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Dog muzzle


Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas TX
Yeah I know that's an odd thread lol But I'm looking for advice. Maybe some of you had to go through this too.

My puppy beagle eats rocks, constantly... Every time she goes outside, she just plays with one and swallows it which resulted to 4 visits to the vet already in the past 4 months. Not only it's getting expensive but that's not the problem, the thing that scares me is that this is very dangerous for her.

Of course a solution would be to get rid of all the rocks but they're everywhere in the backyard so that's pretty much impossible to do.

The other solution which I hate but it's for her own good is to put a muzzle on her every time she goes outside. I just bought one but when I put it on her, it's too tight on her nose and I just hate it. I want to find something that is not tight, where she'd still be able to open her mouth somewhat, but not be able to get inside in it. I've been shopping around but the pictures don't show very well.

Do you guys know anything good? I'd appreciate any feedback :)
Realistically you're gonna hate anything you put around her muzzle to keep her from getting the rocks in her mouth. Couldn't you do a little Pavlov training? Treat some selected rocks with something that has a nasty-to-beagles taste? Hang out with her and the test rocks until she's sampled a few and hated them? Do it for a few days in a row? How long does it take for a smart Steve dog to change it's behavior?

A real dickhead called Henry Ruhwiedel offers this advice:


But there has to be a substance that can be put on your rocks to make them so your cute doggie doesn't like the taste. I know how that sounds, but I'm serious.
How long does it take for a smart Steve dog to change it's behavior?

Apparently, a year and still going strong lol
She's as stubborn as a mule. We tried some Bitter Apple Spray, pft, that little bitch thought it was a juicy treat :( I hate dog muzzles, it's so not humane for me, but I can't just let her eat rocks and then have problems.

A muzzle is really our last resort for now till she learns not to do it anymore. I sometimes go out with her but I can't do that all day long. She loves going outside.

It's kind of like a lose lose situation for me.
It sounds as if the muzzle is to tight, remember a dog must be able to pant, that is how they cool them selfs. A muzzle's only job is to keep the dog from useing their teeth ie "bite" a good pet supply, or a breader should be able to help. If the muzzle is pushing on the end of her nose, don't put the damn thing on......I wish I could help more directly. good luck.
i know how you feel. the muzzle is so restrictive, so inhumane.
swallowing stones is not good for dogs. in my humble opinion, use of the muzzle is less inhumane, than having the vet remove the stone that would not pass.
the health of your pet should place higher than your sense of freedom.
It sounds as if the muzzle is to tight, remember a dog must be able to pant, that is how they cool them selfs. A muzzle's only job is to keep the dog from useing their teeth ie "bite" a good pet supply, or a breader should be able to help. If the muzzle is pushing on the end of her nose, don't put the damn thing on......I wish I could help more directly. good luck.

Thank you for the reply :) The one I bought is way too tight and like you said, the vet told me she still needed to pant to cool off. I'm looking for a muzzle that is very light and thin and pretty much covers us nose so that she can still open her mouse and pant but can't get any rocks in. I just can't find anything online.
i know how you feel. the muzzle is so restrictive, so inhumane.
swallowing stones is not good for dogs. in my humble opinion, use of the muzzle is less inhumane, than having the vet remove the stone that would not pass. the health of your pet should place higher than your sense of freedom.

That's my dilemma actually. I know I have to get her a muzzle even though I hate it. It's for her good. I'm just trying to find the perfect muzzle so at least, I don't feel bad about her feeling bad :)
Do you live in Florida, the land of virtually no natural rocks? Except for the ubiquitous broken coral all over the place. lol

I know of dogs that eat potted plants and garden shrubs. I'm told they do this because of a lack of specific nutrients in their diet that they sense. Coral for instance is made of calcium.

Whatever kind of rocks your puppy is eating it obvously likes the taste of them. Maybe sort of like livestock to a salt lick. It's just a wild hunch here, but I would ask the vet about this behaviour and a possible mineral deficiency.

If that's the problem, the solution would be easier than having the dog live with a muzzle it's entire life.
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I need to ask, what size is you dog, and breed. If you are going to main line retail stores hang it up, I can suggest a greyhound muzzle if she is not to small. I had to have the muzzles made for my german shepards, I never liked the way the stock ones rode on my dogs face. I don't like using them either, but when a service person comes around I have no choice.
Hey Steve, let's see if this helps. There is a "lead" which incorporaes a muzzle style headpiece, try to attach a slightly larger muzzle cone to the upper jaw strap of the lead as it wraps around her (his) head/jaw area. (You can use a couple of nylon ties) this will hold a "loose fitting muzzle in place, and still allow for panting, but no rock swallowing. Good Luck with your buddy!
Morrco makes a wire basket muzzle. wire basket muzzles allow air to flow and let the dog drink.