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From Generation to Generation...


Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2010
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I feel as time goes on, people are just getting that much more open at a younger age, pretty soon hopefully everyone is on the same page..

Here is my example:

I'm on break at work eating some food, there is a table of Eight 14 year olds eating.. I'm two tables away... Next thing I know they are all talking about how big there dicks were.

One girl replies "colin told me his was 8" " haha.. So mix genders just all conversating about the males at the tables measurements!! Haha so openly!

I wanted to walk up and say "Mines bigger"! Haha

Just thought I'd share that!
I feel as time goes on, people are just getting that much more open at a younger age, pretty soon hopefully everyone is on the same page..

Here is my example:

I'm on break at work eating some food, there is a table of Eight 14 year olds eating.. I'm two tables away... Next thing I know they are all talking about how big there dicks were.

One girl replies "colin told me his was 8" " haha.. So mix genders just all conversating about the males at the tables measurements!! Haha so openly!

I wanted to walk up and say "Mines bigger"! Haha

Just thought I'd share that!
I hope that you are right Phil, about things changing for the better with each new generation. But I am a disillusioned old guy who really thought that the world was going to change when "my generation", (as in the title of the Who song of the same name), got older. I was in high school and college during the "flower power" generation of free love, and drugs and rock and roll.

Well, we all grew up and are now old, and the world hasn't really changed as a result of "our generation". So I hope you are right Phil, that this group of 14 year olds that you overheard in your restaurant, typify the younger generation of 2010. If they can openly discuss dick size, in mixed company, I would hope that if "colin" mentioned that he's into other dudes, it would be regarded in the same blase manner, as if it's no biggie. (no pun intended, referring to colin's 8", and Phil's bigger one). :001_cool:
Its just crazy how 6th graders are having sex, and 12-15 year olds are jackin off n front of each other and comparing dicks and all of the above!

The more generations go by, the higher the divorce rate and the more open minded kids are growing up! I do believe its getting better... It just takes time and too much of it! Haha

Mines not bigger than colins, but we have to remember colin is 14, I don't think his dick can be 8 inches if he hasn't lowered his balls yet! ;)
Always a descenter in the midst

I hope that you are right Phil, about things changing for the better with each new generation. But I am a disillusioned old guy who really thought that the world was going to change when "my generation", (as in the title of the Who song of the same name), got older. I was in high school and college during the "flower power" generation of free love, and drugs and rock and roll.

Well, we all grew up and are now old, and the world hasn't really changed as a result of "our generation". So I hope you are right Phil, that this group of 14 year olds that you overheard in your restaurant, typify the younger generation of 2010. If they can openly discuss dick size, in mixed company, I would hope that if "colin" mentioned that he's into other dudes, it would be regarded in the same blase manner, as if it's no biggie. (no pun intended, referring to colin's 8", and Phil's bigger one). :001_cool:

Dear Mikeyank and Phillionaire,

I make no bones about it. I am neck and neck in age with Mikeyank. In fact I may be a few years older. Since my joining the forum, we have agreed and disagreed on many a topic, all the while meaning no personal disrespect. Concerning the generations, the 60's and 70's are long gone and still we have future generations to take up life's challenges and try to make a real difference.

No one should expect things to improve absolutley as absolutes are by their very nature an impossibility to fully achieve. I feel as long as you set for yourself high enough and realistic goals, you can expect to see some improvement in reaching your goals. Without optimism, why bother to get off the pot. Afterall, you can sit there contemplating your navel or decide, after all, you are only going to have to use it again, anyway.

I truly believe there is a correlation between high goals and setting no goals for yourself at all. Without goals, you lose accountability - the possibility of feeling some success and that you made a difference. Old ideas but just as relevant today as 50 years ago. Where would any olympic medalist be today without first setting a high goal, maybe only an intermediary goal but beyond their present performance level. As one progresses, they merely raise the bar another notch or two, simple enough don't you think. Every successful person began their success by taking baby steps followed up again by more baby steps until there is sufficient momentum to go to the more advanced levels. But, critical to every success is the visualization you conjur up placing yourself in the winner's circle, that moment of victory and it becomes something personally achieveable for you and just you.

There will always be detractors along the way so, expect them and don't lose a step. Realize that for every step backward is just one more added step between you and your ultimate goal.

