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Ethan's Secret Desire To Fuck Punk-scene thread

Although I am 53 and a older gay man, I never stop learning. The "daddy" talk is something I learned that the younger guys are now using this term. In our day, it was an older man having sex with a younger guy (Daddy/Boy) which is still common and hot, however, this new way of younger guys calling each other "daddy" or even a younger guy with a younger girl, the term "daddy" is used amoungst the new generation. What is shows is one person is Alpha and in control and more dom. Hence Ethan, and Rowan was the beta (sub) in this position.

I'm in your older generation and understand the point (a non sex example was the Red Sox pitcher Pedro Martinez calling the Yankees his "daddy" when they bombed him a few times), but as my prior post points out, I have no issue with Ethan (and I am a fan of his) saying things like "I smashed his ass" or the like. But I just view it as factually wrong and disrespectful for a younger top fucking and older bottom to declare himself his "daddy". When a college boy has sex with an older gay man and receives financial aid for his college expenses, that is having sex with your daddy, and the college kid is most likely bottoming and not topping!
I'm in your older generation and understand the point (a non sex example was the Red Sox pitcher Pedro Martinez calling the Yankees his "daddy" when they bombed him a few times), but as my prior post points out, I have no issue with Ethan (and I am a fan of his) saying things like "I smashed his ass" or the like. But I just view it as factually wrong and disrespectful for a younger top fucking and older bottom to declare himself his "daddy". When a college boy has sex with an older gay man and receives financial aid for his college expenses, that is having sex with your daddy, and the college kid is most likely bottoming and not topping!
To me the daddy talk is just Ethan’s “thing” that turns him on. We’ve seen many models here who have “catch phrases” that they repeat over and over. My feeling is that if that word is a big turn on for him and puts him in the mood for sex, that enhances the scene for me. Just my opinion.
Welcome back Ethan, not one of his best scenes, throughout the scene I was more intrigue with Rowan, he has a real nice dick and it was hard the whole time and his dick wasn't the only thing hard his nipples were hard as a rock how Ethan could not suck/bite while fucking? The dirty talk did not bother me but the Daddy thing got old. I gave the scene a 4. I look forward to seeing both these guys in future scenes,
Well this wasn’t the Ethan Steel return I had hoped for. Just saw the after scene, and there’s nothing new here. Ill just close out my comments on the whole thing with one question. Why was there so much emphasis on making sure everyone knows Ethan Steel is straight? I thought that was common knowledge before. I don’t remember anyone really questioning it before, and at times it felt like it was shoved down our throats. I don’t think anyone needed a “reintroduction” to Ethan Steel. Hell, he was just here last year.
I do love Ethan Steel, but if every before and after scene is going to be another presentation on how truly straight he is, I’m gonna throw up.
I appear to be in the minority on the forum but I loved the before, the scene, and the after. I think that Ethan’s handsome, sexy and very real. To me Ethan has been very consistent in who he is and what he is into. Having Ethan back at Broke Straight Boys is like a breath of fresh air. All I can speak for is my own preferences and desires and I am as huge an Ethan Steel fan now as I ever was before.
One more comment on the before the scene. Again I love the fact that David & Eddie are back filming Broke Straight Boys as when David said that Ethan reminded him of the boys he originally filmed, and Eddie chimed in with some names from the past like Tyler, CJ, Diesal and Mike Robbins. I love the connection between the original Broke Straight Boys-1 and today. Only David & Eddie had that intimate knowledge and the real true to life memories of those days and now today in 2021 to have that thread of the past intertwined with the present is very, very cool to me. :thumbup:

When I heard that, I was certain that you would like that!
I just watched the return of Ethan... First let me say as many have before; For the love of god YOU ARE NOT A DADDY!!! The dirty talk is not my cup of tea but hey it was working and then the daddy talk started. I couldn't get into the scene because every time it stared to get good Ethan started calling himself Daddy. I agree with what Jay said, Ethan has gone back to the person he was when he started! He was really starting to grow on me but this scene has slowed that down. But I will say his dick sucking skills have become so much better! I'm one of the people that would love to see Ethan bottom but I guess it's never going to happen based on his haters comment, which kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I really don't know how to rate this scene. I was excited to see Ethan come back but this scene really did not work for me.

