universal Law of Vibration. You see as the universe expands so does the vibrational frequency of the universe. Everything has a vibration or frequency. Light is a vibration, color has a vibration, and so does all matter and anti-matter. Each generation is born into a different frequency. That frequency is part of the universal life force. The higher the frequency we resonate at, the more open we are to universal truth we are. We can associate it with unwed parents or what ever we want to. These changes span more than a generation or so because it takes a while for us to build up the vibrations for change. But each generation is born at a higher vibration than the generation before. This vibrational force affects our perceptions and moral consciousness on life in general as well as our ego.
Below is a brief summary of the different ages summarized by Estelle Daniels:
13060 B.C.E. to 10900 B.C.E. Age of Virgo — The rise of Atlantis, rebuilding of the world after the catastrophe that destroyed whatever preceded Atlantis. End of the last Great Ice Age. Science developed, agriculture refined and diversified, animals domesticated. Discovery of breeding techniques and start of selective breeding of animals and plants for desirable qualities. Much sea travel, and exploration of the Earth and discovery of mineral resources outside Atlantis. Use of crystals for psychic and spiritual development. Deep spirituality and commitment to personal development. Nomadic tribes cross the land bridge over the Bering Strait and begin to settle the Americas.
10900 B.C.E. to 8740 B.C.E. Age of Leo — A Golden Age of triumph and self-expression. Height of Atlantis' Power and influence. Atlanteans felt they ruled the world and they exploited its resources for their sole benefit, often taking from more primitive peoples and giving nothing in return. With the Aquarian sub-influence, there were great achievements in science and technology, use of the 'Great Crystals' for power, development of psychic talents. Magnificent cities. People felt power was in them rather than coming from the universe through them. Spread of knowledge and learning. Worship of the Sun God. Air travel. Ended with first breakup of Atlantis.
8740 B.C.E. to 6580 B.C.E. Age of Cancer — The decline and fall of Atlantis, ending with the Great Flood. This is the age of the Sons of Belial who experimented on humans and animals and created 'monsters' that were combinations of both. These were supposedly living, thinking beings but without a soul (like the Island of Dr. Moreau). The perversion of the great power of Atlantis for short-term ends rather than striving for betterment of humanity as a whole. A powerful autocratic government that was run for the perpetuation of itself rather than the benefit of the populace. Much turmoil and trouble, many Earth changes. After the final sinking of Atlantis, great leaders arose, but they were not what were needed, more tyrants than enlightened guides for their peoples. Return to sea travel after the collapse of air travel.
6580 B.C.E. to 4420 B.C.E.-Age of Gemini — Time of nomads, wandering tribes of herders or hunter-gatherers. Polarities of Yin/Yang worshiped. Lots of travel, commerce, exploration. Dispersion of humanity, wandering and looking for an 'ideal' place to settle after the disaster of Atlantis. Small groups, tribes, families not great consolidated nations. Attempt to save the knowledge and science lost when Atlantis fell. Building of great monuments to the memory of Atlantis, both in tribute and warning not to repeat Atlantis' mistakes (the Great Pyramid and other massive monuments). Re-invention of language and writing. Time of the Tower of Babel, when different languages made communication more difficult among peoples. Astrology re-invented or remembered from Atlantis.
4420 B.C.E. to 2260 B.C.E.-Age of Taurus — Back to the land, agriculture predominant. Bull worship. Heyday of the Great Mother Goddess. Height of the Ancient Empires, Egypt, Minoan Crete, Babylon, China, Central and South America, India, Africa. Matriarchal societies, fertility worshiped. Women could be "virgin" sexually autonomous and enjoy sexuality as they chose, as long as they provided for any children they brought into the world. Building of the Great Pyramids (the rest of them), ancient cities, other solid expressions of wealth, power and authority. Ended with explosion of Santorini/Thera (or thereabouts).
2260 B.C.E. to 100 B.C.E.-Age of Aries — Fall of Matriarchal societies to Patriarchalists. Age of Great Wars, conquest by battle and bloodshed. Invasion of Europe and the Middle East by Aryan tribes. Indigenous peoples enslaved, repressed or moved on. Height of Athens, establishment of Rome, India in its' dying classical days. Bull sacrifice gave way to lamb sacrifice. Establishment of laws and courts for supposed even-handed justice for all. Monogamy came into vogue, as well as the necessity of establishing paternity and paternal descent. Virginity came to mean a woman was sexually chaste, and therefore "unspoiled" and "pure." Moses and the return to Israel. Old Testament times. Polytheism and tolerance of other Gods, so long as the "main" God was supreme. Many other "defeated" supreme Gods were adopted into the conquerors' pantheons, as a means of placating the indigenous populations.
100 B.C.E. to 2060 C.E.-Age of Pisces — The coming of Jesus, compassion for others, principles of brotherhood of man, the meek shall inherit the Earth. Heyday of Christianity. New Testament times. Birth of Mohammed and rise of Islam. Sea power became predominant. People became subordinate to their God's will, rather than partners with their Gods. Monotheism spreads and overshadows polytheistic religions. There is an intolerance of other Gods and faiths. The idea of "the one true only way" of belief becomes paramount (in various guises). Some "old Gods" are adopted as subordinate "saints" to help convert indigenous populations. Others are mercilessly repressed and all traces wiped out. New religious centers built over some old temples and shrines. Other old sacred sites are deliberately destroyed and desecrated. Brotherly ideals are expressed, but rarely lived up to. Utopia as an unattainable ideal. Spread of religion by forcible conversion by both Christianity and Islam. Sex is repressed and taboos are established. Worldwide exploration and colonization by sea. Britannia rules the waves. Faith is required for salvation. Repression of magic, and any mysticism which is not in accord with prevailing religious beliefs. Ends with a pole shift and re-emergence of Atlantis, according to some.
2060 C.E. to 4420 C.E.-Age of Aquarius — Establishment of a world government. Ideals of the Brotherhood of man lived up to. Moving out into space. Re-discovery of Atlantean scientific knowledge. Psychic and mental studies grow and become accessible to all. Global telepathy. Humanity discovers other alien races and begins to communicate with and learn from them. Exploration and colonization of space. Religion and spirituality become more a matter of individual need and choice, rather than a commonly-held belief system or dogma. Religion is less important than humanitarianism, morality and right living. (and possibly political correctness?)
By Estelle Daniels
The beginning of the Age of Aquarius is more a transition, than an actual start date. I don't necessarily embrace all of Estelle's summary but I do believe we are now begining our transition out or the age of Pisces and into the age of Aquarius. With that transition I believe there will be more harmony as both the masculine and feminine energies merge as one in their vibration. I believe that universal truth and is intrinsic. We all know what is right or wrong on a subconscious or even conscious level. I think that we are begining to face our fears of the unknown and accept life as it comes to us on life's terms. We are spiritual beings experiencing a human condition. This is all part of our soul's evolutionary journey. As I have said on many other threads our perceptions become our reality. Philionaire is right that more and more kids are talking about sex, sex acts, relationships, and sexual body parts more openly. Kids are more open and these things are not as taboo as they used to be for some of us. I would like to think that some of the work we did as AIDS educators and STD educators helped remove some of the fears about sex in general and encouraged more open communication and dialog between parents, siblings, and our children. Many people are not seeing sexuality as an issue either. More and more people are seeing sex as a way to communicate their love for each other as friends as much as they do as intimate lovers. From what I have seen more and more kids can understand the difference between having sex and making love too...