To factor in some reality to this journey, don't expect that the world will simply roll over and lay out the keys to the kingdom making your success almost guaranteed and easily achieved. To achieve any challenging goal, real and focused effort is going to have to follow and this alone won't guarantee you complete success. It is merely the most promising avenue to achieving your goal.
I hope you're right about the next generation Phil. I really want to believe that things will keep improving as far as social acceptance of people who of various sexual orientations. I must admit though that my faith was shaken when we had the rash of suicides among young kids between 11-18 years of age.
I hope that you are right Phil, about things changing for the better with each new generation. But I am a disillusioned old guy who really thought that the world was going to change when "my generation", (as in the title of the Who song of the same name), got older. I was in high school and college during the "flower power" generation of free love, and drugs and rock and roll.

Well, we all grew up and are now old, and the world hasn't really changed as a result of "our generation". So I hope you are right Phil, that this group of 14 year olds that you overheard in your restaurant, typify the younger generation of 2010. If they can openly discuss dick size, in mixed company, I would hope that if "colin" mentioned that he's into other dudes, it would be regarded in the same blase manner, as if it's no biggie. (no pun intended, referring to colin's 8", and Phil's bigger one). :001_cool:

Hi Mike,

I am really surprised to hear you say the world hasn't really changed as a result of your 'flower power' generation. While individuals often re-learn the lessons of their elders surely society has changed for example, sexual freedom?

Undie (just trying to understand)
I hope you're right about the next generation Phil. I really want to believe that things will keep improving as far as social acceptance of people who of various sexual orientations. I must admit though that my faith was shaken when we had the rash of suicides among young kids between 11-18 years of age.

Yeah suicide happens to play a common wild card in some cases..and that's a painful awakening for many!
Of course the attitude of the youth has changed but a lot has a lot to do with TV and the openness of the press. If you read stories in the newspaper or see quite explicit sex on the TV between youths, then you're going to feel quite at ease to chat about it and other sexual things with your friends. With porn so easy to buy off the shelf then big dicks or tits (if you're str8) will also be "raised: in conversation or, in someones house when the parents are not in. I remember doing a willy check in my mates garage along with 6 or 7 other 10-12 year olds and that was about 12 years ago.
With porn so easy to buy off the shelf then big dicks or tits (if you're str8) will also be "raised: in conversation or, in someones house when the parents are not in. . . . and that was about 12 years ago.

That's just it, now a days, there is more kids from teen pregnancies and single parents that have a lot on their plate, these kids are not being raised with "christian morals" I guess? These are more independent and learn as they go, and write their own marals and opinions as they go!
That is for me any how, and I see kids who parents never get divorced more sheltered its damaging! Or atleast doing more harm than good!

I think kids are becoming more open minded at a younger age. And that's goodnews!
That's just it, now a days, there is more kids from teen pregnancies and single parents that have a lot on their plate, these kids are not being raised with "christian morals" I guess? These are more independent and learn as they go, and write their own marals and opinions as they go!
That is for me any how, and I see kids who parents never get divorced more sheltered its damaging! Or atleast doing more harm than good!

I think kids are becoming more open minded at a younger age. And that's goodnews!

So growing up in a home with two parents (regardless of gender), that love you and work together to support you, and spend time together as a family, instead of letting you run the streets with your peers, is a bad thing for children?

I spent my whole childhood in poverty, with a single parent. I would have much rather been playing soccer or softball on Saturdays with parents cheering me on, instead of working terrible jobs to earn extra money, so I didn't have to go to school in old, ugly clothes, that kids made fun of. Men, "father figures" came and went in my life, if they were around long enough to form strong attachments to, it only hurt more when the relationship ended, and they left me as well as my mother.

Did this life make me more open minded as a young person? I don't know. I have no way of knowing what I would have been like coming from a two parent, middle class family. I do know that as a child and teenager in the poor, single mother life i was dealt, I was always afraid. Afraid of being bullied, for being small and poor, because my mother was too stressed out about providing for us to get involved and find help for me. Afraid of not being able to get what I needed.

I would have taken being sheltered any day. There is nothing damaging about being loved, safe, and supported.
I never said it was a bad thing, but I feel as if you grow up in a stable home your more bound to grow up straight edge, and raised 'boys like girls, girls like boys' rather than growing up in a single family home never getting that message and finding out for yourself, and finding out for yourself what your into makes it a little more easier to interact with the same sex!

You don't neccesarly know what it would have been like coming up in a two parent home, but we do know how coming up in a single parent home is like, and I'm sure we can only imagine a two parent home wouldn't have had the same path through life. And we can only imagaine some of our views wouldn't be the same as they are now!

