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Well-known Member
Apr 8, 2010
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So I need to vent.......

Today I got FIRED!!! :cursing:

"given the current financial climate we have had to do a drastic re-structure, and it is with regret that your job doesn't fit in with the new structure. Today will be your last day. We will pay you until the end of the month as per you terms of contract. Good Luck "

Fuck this recession, fuck the economy, fuck the stock market!

I am so sorry to hear this!!! It seems you have had a rather bad run of luck as of late. I am sure you are starting to feel a little overwhelmed. Please hang in there, soon the clouds over your life will pass and a new day will come, with new opportunities. Some times a door has to be closed so that a window can be opened. You just have to be open to something new. Hang in there and don't give up, great things are around the next corner for you!!!

Wishing you all the best
Jeff V.
So I need to vent.......

Today I got FIRED!!! :cursing:

"given the current financial climate we have had to do a drastic re-structure, and it is with regret that your job doesn't fit in with the new structure. Today will be your last day. We will pay you until the end of the month as per you terms of contract. Good Luck "

Fuck this recession, fuck the economy, fuck the stock market!

That sucks! but like Jeffv1 states, when one door closes another one opens, believe me it happen to me. I know at the moment your pissed and angry, but take advantage of the pay until the end of this month...rest your mind tomorrow and start fresh on Monday morning.

It may take some figuring it out, but I believe and have faith that you will find something better and pay more money. Opportunity always has away to get back into your life...it isn't the end of the road!!! Lots of doors will open.


That really sucks. Been a few over here like that. Maybe you should send some pics to David and see if he'll spring for an airfare and some $$$ for futon time!!!! I don't think we've seen the real you, have we? Then there wouldn't be a problem with the member/forum stuff.

I wish you luck and success in everything you turn your hand to.

We're here for you when you need to vent!
Dear John,

I'm so sorry to hear about your latest string of bad luck. Rest assured that you are not alone in being in this situation. I know that's not much comfort when you're working through all the anger. You are a strong person and you will weather this latest storm. And of course we are here for you if you want to talk.
John thats terrible!

Many people have seen this, you just have to pick yourself back up again and never give up. At least you can wear your free Broke Straight Boys T-Shirt to new job interviews, its a way to spark the conversation up.

:) I wish you the best!
~ Chuck
I have been made redundant twice after 13 & 17 years respectively & each time new doors did open which allowed me to progress in my working life.
So hang in there & look at it as an opportunity.
So I need to vent.......

Today I got FIRED!!! :cursing:

"given the current financial climate we have had to do a drastic re-structure, and it is with regret that your job doesn't fit in with the new structure. Today will be your last day. We will pay you until the end of the month as per you terms of contract. Good Luck "

Fuck this recession, fuck the economy, fuck the stock market!
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I've recently decide to try and get back into the army. It seems that my roommate's claims that jobs are easy to find in upstate NY were exaggerated (to say the least..lol). My current job...driving a cab for commission that comes out to right around $100 a week...just isn't cutting it, and even if I move back to Texas, my options are restaurants, convenience stores, or being a basic emt (which pays about as much as restaurants or convenience stores). The only way for me to get ahead is to go to school, and the easiest way to afford that is to go back to the military.

So yes, I agree with you...

Fuck this recession, fuck the economy, fuck the stock market!

Good luck, and I hope things work out for you.

I'm so sorry. I hope things turn around for you really soon.

You know this is the perfect place to vent your frustrations.

John, I am so sorry to hear of your job loss. I know how you feel. I have been out of work from me last employer due to lack of business activity for a year now. Thank goodness I have been able to draw unemployment insurance, but still I would rather be working.
Keep us posted and all the best to you.

Gee, guy, my heart goes out to you. From my experience, I could recall the mix of emotions going through my body from anger, fear, regret, frustration and hopelessness. All this confusion made me want to yell and ask why me, what did I do to deserve this? If there's a god, he's useless but I am here and can offer my solidarity to you in your hour of need.
Hey Johnny sorry to hear about your bad news, but I suppose you can look at it one way and that's you are better off out of that rat race if that's how they treat people.

Good luck in you search for a new job.
So I need to vent.......

Today I got FIRED!!! :cursing:

"given the current financial climate we have had to do a drastic re-structure, and it is with regret that your job doesn't fit in with the new structure. Today will be your last day. We will pay you until the end of the month as per you terms of contract. Good Luck "

Fuck this recession, fuck the economy, fuck the stock market!


I am really sorry to hear that. Often this is fates way of saying there is something better for you. It may not be evident at first but there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there things will get better. For now you will have the income until the end of the month. Since it is a no fault termination your unemployment should be uncontested. This should give you some time to evaluate things and look at new opportunities.

When I lost my job in 2007. I started working for myself a bit. I also took the opportunity to go back to school and finish a graduate degree. I am in the running now for four jobs that will bay between 15,000 and 20,000 more than when I was let go. Three jobs are civil service jobs working for the gov't. with great benefits. I will say that sometimes it seems like the job opportunities are not coming fast enough. I am looking to make this my las job change if at all possible.

Hang in there guy things will definitely get better.