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Dirty Leon


Well-known Member
Aug 12, 2010
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Quick Question, I've been a member for a couple of years now and I never figured out why Leon was called "dirty". So if any of you know the answer please share it.:thumbup:
It refers to the fact that his appearance and hygiene suddenly went downhill in a real hurry. Some of us questioned whether there was a drug or alcohol problem that accounted for his drastic change of appearance. It seemed that he was being groomed to be a big star of the site. He was generating excitement and and some great expectations...here in the forum at least. Then things fizzled out for him.

There was one scene in particular where he took off his shoes and socks and his footies were obviously very dirty. Sadly some went on to say that it looked like he hadn't showered in many days. And they seemed to be correct based on his appearance. He didn't get any more scenes after that one. Something fell apart in his personal life, or there were drugs or alcohol involved. Or even a combination of the three. The change in him was very sad to watch.

Scott, Leon, Ryan ~ January 19, 2011
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I liked Leon dirty, druggy and hungover as much a clean and perky. Here's a still from that scene that shows his grubby, callused feet, admittedly neither pedicured nor scoured. The scene itself is amazing, and Leon was sort of the star, although they all did a terrific job.

Leon is in some BTS footage as well, and you can see he has at least 45% more personality than 98% of all the other BSBs of the time. There certainly isn't anyone as charming as Tyler and Leon in the new bunch on BSB2. It would take Rob Ryder making guest appearances on the futon to get anywhere near the level of amusement, wit and intelligence that some of those boys were able to exhibit in the prefuck banter (among them Dustin, Logan, Tyler, Leon of course, and a bunch of the gay guys, like complicated blond Aiden who brightened up the Kinsey Zero atmosphere every now and then).

In my enthusiasm for Leon's physique, sexuality, brain and charm I didn't care that he looked like he'd made a mistake with the gel, or had FloridaFeet (like Tyler, who wore flipflops 10 months in the year, his feet got callused and grubby) and that he hadn't bothered to scour them before the shoot. We know he grew marijuana for commercial medical use, and maybe some other stoner entrepreneurial initiatives I can't remember, so obviously he did pot like maybe most of the charmers (Tyler, Rob, MikeR). But he was wonderful. He'd be a joy to see on the futon now, with any of the brighter, buffer boys currently performing.


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What turned me off about him was the NUMEROUS moles on his back. Not for that he would've been cute even though he was a little feminine for my taste.Not for once did I ever think he was straight or even bisexual but all the way gay pretending to be straight.
What turned me off about him was the NUMEROUS moles on his back. Not for that he would've been cute even though he was a little feminine for my taste.Not for once did I ever think he was straight or even bisexual but all the way gay pretending to be straight.

He had a lot of moles. Actually one of the hugest turn ons for me about young guys is that they have a lot of moles on their bodies, which gradually disappear as they move into their middle 20s and on. Look back at the archives and you'll see this. The other thing is their body hair. It's almost as if hair growth were governed by osmosis, radicating from the ground up: first ankles and calves, then thighs, then treasure trails and in some cases peach fuzz on their butts, leaving their upper torsos smooth as a pretty baby's bottom. The "hair trousers" syndrome has been commented upon at least once before on the forum (Deidra and I are addicts). As guys get old the pattern continues upwards until at some point the foliage on the lower extremities begins to thin out and even eventually disappear while at the same time becoming more luxuriant above the groin. Anyone who's ever noticed a senior citizen at the pool with a fur jacket on, ambling about on leggies swept clean of even one follicle can confirm this.

So I like moles and hair trousers as just one more of nature's tributes to youth :)
Not for once did I ever think he was straight or even bisexual but all the way gay pretending to be straight.
I agree with Avery, I never really cared for Leon. I was really shocked when Tyler picked him for his birthday shoot, when he had so many other great models from which to choose!:confused1:
I agree with Avery, I never really cared for Leon. I was really shocked when Tyler picked him for his birthday shoot, when he had so many other great models from which to choose!:confused1:

It wasn't just that he chose him. I don't even know if he chose him or if he was available for the shoot and David chose him. What was so cool was that Tyler went crazy about him and came on so gay after the sex, inviting him to meet him in his office any time. Tyler had never shown any particular verbal enthusiasm like that, although you could often read on his face how much he liked the sex. That was a great shoot, it was sizzling hot, and had two of my top favorite guys in it.
Leon's start was promising enough, he is a good looking guy with a very hot body. Unfortunately the dirtiness thing crept in which offended a lot of people, and it would appear he wasn't asked back after that. It would have been cool if he would have cleaned himself up and made a reappearance, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. It is too bad because he was starting to show some promise in his first couple scenes.

He did seem extremely gay though, I'm guessing he was a little too gay acting for the Broke Straight Boys thing.

Wherever he is, I hope he's doing well!

I never thought he looked dirty. A little scruffy perhaps, but not dirty. Admittedly, in one of the scenes he kind of reminded me of Shaggy on Scooby Doo. I kept looking around to see if Velma was crawling around on the floor looking for her glasses.
I never thought he looked dirty. A little scruffy perhaps, but not dirty. Admittedly, in one of the scenes he kind of reminded me of Shaggy on Scooby Doo. I kept looking around to see if Velma was crawling around on the floor looking for her glasses.

Johnny, that just gave me the hugest case of the giggles.:biggrin:
I never thought he looked dirty. A little scruffy perhaps, but not dirty. Admittedly, in one of the scenes he kind of reminded me of Shaggy on Scooby Doo. I kept looking around to see if Velma was crawling around on the floor looking for her glasses.