And of course you would take a sheltered life anyday! Working 40 hrs a week as a kid, paying for anything and everything you have kind of sucks. I would love to be one of my friends who's parents tell them focus on school and sports and we'll pay your insurance car payment and give you gas money!
But you know, growing up the way WE grew up taught us responsibility at a young age, prepared us for life as we know it, and set our own priorities and morals in our heads.
My friend didn't know how to pump gas until 18! That's insane and that's what I mean by sheltered!

I'm not saying every kid raised in a single parent home is goiing to be gay, bi, or curious or anything, I just feel there is more open minded people who came from a single parent house than there is open minded people from two parent homes!
Something so simple that wont go away

So growing up in a home with two parents (regardless of gender), that love you and work together to support you, and spend time together as a family, instead of letting you run the streets with your peers, is a bad thing for children?

I spent my whole childhood in poverty, with a single parent. I would have much rather been playing soccer or softball on Saturdays with parents cheering me on, instead of working terrible jobs to earn extra money, so I didn't have to go to school in old, ugly clothes, that kids made fun of. Men, "father figures" came and went in my life, if they were around long enough to form strong attachments to, it only hurt more when the relationship ended, and they left me as well as my mother.

Did this life make me more open minded as a young person? I don't know. I have no way of knowing what I would have been like coming from a two parent, middle class family. I do know that as a child and teenager in the poor, single mother life i was dealt, I was always afraid. Afraid of being bullied, for being small and poor, because my mother was too stressed out about providing for us to get involved and find help for me. Afraid of not being able to get what I needed.

I would have taken being sheltered any day. There is nothing damaging about being loved, safe, and supported.

Dear Ms. Kianna,

Thank you for sharing this personal history with the forum. This highlights how really important things like stability in the family structure and strong reliable role models. In my own instance, the lack of any males willing to invest time with a child regardless of gender is so very personally vital to the well being on any child's fitting in and making needed adjustments to interact successfully with their peers.

Both my grandfathers died when I was 1 year old. Both my parents were the only child in their family. My father who died from Leukemia when I turned 15 added by the fact that half of those 15 years, my father was away in the Army on the other side of the world in Korea or living on base in another state. Then, the only other possible male influence was my 8 year older half-brother that only spent his summers with us, due to living in Baltimore the rest of the year. His summer were spent making money in temporary summer jobs. Therefore, even my brother wasn't around when he was around.

As a child, I was simply dying to be with a male I could look up to. A mentor and someone that would help mold me to be successful interacting with others including my peers. While I feel I was already definitely predisposed to be gay or at least bi, I feel this deep and unresolved longing for tangible male companionship created such an unbelievable open wound in my psyche. Something as little as going fishing, wrestling in the back yard, going to a sports event together, getting into little league baseball, or even simply playing pitch. These very elemental things I totally missed out on as a child due to this absence of a male in my life.

When I was about to graduate from high school, I was determined to learn the proper way to tie a tie. Something that very simple and yet essential. I spent an entire morning on a weekend figuring out and finally perfecting my newly acquired self-taught skill in time for graduation.

Even today as a 62 year old, I long for that eternally illusive male I needed so long ago and so very badly, missing that all important father figure has extracted a toll on my very existence.
So growing up in a home with two parents (regardless of gender), that love you and work together to support you, and spend time together as a family, instead of letting you run the streets with your peers, is a bad thing for children?

I spent my whole childhood in poverty, with a single parent. I would have much rather been playing soccer or softball on Saturdays with parents cheering me on, instead of working terrible jobs to earn extra money, so I didn't have to go to school in old, ugly clothes, that kids made fun of. Men, "father figures" came and went in my life, if they were around long enough to form strong attachments to, it only hurt more when the relationship ended, and they left me as well as my mother.

Did this life make me more open minded as a young person? I don't know. I have no way of knowing what I would have been like coming from a two parent, middle class family. I do know that as a child and teenager in the poor, single mother life i was dealt, I was always afraid. Afraid of being bullied, for being small and poor, because my mother was too stressed out about providing for us to get involved and find help for me. Afraid of not being able to get what I needed.

I would have taken being sheltered any day. There is nothing damaging about being loved, safe, and supported.

Ms. K, I am sorry to hear that you had a difficult childhood and young life. It's too bad, because that would have been great if you would have been able to have a strong, 2 parent family to love you and nurture you through your childhood and adolescense. And I'm sure you would still be the wonderful, loving, sweet girl that you are now if that would have been able to happen for you.

