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E-books and your opinions


Well-known Member
Dec 1, 2009
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
I have some questions for all of you concerning e-books, and any feedback you have will be very much appreciated.

1. Do any of you have an ereader? (Kindle, Nook, iPad etc)? If so, what was your reason for getting one, and are you satisfied with it?

2. If you do have one, do you still buy physical copies of books?

3. Prices as they are now, notwithstanding, what do you think a fair price is to pay for an e-book of a new release? What about older titles-say older than a year or so? What about back catalogs of writers, more than 5 years old?

4. If you have an ebook that you really liked, would you consider buying a physical copy as well?

5. Where do you buy the majority of your ebooks?

The reason I ask, is that as a new small press publisher my partner and I are looking at putting out e-book versions down the line. With the release of the iPad, and 5 of the 6 major publishing houses flocking to Apple to make deals with them, it really is putting the e-book aspect into turmoil in terms of price, distribution etc. so any input you guys have will help us.
I have the Sony reader. I'm not attached to the "physical" books so the transition for me was painless, and no, if I like an e-book, it's really pointless to me to buy a physical copy.

The highest price for an ebook that I bought was $15. The lowest $5. I won't pay more than $15 per book, but again, I'm not a big reader so I don't buy that often.

I buy all my books at the Sony book store.
I make my living off of ebooks and work with three e-publishers, so if you have any questions drop me a line and I can probably answer you.

1) I have a sony reader and I love it! The reason I bought it was because I was tired of reading books on my computer and it's so freaking handy.

2) I buy my favorite authors in print. I still love the feel and the smell of books.

3) Price of ebooks depend on lenght. I wouldn't pay more than I would pay for a paperback book, but that's just me.

4) Yes.

5) From the publishers.
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1. I have a Nook. I got it as a hoilday present and I adore my nook. I love how you can share books with other nook users and being able to highlight, bookmark and increase the text size is a plus.

2. Yes. I will always buy books.

3. I usually spend anywhere from nothing to $15 per title. I think you should pay less when a title is released in trade paperback. Authors need to make their money too.

4. I do and I have. Sometimes my mother will send me a book she has just purchased, I will read it on my nook and when it expires I will purchase it in book form. I also have purchased dozens of books I consider my favorites so I can have them portable.

5. I usually buy them from www.bn.com. I support Barnes & Noble Booksellers.
I sincerely hope that E reading will not have the same impact on book sales as music downloads had on College Dudes sales. There is nothing like opening a brand new hardback, brushing your hands through the pages and smelling the odour it gives off.

Maybe I'm just a young romantic.
I sincerely hope that E reading will not have the same impact on book sales as music downloads had on College Dudes sales. There is nothing like opening a brand new hardback, brushing your hands through the pages and smelling the odour it gives off.

Maybe I'm just a young romantic.

I know a lot of people feel the same way as you do. To me, it's not that important. When I lay down on my side, and I have to fight the book so it can stay open really annoys me lol Now I just put a pillow behind the Ebook and that's it, I just push the button to turn the page lol I'm so lazy sometimes lol