Johnny that is so cute...but not untrue though! :001_tongue:

He had a lot of moles. Actually one of the hugest turn ons for me about young guys is that they have a lot of moles on their bodies, which gradually disappear as they move into their middle 20s and on. Look back at the archives and you'll see this. The other thing is their body hair. It's almost as if hair growth were governed by osmosis, radicating from the ground up: first ankles and calves, then thighs, then treasure trails and in some cases peach fuzz on their butts, leaving their upper torsos smooth as a pretty baby's bottom. The "hair trousers" syndrome has been commented upon at least once before on the forum (Deidra and I are addicts). As guys get old the pattern continues upwards until at some point the foliage on the lower extremities begins to thin out and even eventually disappear while at the same time becoming more luxuriant above the groin. Anyone who's ever noticed a senior citizen at the pool with a fur jacket on, ambling about on leggies swept clean of even one follicle can confirm this.

So I like moles and hair trousers as just one more of nature's tributes to youth :)

Slim, that was very educational for me. I've pondered the intricacies of the male anatomy and have made observations, such as how guys who are balding are generally pretty hairy, and vice-versa. But I never noticed how the hair moves upward over time. Altho I don't think the same holds true for African-Americans who don't necessarily become hairy up-top, altho we do lose the hair on our legs...eventually. Thanks for the info!:001_cool:
Slim, that was very educational for me. I've pondered the intricacies of the male anatomy and have made observations, such as how guys who are balding are generally pretty hairy, and vice-versa. But I never noticed how the hair moves upward over time. Altho I don't think the same holds true for African-Americans who don't necessarily become hairy up-top, altho we do lose the hair on our legs...eventually. Thanks for the info!:001_cool:

Trust a Leon thread to meander almost anywhere else besides...

Balboa, yes it's said in fact that higher testosterone production can be responsible for both male pattern baldness and upper body hair, so a shiny pate and a furry chest are a frequent paradigm. Just as a luxurious head of hair and a smooth body (less testosterone) represent a different prototype. Most women don't have a lot of hair on their chests and do have quite a lot on their heads. They also tend to have less testosterone fucking up their systems, so I believe the theory.

Now that you mention it I agree that the fur jacket syndrome is typically white, thanks for that observation. So many African men have bodies that conform almost ridiculously with an extreme male ideal: perfectly muscled, no fat, broad square shoulders, narrow hips, beautiful feet and hands, long legs...that you can't say their smooth bodies show a lack of testosterone. Maybe in darwinistic terms the African climate long ago weeded out men with body hair but kept the testosterone.
Trust a Leon thread to meander almost anywhere else besides...

Balboa, yes it's said in fact that higher testosterone production can be responsible for both male pattern baldness and upper body hair, so a shiny pate and a furry chest are a frequent paradigm. Just as a luxurious head of hair and a smooth body (less testosterone) represent a different prototype. Most women don't have a lot of hair on their chests and do have quite a lot on their heads. They also tend to have less testosterone fucking up their systems, so I believe the theory.

Now that you mention it I agree that the fur jacket syndrome is typically white, thanks for that observation. So many African men have bodies that conform almost ridiculously with an extreme male ideal: perfectly muscled, no fat, broad square shoulders, narrow hips, beautiful feet and hands, long legs...that you can't say their smooth bodies show a lack of testosterone. Maybe in darwinistic terms the African climate long ago weeded out men with body hair but kept the testosterone.

Hey Slimmie!

It's not just black guys who on the whole tend to be less hairy than white guys, most Asians are usually pretty smooth and a lot of Native Americans tend to be almost hairless on their body except for their pubes and armpits.

My Chinese friend Lawrence definitely proves my statement regarding Asians wrong though: Lawrence was born and raised in China and came to the U.S. when he was a teen, he is like 6'3", his legs are hairier than mine, and he has a 5 o clock shadow by noon! His chest and stomach are naturally completely smooth though.

So many African men have bodies that conform almost ridiculously with an extreme male ideal: perfectly muscled, no fat, broad square shoulders, narrow hips, beautiful feet and hands, long legs...that you can't say their smooth bodies show a lack of testosterone. Maybe in darwinistic terms the African climate long ago weeded out men with body hair but kept the testosterone.

I concur with your observations Slim. :wink: When I read your statement though I felt the need to jump in quickly before the PC police swooped in to correct you. Not that you need protecting....I know you can handle that yourself. :) It just brings bacl memories of when I talked about the men of Spain. Since I have lived in Spain and you live in Spain I know that when you refer to African men you do not mean African/American men. So it's not an insult at all. Spain is the continental European country that is closest to Africa. It's just a short boat ride across the Strait of Gibraltar and you're in Morocco.

Most black men that I saw on the streets of Spain were immigrants from Africa seeking a better life. While there were plenty who dressed in all western clothing, many others still wore the traditional African robes of their homeland that reached almost to the ground. Along with that many of them wore sandals. Some wore western tennis shoes just like many Arabs of northern Africa. I always got a kick out of the way that many Africans and Arabs wore their tennis shoes...with the heels of the shoes tucked down under the heels of their feet. Many still prefer the look and feel of loose fitting sandals. haha

Vive la difference! :thumbup1:
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Hey Slimmie!

It's not just black guys who on the whole tend to be less hairy than white guys, most Asians are usually pretty smooth and a lot of Native Americans tend to be almost hairless on their body except for their pubes and armpits.

My Chinese friend Lawrence definitely proves my statement regarding Asians wrong though: Lawrence was born and raised in China and came to the U.S. when he was a teen, he is like 6'3", his legs are hairier than mine, and he has a 5 o clock shadow by noon! His chest and stomach are naturally completely smooth though.


Abe, he sounds like heaven on earth.