But, hopefully it made you much stronger and I'll bet anything that it accounts for at least part of the sweetness that makes you Ms. K., and your amazing kindness and sensitivity as well.

As much as it sucks that you didn't get to have a two parent childhood growing up, you are a wonderful person!

I hope that you are right Phil, about things changing for the better with each new generation. But I am a disillusioned old guy who really thought that the world was going to change when "my generation", (as in the title of the Who song of the same name), got older. I was in high school and college during the "flower power" generation of free love, and drugs and rock and roll.

Well, we all grew up and are now old, and the world hasn't really changed as a result of "our generation". So I hope you are right Phil, that this group of 14 year olds that you overheard in your restaurant, typify the younger generation of 2010. If they can openly discuss dick size, in mixed company, I would hope that if "colin" mentioned that he's into other dudes, it would be regarded in the same blase manner, as if it's no biggie. (no pun intended, referring to colin's 8", and Phil's bigger one). :001_cool:

I can only speak for me. I lived through the flower power era and it changed my life. It may not have changed society permanently, but it changed my life permanently. I am a totally different person as a result of having lived through those days. And for the better, I believe.
Ummm, sorry, but....

Its just crazy how 6th graders are having sex, and 12-15 year olds are jackin off n front of each other and comparing dicks and all of the above!

The more generations go by, the higher the divorce rate and the more open minded kids are growing up! I do believe its getting better... It just takes time and too much of it! Haha

Mines not bigger than colins, but we have to remember colin is 14, I don't think his dick can be 8 inches if he hasn't lowered his balls yet! ;)

I’m not sure which of your posts here upsets me the most, Phillionaire….

I have a 14 year old son. I know what he’s learned at home, and one of those things is the appropriate place to have particular conversations. I’d like to think that he understands that however “enlightened” 14 year olds in a restaurant having a conversation about penis size in mixed company may seem, it’s wholly inappropriate and downright offensive to many potential eavesdroppers, either intentional or accidental. I’d like to point out that most 14 year olds are completely incapable of understanding the true significance and potential repercussions of a conversation like that. So, yeah, perhaps I’m taking this a little too seriously, but I’m looking at it from a purely personal perspective.

I was experimental as a young woman. I remember having conversations with my bff about our cycles, tampons vs pads, breast size, masturbation, boy parts and what we thought they were like and might do…. And I always assumed boys did the same. I have pretty explicit conversations with my female friends now, where we discuss penis size, anal play, sex toys, endurance, acrobatics, sex games, WHATEVER! I also have the same conversations with my male friends. What we don’t do is have those conversations at the neighborhood family restaurant. So, next time you feel compelled to comment on the conversation, Phillionaire, you might suggest a change of venue…, and perhaps offer up some significant advice for safe sex. Kids that age having that conversation have probably not had the good fortune of having sex explained by an adult that they trust. Perhaps they’d listen to a stranger with an interest in communicating the facts in a straightforward manner, in a wholly un-creeper-like way.

I also am currently providing a stable, loving, accepting, caring, understanding 2 parent home for my children, and I believe they will grow up to be open minded, caring, loving, accepting adults. I don’t imagine you were implying that the problem with our society and the lack of acceptance we still have, after decades of work toward peace, love and understanding among all people, is a “traditional” family that includes a mom and a dad, or even a “non-traditional” family that has two dads, or two moms or a single parent. The problem is and will always be that until we can change people’s understanding, their belief that knowledge is the pathway to sin, so sex education is bad, that things we don’t understand are wrong, so homosexuality is wrong, we will, as a society, be living in the dark ages.
I would never mean to upset you LoveLumps.. With that being said, let me put some light on the subject..

It was about 4 o clock and they were one of the only tables in the place, so the only people close enough to hear them was me, being 2 tables over eating my lunch.. Also, yes it might be innappropriate and not the right time or place, but then you remember they are 14 and just out spenedin moms $20!

Sorry to say but times really are changing. These kids are becoming more and more open about their bodies its unimaginable. "Every kid has a gay moment".. Well that may be true, but when your in a single family home, mom or dad usually isn't around to coach you on what may be right and what may be wrong or even share some insight on it.

These kids are having circle jerks, skinny dippin and when playing truth or dare, not thinkin twice about double dogg daring their friend to suck their "little one"! (No chickens) ha!
Don't get me wrong, these are all little things kids experience growing up, but the age is getting younger and thhe occasions are appearing more frequent then others!