But the best part of the scene was Rowan. His dick is beautiful and he takes dick like a champ!!! Keep up the good work Rowan and keep coming back and don't die your hair red again! You sexy as hell without it!!!
I am so with you on HATING the daddy talk, particularly when Ethan the top is 2-4 years YOUNGER than his bottom Rowan (according to "the Boys" section Ethan is four years younger than Rowan, but since Ethan debuted with Broke Straight Boys in 2019 and it is now 2021, he is at least two years younger, but in either event Ethan is still factually younger than Rowan and is in absolutely no way his DADDY). As an Ethan fan plus psyched by his great pre scene interview with his scene partner Rowan, I was all set for a great scene and giving five stars to both. The sex in the scene was great, the sub theme of the plot of straight Ethan telling gay Rowan to keep everything quiet worked, but just when the five star scene was emerging, the crap of the younger top Ethan declaring himself the DADDY of the older bottom Rowan kicked in and really detracted from an otherwise great scene. I have no problem whatsoever with Ethan being the dominant top and saying things like "I smashed his ass" or the like, but when he fucks a bottom a few years older and to call himself his "daddy" is just factually wrong and beyond the pale. As David points out, this may be a generational thing. But for the great DADDY distraction, this was a great scene.

Having watched the post scene interview, I'll somewhat tone down my "daddy" dislike. In the post scene interview the boys stressed that they were attempting some role playing. Since, for all the strengths of Broke Straight Boys, plot is rarely attempted due to the overall "Broke Straight Boys" theme, so I like the idea of some role playing to add an element of more plot, and I do appreciate the effort. However, the best plot has a semblance of either truth of believable potential truth to it. So 22 year old Ethan playing the "daddy" to 24 year old Rowan just does not meet that test. I'm surprised that they didn't try the obvious role play: since Rowan in fact does play in a punk rock band, cast Ethan a a punk rock fan (which his age would support) hanging out with Rowan the puck rocker, and then have Ethan show his loyal fan love for his idol by fucking him! That role play really would have worked! Lest I went overboard, notwithstanding the unsuccessful "daddy" role play, I still did enjoy the scene.
I loved the video and had no issues with the daddy comments. Many of us here are of a certain age where things were said and done differently. When I was the age of these guys, no no man shaved his pubic hair or trimmed it down to nothing. No one of their age called another guy around the same age "daddy". Tattoos typically meant you had been in the military, reform school, or prison. And "straight" trade sure as in hell did not stroke your hair affectionately. It is a different time now and different behaviors are common among people their age. It still rubs my nerve wrong when I hear young gay guys refer to queer since that was a word used to attack gay people when I was their age. But in an attempt to not completely turn into that old guy in his boxers on the front porch screaming at the lids for cutting across the corner of his yard, I have accepted the fact that times are different now and in many ways very much better for gay people. And frankly, if Ethan wanted to get down and dirty with me and call him "daddy", I would have no issue. LOL
I loved the video and had no issues with the daddy comments. Many of us here are of a certain age where things were said and done differently. When I was the age of these guys, no no man shaved his pubic hair or trimmed it down to nothing. No one of their age called another guy around the same age "daddy". Tattoos typically meant you had been in the military, reform school, or prison. And "straight" trade sure as in hell did not stroke your hair affectionately. It is a different time now and different behaviors are common among people their age. It still rubs my nerve wrong when I hear young gay guys refer to queer since that was a word used to attack gay people when I was their age. But in an attempt to not completely turn into that old guy in his boxers on the front porch screaming at the lids for cutting across the corner of his yard, I have accepted the fact that times are different now and in many ways very much better for gay people. And frankly, if Ethan wanted to get down and dirty with me and call him "daddy", I would have no issue. LOL
Thank you juanjo for articulating what I’ve been thinking and trying to say myself. I couldn’t agree with you more.
I loved the video and had no issues with the daddy comments. Many of us here are of a certain age where things were said and done differently. When I was the age of these guys, no no man shaved his pubic hair or trimmed it down to nothing. No one of their age called another guy around the same age "daddy". Tattoos typically meant you had been in the military, reform school, or prison. And "straight" trade sure as in hell did not stroke your hair affectionately. It is a different time now and different behaviors are common among people their age. It still rubs my nerve wrong when I hear young gay guys refer to queer since that was a word used to attack gay people when I was their age. But in an attempt to not completely turn into that old guy in his boxers on the front porch screaming at the lids for cutting across the corner of his yard, I have accepted the fact that times are different now and in many ways very much better for gay people. And frankly, if Ethan wanted to get down and dirty with me and call him "daddy", I would have no issue. LOL

