You are right Jon to say that it was uncomfortable to watch in some places. Very few of us, if any, wanted to see
Diesal grimace in any pain. I don't feel guilty for wanting to see this scene happen. And I'm nearly certain that
Diesal will be back.
Diesal did not appear to be physically or emotionally damaged from the experience. It broadened his horizons and gave him another window into the vast possibilities of the human experience. Even if he eventually ends up married with a bunch of kids he'll have an understanding of the gay world that few guys will.
As for the scene itself it would have been very difficult to live up to the expectations. Jimmy and
Diesal had already set the bar so high in the first 2 scenes that it would have been difficult to score another homerun. The positions that they chose looked very mechanical and forced. Without
Diesal on his back for at least a little while they weren't able to have any eye contact or kissing. So I think
Diesal felt like the experience was impersonal.
Diesal may have decided in practice that an on the back position was too painful. I don't know... But it seemed to be what the scene was badly missing. Eye contact, verbal interaction, mutual reassurance, kissing and caressing were not possible in the 2 positions chosen. Though as far as caressing goes, Jimmy did do his best to try to give
Diesal that.
I'll go out on a limb here and say that I wouldn't mind seeing
Diesal bottom again. But only if he thinks he has a reasonable chance of enjoying it. And also importantly...
showing it. I'll be happy to see
Diesal again doing more in the future even if it's not bottoming.
I agree with you Jon on the first vid. In my own ratings I would have given the first one a 6. The second one a 5.5 and the third a 4.6. I do want to quickly add that I do not mean to sound ungrateful. I am VERY happy that David was able to make this video happen for us.