I just heard from a friend of mine a story about my friend who is 19, runnin around a white castle bathroom attempting to pee on my other two friends... Now any time ones penis is exposed in front of other males, it showing comfortability! Now also keep in mind, these are teens that sterotype and judge and yes drinkin may have been involved but come on now!!!
Just seeing and knowing what I know, I see PEOPLE accepting one another for who they truely are, more than before, whether its baby steps or frog leaps, its progressing!

As for the conversations you have with your friends, bfs. Girls whoever it might be with, that is a little different here, because at this point, your brain is developed and your mind is already made up! But as of young teens and young adults, they don't think the same.. The phrase "young and dumb" come into play here, and you might even say "young and dumb and full of cum".

P.s - saying "mine's bigger" is actually better from a company's perspective then me, a server, explaining safe sex and tips with a bunch of 14 year olds... And I really wouldn't say anything anyways, because I was that 14 year old.
I would never mean to upset you LoveLumps.. With that being said, let me put some light on the subject..

It was about 4 o clock and they were one of the only tables in the place, so the only people close enough to hear them was me, being 2 tables over eating my lunch.. Also, yes it might be innappropriate and not the right time or place, but then you remember they are 14 and just out spenedin moms $20!

Sorry to say but times really are changing. These kids are becoming more and more open about their bodies its unimaginable. "Every kid has a gay moment".. Well that may be true, but when your in a single family home, mom or dad usually isn't around to coach you on what may be right and what may be wrong or even share some insight on it.

These kids are having circle jerks, skinny dippin and when playing truth or dare, not thinkin twice about double dogg daring their friend to suck their "little one"! (No chickens) ha!
Don't get me wrong, these are all little things kids experience growing up, but the age is getting younger and thhe occasions are appearing more frequent then others!

I just heard from a friend of mine a story about my friend who is 19, runnin around a white castle bathroom attempting to pee on my other two friends... Now any time ones penis is exposed in front of other males, it showing comfortability! Now also keep in mind, these are teens that sterotype and judge and yes drinkin may have been involved but come on now!!!
Just seeing and knowing what I know, I see PEOPLE accepting one another for who they truely are, more than before, whether its baby steps or frog leaps, its progressing!

As for the conversations you have with your friends, bfs. Girls whoever it might be with, that is a little different here, because at this point, your brain is developed and your mind is already made up! But as of young teens and young adults, they don't think the same.. The phrase "young and dumb" come into play here, and you might even say "young and dumb and full of cum".

P.s - saying "mine's bigger" is actually better from a company's perspective then me, a server, explaining safe sex and tips with a bunch of 14 year olds... And I really wouldn't say anything anyways, because I was that 14 year old.

Well, I didn't realize you were working at the time, so I agree with you there. And no, I don't profess to understand the teenage mind, or anything else... However, from an involved mom's perspective... I was and am still pretty horrified by what you are saying here... I guess I'm just getting old:(
Kids are just getting more curious and curious everyday, and as time goes on, they are hit with that initial "boys like girls and girls like boys" speech! So they are basically going to public schools with an open mind and when you get one open mind around 100's of open minds, they begin to fill!!

Its how the times are changin.. Fortunately to some and Unfortunate to others!
Kids are just getting more curious and curious everyday, and as time goes on, they are hit with that initial "boys like girls and girls like boys" speech! So they are basically going to public schools with an open mind and when you get one open mind around 100's of open minds, they begin to fill!!

Its how the times are changin.. Fortunately to some and Unfortunate to others!

Well, here's another thing... I don't know how we can gauge that kids are more curious today than they were "yesterday"... how on Earth could anyone know that??? I think the progress of society toward acceptance, the conversations about tolerance that have happened over the years, and the information available to everyone via the internet and the media have brought awareness to kids today that I didn't have when I was a kid. But from so many of the posts I've read here on the forum, I'd say that the "curious" thing has been alive and strong since time began....
Alright ahah your right, how could anyone possibly know that! But I have a pretty GOOD idea it is growing. And here is why..

When I was a kid and in school, 7th and 8th grade in florida, I never heard of anything reallu like THIS goin on, and now I work in a restaraunt, and see kids coming from all different schools, and our parking lot is connected to a movie theatre which is connected to a skate park! So all kids from the skate park come over and eat. Well being as my name is Phillionaire even on my name tag, and have been working there for 3 years 40 hours a week, you see the same kids over and over and again and some go to my high school but are freshmens and just the stuff that they say and how they act. Yeah, hell yeah, kids are becoming way more curious and acting way more "cool" at a younger and younger age!