I can agree with most of what you’re saying. I understand that it’s a different time, however, many people on this forum had a problem with Ethan using the word “daddy” during his very first Broke Straight Boys scene with Jos Alvarez, and Jos Alvarez is probably 8 years older. He really hasn’t used it since, so I’m assuming maybe Sha spoke with him about it after that first scene. He probably got wind of all the comments too. So, it was surprising to see it show up again in this scene and WAY OVERUSED.
I loved the video and had no issues with the daddy comments. Many of us here are of a certain age where things were said and done differently. When I was the age of these guys, no no man shaved his pubic hair or trimmed it down to nothing. No one of their age called another guy around the same age "daddy". Tattoos typically meant you had been in the military, reform school, or prison. And "straight" trade sure as in hell did not stroke your hair affectionately. It is a different time now and different behaviors are common among people their age. It still rubs my nerve wrong when I hear young gay guys refer to queer since that was a word used to attack gay people when I was their age. But in an attempt to not completely turn into that old guy in his boxers on the front porch screaming at the lids for cutting across the corner of his yard, I have accepted the fact that times are different now and in many ways very much better for gay people. And frankly, if Ethan wanted to get down and dirty with me and call him "daddy", I would have no issue. LOL

I completely agree that if Ethan desired to come into my bed, I would have no problems whatsoever with him calling me "Daddy!"
I appear to be in the minority on the forum but I loved the before, the scene, and the after. I think that Ethan’s handsome, sexy and very real. To me Ethan has been very consistent in who he is and what he is into. Having Ethan back at Broke Straight Boys is like a breath of fresh air. All I can speak for is my own preferences and desires and I am as huge an Ethan Steel fan now as I ever was before.
I love you, but I respectfully disagree. I love Ethan too and want him to be a top model here, but I don’t find him to be consistent at all. He was improving and progressing, and even though I don’t expect or care to see him bottom, he did suggest in the shower video that he might be open to it.....even saying he almost volunteered during the Masyn Thorne scene because Masyn Thorne was having a difficult time. His top scene is with Calhoun and that scene compared to this scene is apples and oranges. He has been pulled back to the old Ethan in these interviews.
I love you, but I respectfully disagree. I love Ethan too and want him to be a top model here, but I don’t find him to be consistent at all. He was improving and progressing, and even though I don’t expect or care to see him bottom, he did suggest in the shower video that he might be open to it.....even saying he almost volunteered during the Masyn Thorne scene because Masyn Thorne was having a difficult time. His top scene is with Calhoun and that scene compared to this scene is apples and oranges. He has been pulled back to the old Ethan in these interviews.
I love you too Jay and there is nothing wrong with friends not always seeing eye to eye on everything. It is okay to disagree yet respect each other’s opinion. If only Congress could do the same our country would be in a much better place. lol
Having watched the post scene interview, I'll somewhat tone down my "daddy" dislike. In the post scene interview the boys stressed that they were attempting some role playing. Since, for all the strengths of Broke Straight Boys, plot is rarely attempted due to the overall "Broke Straight Boys" theme, so I like the idea of some role playing to add an element of more plot, and I do appreciate the effort. However, the best plot has a semblance of either truth of believable potential truth to it. So 22 year old Ethan playing the "daddy" to 24 year old Rowan just does not meet that test. I'm surprised that they didn't try the obvious role play: since Rowan in fact does play in a punk rock band, cast Ethan a a punk rock fan (which his age would support) hanging out with Rowan the puck rocker, and then have Ethan show his loyal fan love for his idol by fucking him! That role play really would have worked! Lest I went overboard, notwithstanding the unsuccessful "daddy" role play, I still did enjoy the scene.

