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Frat x

I don’t know that you can choose. I had epoch at one time but now I have segpay. If you’re someone who can pay upfront for the year I don’t think it really matters.

It is no different whatever period you select. The method of payment is the same.
It is no different whatever period you select. The method of payment is the same.
segpay rebills every 30 days, so it’s not a specific date every month. My phone bill, credit cards, car insurance is due on the same day, every month. I don’t use my regular debit card for adult related material or visits to adult establishments. People I am close with have access to my bank info and I don’t want segpay or epoch or ccbill showing up on my monthly bank statement. So, I transfer funds to another private account that I use specifically for these types of payments. (Privacy). I don’t, however, just keep money in this account lying around in case something were to happen to me. So, I transfer the funds needed the day before the payment hits. So there have been a couple of times that I was a day late transferring the funds and then I got locked out of Broke Straight Boys for 3-4 days. I had forgotten it wasn’t a specific date every month….it’s every 30 days. Segpay doesn’t try running your payment again until 3-4 days later. So I got locked out for 3-4 days because segpay has this policy. Once they do run your payment again, you are then given your access to the site again, but now you’ve paid your monthly payment but missed 3 days of access. Yes, I know…..my fault. This has happened to me twice.
So that’s my explanation of why I hate segpay.
I shared all of that so that many of you would get a kick out of me having a separate account that I pay my porn with…lol. And buy poppers, etc.
You’re not the only one Jay. My friend Robb who used to be a member here does the same thing. He keeps a separate account with just enough money for his porn sites to withdraw from his account.

I trust Mark and feel confident that he would make good if I was unfairly billed. As I said mine is epoch, but I didn’t choose them. When I signed up many years ago, in ancient times, before man walked erect, (lol), that was the billing agency and I’ve never had a problem…..so far.
To be honest not everyone has the ability to have a separate card or account. So it becomes more than an annoyance when a biller is the issue. Believe it or not the same holds for phones. Being house bound I have a home phone, only I use. No need for a cell which by the way saves money & up to now spam free. After years I finally remember the number. The one other number I remember is my internet tech guy's number. We have been together now nearly 10 years & become friends despite being half a world away.

When there is a temporary loss of the internet it becomes scary as to how vital a lifeline the internet is to my life. I suppose the phone ranks up there, too.