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Explanation of Zodiac signs

Please understand these are the generally accepted traits of the signs. There are things that could negatively influence the traits. I.e. mercury in retrograde, your rising and setting signs, and other planetary alignments. I have only ever had about 6 weeks of real training in astrology also about 6 weeks in numerology. I am no guru or expert by any stretch of the imagination. I am an intermediate practitioner at best in either art. I can make charts with a fair degree of certainty. I still have a lot to learn in those fields of endeavor. Yet, I have no draw toward learning any more than I know now. I actually just trust my Angels and Spirit guides for the most part. If I need to know something or need to be awarded of something they let me know pretty quickly and that is enough for me.:thumbup:

Besides, we can all influence our own destiny by our own free will. Don't let the traits limit you. You are the master of your own world. Design it, create it, and enjoy it just the way you want it to be. You are the only obstacle in your own path to creating your perfect life. Adapt, overcome, and improvise and never say never. If you can imagine it, it can be done.:thumbup:

I once had a Sargent of the guard send me on a wild goose chase in the service. He told me to go bring him a bucket of steam. I thought for a few minuets. I went over to cryogenics and had a bucket filled with dry ice. I put a lid on it and took it to my Sargent. He just looked at it and started laughing until he took the lid off and the steamy smoke kept pouring out of the bucket. Trust me it was the last time I was sent on a wild goose chase until I was on the US Guam. A ditzy Lieutenant was dumb enough to send me to get a bulkhead remover. I came back with a few angry sailors and setaline torches to cut through steel. They wanted to know who was trapped. Oooops! Did I say never give me a stupid assignment? I had a friend who was sent to find 100 ft. of flight line. I told him that the Gunny must be stupid because portable flight line actually existed. He said really. We called supply and had 1,000 ft. sent in the gunny's name. It did not come in 100 ft. sections. The Captain seemed pretty mad about that for some reason.:scared: Another fine example of our tax dollars at work in the military...

Jayman, I have seen so many different traits to Virgo, I find it confusing. Some of it is scary close though! This version was pretty close! LOL!

I love your stupid assignment stories!! :thumbup:
YAY i am irresistable

lol hon..... we all are .... We just have to watch out for your split personality
but thats half the fun of knowing a
Jayman, I have seen so many different traits to Virgo, I find it confusing. Some of it is scary close though! This version was pretty close! LOL!

I love your stupid assignment stories!! :thumbup:

Thanks BTW you and Travis from CF could pass as twins. LOL:wink:
Most definitely! :001_smile: It's funny, but I can pick out Virgo characteristics in people before I know they are one. It has happened many times.

It is certainly a tallent but one I am sure you can live with...
I don't know about that! I'm a Virgo, and I've known several Virgos, and yep! All horny little fuckers!! Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:

Well Now! Let's see, Virgos and Scorpios are horny little fuckers, OK! We Sagittarius boys are horny fuckers too,, (But we ain't little!) LMAO!:001_tt2:

I am,
Well Now! Let's see, Virgos and Scorpios are horny little fuckers, OK! We Sagittarius boys are horny fuckers too,, (But we ain't little!) LMAO!:001_tt2:

I am,

LOL Marky!!! I bow to the master smart ass!! :thumbup:
Oh, no there has been a change

What new Zodiac signs, Say it is isn't so.

I guess anything is possible. Slim I think we are now a Sagittarius.

MINNESOTA: If you've ever read your horoscope, you may be interested in what at least one astronomer has to say about it. Turns out your sign may not really be your sign.

"This is not something that happened today. This has gone on for thousands of years," said astronomer Parke Kunkle.

The star doctors say Earth is currently in a different spot in relation to the Sun, and its equatorial alignment has changed from 3,000 years ago when the study of astrology began -- back when 12 zodiac signs were assigned to 12 different periods of the year.

Those signs you were born into are different now because the Earth's wobble on its axis has created a one-month bump in the alignment of the stars, according to Kunkle.

"Because of this change of tilt, the Earth is really over here in effect and Sun is in a different constellation than it was 3,000 years ago."

What that means to you is a Virgo may now be a Leo, an Aquarius - a Capricorn, and a Taurus - an Aries.

"So I'm an Aries now, fabulous," said Jozsef Szathmary, reacting to the news.

Szathmary has gone from Taurus to Aries in stride, vowing to his sun alignment that he is ready to change.

"I'm a ball of sunshine....wherever the sun is at, that's where I'm at," he said.

And that is just the point. The Sun and Earth are moving surely and slowly, so the stars of your sign aren't the same as they were when that sign was assigned to your birth thousands of years ago.

For your new sign, just subtract one spot on the list.

But, don't expect your horoscope reading to change. Scientists say this rotation has been known about since 500 B.C. and the horoscope calendar hasn't moved.


Astrology buffs should be using these dates, reflecting where the stars currently are aligned:

Capricorn: Jan. 20 - Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11- April 18
Aries: April 18- May 13
Taurus: May 13- June 21
Gemini: June 21- July 20
Cancer: July 20- Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10- Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16- Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30- Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23- Nov. 29
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29- Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17- Jan. 20


Anyone feeling confused lately. Does your horiscope make sense any more? This may be why??? :001_unsure::confused1:
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Well, we used to be a Saggitarius, Now it appears we have become a Scorpiophiucus since we celebrate OUR Natal festivities on Nov. 29. According to an earlier post, we were horny fuckers, and we wonder what we have become now! Well, at least...
I am in the same boat with both of you on this one. There is a web link I posted so you could watch the video segment. It seems that we lost a constellation and now that the poles have been shifting the 13th constellation has reemerged. That is all I know. I have been waiting for some down time to confer with my spirit guides about this new information...

My own personal theory is that every one wants to see what the new year has in store for them this time of year. So, since most of the current information that is in print is pretty much stationary this new information brings about change. It must be part of the economic stimulus package. Astrologers every where will be reevaluating the signs and the new constellations and coming up with new charts and graphs and publishing houses will be going crazy with the printing of the new books or should I say e-books.??? Just a theory at this point in time mind you.

Then there is the whole idea that the universe is constantly expanding. So, why no add a 13th constellation. With the expansion of the universe comes a higher vibrational frequency. So, I guess it is possible for our birth signs to change or evolve in their character.

At the risk of being flogged by our dear Queen Mother's order; I must say, I have no real answer for her Majesty at this time only theory and speculation... :crying:

Jay, what about the Capricorn Brotherhood mentioned in my 10 Random things? Did we just get blackballed from the club?

It appears so. But you know what they said this change occurred 3,000 years ago. So, I guess our Capricorn brotherhood is still there. Capricorn traits or not you and I were born with those intuitive perceptions long before we knew what a Capricorn was.:thumbup: