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Favorite Body Part???


Well-known Member
May 28, 2010
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I thought this one might be a good one to start and get everyone in on it :) Say whatever first parts that come to mind. I dont care if it's butt, toes, eyes, oh heck even a great pair of abs. :)

Ok this is going to be not far off for me buttt :) no pun intended :p I love ass. I love little ghetto booty not big but enough that is got some shape! I love eyes and smile to. A person can win me over with a smile. I am a gonner as soon as it happens. I tend to smile real big back at them.

So there goes it.... what turns you on? what your favorite body part.
Mouth. There's just so much you can do with one, and so much it says about a person.... the words that come out of it, the shape of it, the way it moves when it's talking or smiling, what it says, how it behaves.... Smiling, with teeth or without, what a smile starts and finishes, what it means, "come here and...", how a smile can make the recipient feel.... Lips, full and kissable; firm and hard and unforgiving; pouty and plump and suckable; tongue.... tongue is part of mouth, and what needs to be said about tongue.... it's part of mouth....

The eyes say it all for me.:001_rolleyes: If I can get lost in someones eyes, I'm halfway there. You can tell how someone feels by the look in their eyes. For most people you can tell if they are being honest. And for a few you can see all the way to their soul. It doesn't matter what color they are, but long lashes are a bonus.

No Butts About It

BiGurl you hit the nail on the head. Tight butts drive me nuts. Whether you see them through jeans, shorts, swim trunks or a hint of butt showing through low slung jeans with hiked up boxers. They drive me nuts!!

Believe it or not, I can make do with what's on the other side, it's the backside that will turn my head....even before I've seen a face. Bent over, slouched to one side with a butt cheek cocked out, or whatever....can't say it enough....tight butts drive me nuts!

I know crack kills, but have you ever seen a hint of crack when a shirt rides up, or when someone bends over? How about a man on a bike....in lycra. The part that kills or could get you seriously hurt is when you whistle or make a comment loud enough for someone to hear or when you're caught checking out a nice butt!!

The bottom line is....you can't get feedback without a comment first.
I am horrible about looking at asses... I am was never given the gift of hiding it when I like someone. I blush very easy ! I get ten shades of tomato when I like someone. I also have to be hit over the head before I figure someone really likes me.

so to answer looking crack does not kill :) it paralyzes me :)))))))
I'm most attracted to a guy's upper torso, including his abs and chest. I equate my feelings about a guy's chest with a straight guy's feelings about a woman's tits. I remember thinking in high school what an advantage gay guys had in being able to see bare chests of guys, whereas girl's had to cover their tops.

After the torso, I'm attracted to the face, the cock, the legs and then the ass.

But if I see a hot guy on the street, or at the gym or beach and I can see some bare flesh on his stomach or chest, I find myself very interested.

There was one 19 year old kid that used to work for me in my old warehouse manager's job, and one hot summer day, he was the only guy working in the warehouse on a Saturday. Where he would usually wear a T-shirt, on this particular hot July Saturday afternoon, he was wearing a long sleeve green shirt, (I can picture him in it exactly, seven years later). He had the shirt unbuttoned and he came into my air conditioned office to talk to me. He sat in the chair facing me to the left of my desk. I could see his smooth chest, and his hard abs with a tiny line of wispy blonde hair running from his navel to the top of his jeans. He caught me staring and asked me why I was staring at his abs. I was embarrassed and don't remember how I replied, but I'm sure he knew. I wasn't "out" out a work, but it became obvious to the employees that their boss was gay. I never made any sexual advances to any of my young straight employees, but I did befriend a few.

I digressed from the topic at hand, but I can still visualize handsome, straight, young Mike sitting there, and me staring at the exposed flesh on his "Logan like" body.
I am 100% in agreement with Ms. Kianna on this one. A beautiful pair of eyes with a sparkle in them will make me a puddle of quivering jello. I am in love with a man who most often doesn't have to say anything. His eyes talk.
The Eyes have it

I would have to say what I tend to notice first, and attracts me the most, are a guy's eyes. Like others have said someone doesn't necessarily have to say a word, but you can look in their eyes and know all you need to. I don't necessarily have a preference in eye color, but a particularly dazzling pair of blue eyes, tends to make me a pile of goo. Big soulful brown eyes are great, too.

Fore arms and the collar bone region. Not sure why those two parts, but when they look good, they drive me crazy. Everyone I know says I'm weird for it, but I likes what I likes...
Tight Slacks with a noticeable bluge

I hate baggy over-sized slacks that barely hang in a guy's hips obliterating the view from the front and back.

Firstly,I love to see a guy with a prominent package on display. That brightens my day and communicates that all is well with the world. It gives me food for thought such as whether they wear briefs, boxers, or are going commando. Also, you can estimate the size they are when flaccid. This gives a possible indication of what they might become when erect. Secondly, I love to see a round butt that you can wrap your fingers around and bury your face into those two luscious mounds. It makes my mouth water just to think of it.

The only way I can understand straight guys getting into female breast is to supplant the female breast with a guy's round ass. Then, and only then, can I begin to understand straight guys fascination with boobs.

While I will notice a striking pair of eyes or movie star good looks, these are secondary to having a great package and a beautiful ass.
My favorite body part is the armpit.....I just like touching, smelling, licking and tickleing my fellas armpit. I don't know why either. But a well groomed and clean armpit is sexy as hell!!!! Plus my guy gets the crazy giggles when I touch him there and that is a total turn on for me!
The only way I can understand straight guys getting into female breast is to supplant the female breast with a guy's round ass. Then, and only then, can I begin to understand straight guys fascination with boobs.

You want to know who gets the most thrill out of my "funbags?"

MY GAY MALE FRIENDS! Most of my straight male friends don't give a fuck about breasts. Sure they like them, but aren't picky about them. The people most fasinated with playing or touching mine are my gay boys....
You want to know who gets the most thrill out of my "funbags?"

MY GAY MALE FRIENDS! Most of my straight male friends don't give a fuck about breasts. Sure they like them, but aren't picky about them. The people most fasinated with playing or touching mine are my gay boys....

I want to second that... I have been felt up by more gay boys than straight men. I dont know what it is but at the bar I use to work at most of boys thought is was fun to come up behind me and grope my boobs. * hey not that I was bitchin :w00t: :)
Eyes, dont care who they belong too. I can get lost in a strangers eyes.
My dorm mate this year had the most beautiful blueish grey eyes. He caught me staring at them on many occasion.
I finally told him that I thought he had the most beautiful eyes I ahd seen in a long time. He actually blushed.
Eyes, dont care who they belong too. I can get lost in a strangers eyes.
My dorm mate this year had the most beautiful blueish grey eyes. He caught me staring at them on many occasion.
I finally told him that I thought he had the most beautiful eyes I ahd seen in a long time. He actually blushed.

I love light blue eyes. I have them and everyone stares at them. One time I was working a summer job and this guy was totally hot but we fought all the time * oh how young lust works* I remember being at lunch with him and just making digs like we always did and him stopin mid through saying something to say," I cant even focus because I keep looking into your eyes" lol i about dyed :) he was the hottest thing that summer. I blushed so hard :blushing:
Thats the difference between guys and girls girls like eyes and romance a guy just wants sex. a cock shoots cum and thats what its all about!! so its a cock! dick and balls and think of it as one piece but if you had to pick one its dick! It controls everything!