Guess what! In looking at the upcoming scenes on Friday April 2nd Rowan is paired with Grey with the caption that Grey the raver asks his punk rock idol Rowan to fuck him! So a version of my role playing suggestion appears to be coming soon! Can't wait to see it, and I am also looking forward to seeing Grey in action as well!
Can we at least agree the scene was a big progression for Ethan lol

As ever the voice of reason that you are Mark, I think we all can agree that there has been some progression with Ethan. I think that if everyone viewed the scene with the sound OFF, the comments would be a little different. I think maybe all the comments of "daddy" and proclamations of his straightness have overshadowed his return and our happiness in having him back...Welcome back Ethan, you sexy little fucker.....
Can we at least agree the scene was a big progression for Ethan lol

Haha, yeah the progression happened in the shower when you were interviewing him. This scene was a throwback Thursday. Haha.

Actually, I should have said more about Rowan. I like his hair a lot better here, and I felt he did a great job. He seems to be easygoing and a go with the flow type guy in the interviews. The interview was more focused on Ethan, so I felt a little bad for Rowan. I’d rather watched an entire interview with Rowan like some of the others than this before scene. Rowan is a great addition to Broke Straight Boys, and I’d like to see him top more...if he wants. His dick is amazing, and I think it’s safe to say that it’s the biggest currently with these new Miami scenes. Great ass too.
In all fairness, if this scene had been a regular scene and not role play, the before and after scenes would’ve flowed a little better, and I don’t think we would’ve gotten all the daddy talk from Ethan. So I do recognize that most of that daddy talk was trying to lend itself to the “storyline” that was trying to be told here. Hahaha.

Couple of additional thoughts (just my opinion, of course)

-don’t love role play scenes. I may be alone on this thought but just thought I’d share it.
-Daddy is not only about age, but it can be a look. Benjamin Dover, Calhoun Sawyer, Ryan Pitt, Brandon Evans, Tanner, etc......those could be daddy types. Paul Canon could be a daddy since he turns 30 next month. Haha
Okay, Ethan's back. I know it's his schtick, but once the "Daddy" comments started I just couldn't take him seriously. And they just didn't stop in this scene. He might be the greatest guy around when he's off-camera, and I don't doubt that he is, but I only get to see him when he is on-camera. I'll still watch his scenes, but one of these days I'm afraid my eyes are going to roll out of my head and across the room.

Oh, and to add an edit: Yes, he has certainly progressed in what he's willing to do and I'm glad to see that. But oh, daddy...
Okay, Ethan's back. I know it's his schtick, but once the "Daddy" comments started I just couldn't take him seriously. And they just didn't stop in this scene. He might be the greatest guy around when he's off-camera, and I don't doubt that he is, but I only get to see him when he is on-camera. I'll still watch his scenes, but one of these days I'm afraid my eyes are going to roll out of my head and across the room.

Oh, and to add an edit: Yes, he has certainly progressed in what he's willing to do and I'm glad to see that. But oh, daddy...
Ah, that’s right. I think you were gone when Ethan’s last batch of scenes were released early last year. They were great His highest ranked scene to date is with Calhoun Sawyer, and I have to agree with it being the best so far. He pretty much does it all in that scene including mutual rimming. The one with James Dawn is pretty good too. Sky Clesi scene was from his second visit, but I really like that scene as well.