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Diesel & Jimmy part 3


Active Member
Oct 20, 2008
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I'm looking forward to this episode the other 2 where hot and this one should be as hot if not hotter. I have my fingers crosed that we get to see diesel finaly botom!
I'm looking forward to this episode the other 2 where hot and this one should be as hot if not hotter. I have my fingers crosed that we get to see diesel finaly botom!

From the pics in the episode I think your wish, & ours, is about to come true :thumbup:
mmmmmmmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhhhhhh ohh boyyyyys
So far it's the softest 69 I have ever seen. The kissing is always nice but downloading it in pieces, all I've seen two bodies not showing much interest in where this is heading...
These guys are the only ones that the futons been open for right at the start ... in the last 2 vids ....... thats not happened befor not counting Dustbin and Lane
Just this second finished watching, and the last moments have stuck with me, Jimmy's quick glance of complicity and affection directed down at his boy's face after he cums on him, and the smile Diesal gives him back when their eyes meet.

Diesal liked it. Jimmy liked it. I liked it immensely. It was very gentle and quiet, and a beautifully executed, careful fuck. They seemed to know what Diesal would feel and look like being deflowered. I think maybe they did know already, and were able to duplicate it for Dave. The best part is that it was true to life. Diesal, after dilating his butt with plugs to pave the way, obviously wouldn't go into hysterics at having his lover carefully penetrate him. His reactions were, well, normal for want of a better word. These two have seemed so real in all three episodes, because they've brought their own reality to the futon.

I feel like a clucking, cooing romantic, joyous at two beautiful young guys finding love together.

(So don't read this next part haha)

Clean up time; gettin' it all OVER the keyboard from the old sticky fingers. Drying cum is contracting the skin on my dick in that way it has, and liquefying on my chest and starting to run down around my ribcage, tickling like fuck, just a partial antidote to the bridal fantasy I've been cooking up in my head about these two adorable guys for the last week...
It never would have bothered me if Deisl never bottomed ..... as long as he showed the respect to the ones that did it was ok with me ........ its when the guy acts like dustbin .. is when i want assholes like him to get his ...... so to speak lol
I'm looking forward to this episode the other 2 where hot and this one should be as hot if not hotter. I have my fingers crosed that we get to see diesel finaly botom!

Having just watched No. 3, I feel guilty as I was one of the ones who wanted to see Diesal bottom. Now I've seen it, I'm sorry there was so much pressure put on Diesal. He obviously didn't enjoy it, and it spoiled the occasion really. It was great to see that wonderful lazy smile come back on his face when Jimmy finally stopped fucking him! I think Jimmy is happy to bottom for Diesal, and I think we should all accept that Diesal is a natural top! Let's not try to change him, and let's enjoy the real enjoyment that Jimmy and Diesal shared before. I hope that David will make one more of these two together and let them enjoy each other's company. Let them call the shots and I'm sure we'll all love the results! Still love to love these guys show to each other, the kissing and body touching is wonderful, but we need to see those glorious smiles and those smoldering eyes!!
Having just watched No. 3, I feel guilty as I was one of the ones who wanted to see Diesal bottom. Now I've seen it, I'm sorry there was so much pressure put on Diesal. He obviously didn't enjoy it, and it spoiled the occasion really. It was great to see that wonderful lazy smile come back on his face when Jimmy finally stopped fucking him! I think Jimmy is happy to bottom for Diesal, and I think we should all accept that Diesal is a natural top! Let's not try to change him, and let's enjoy the real enjoyment that Jimmy and Diesal shared before. I hope that David will make one more of these two together and let them enjoy each other's company. Let them call the shots and I'm sure we'll all love the results! Still love to love these guys show to each other, the kissing and body touching is wonderful, but we need to see those glorious smiles and those smoldering eyes!!

I agree ...... well said

I have to say that Diesal and Jimmy are great together. Having watched all three episodes, I hope that there are more with these two. From the first one to number three, the sensuality and then the sex are so hot. While Diesal is a top, he did say at the end if I recall that it was a "weird feeling but kinda good". I don't think he'll be a bottom on a regular basis, with the right partner he'll do just fine. As a regular viewer, I have to say that this couple has to rank as one of the best. I'm a big one for kissing and the tender sensuality that Diesal and Jimmy bring to the scenes. It makes it more than just a fuck, but really trying to make each other feel good. Bring on more of Diesal and Jimmy!!!!

There really isn't too much more to say. It was all I hoped it would be. Well, maybe one thing. David, if you want to auction the red pillows for charity, I'll start the bidding at Two Hundred. I think they would make a nice addition to my collection!
And to think they were laid on by Crown Prince Diesal!:thumbup:
I have to say thank you to both Jimmy and Deisel. Unless the majic of video has really gotten to me and i don't think so , these guys are sharing very private moments with us. I am going out on a limb here and say I think there is real love with these guys God knows, real love is hard enough to find anywhere so i wish them only the best. Being in a part of the business i know very very well it is extremely hard to fake intimacy with even the best of the best actors I know that is not what this site is supposed to be showing but I am so relieved to have seen the care these guys had with each other in all three scenes Bravo
Bravo !

I just saw D & J #3. Wow! Very nice indeed! Once again, the oft-ask question has been answered: Does it hurt? (No). I have to say that many a potential receiver has been disapponted by a guy who just "Rams it home" due to haste and greed and (maybe a desire to hurt.) This is a pair of really really nice guys. Jimmy is due much credit as being one of the most competent all-around lovers I have ever seen or experienced. Bravo! Bravisimo!!
I remember my first time...YIKES!...and I wanted it. Our boy Diesal did just fine.

There is something so special about Diesal. I felt like this was a "fair's fair" deal with him and he did it for us. Thanks Diesal, you are a good man.

David, did you get footage of Diesal's practice sessions? I am willing to bet he had fun with the toys because he wouldn't have given up control.

Jimmy is a sexy beast. I think he has a crush on Diesal. He was slow and gentle with him. Of course, that could have been fear...our strraight Gigantor could take him out in an instant...lol. Watch your heart, Jimmy, the fantasy ends with the paycheck.
Diesal & Jimmy 3

WOW! The videos of these two have gotten better and better. Jimmy was so tender. Diesal did say it was good and didn't seem to rule out any bottoming in the future. The first time I bottomed I had to stop. Think like Diesal it had more to do with the idea of what was happening than what was actually happening. Basically I'm a top, but I do and will bottom with the right guy in the right circumstances. I don't care if Diesal bottoms again or not, I do care that he does videos with guys he has fun with and he keeps on kissing.

Thanks David.
WOW! The videos of these two have gotten better and better. Jimmy was so tender. Diesal did say it was good and didn't seem to rule out any bottoming in the future. The first time I bottomed I had to stop. Think like Diesal it had more to do with the idea of what was happening than what was actually happening. Basically I'm a top, but I do and will bottom with the right guy in the right circumstances. I don't care if Diesal bottoms again or not, I do care that he does videos with guys he has fun with and he keeps on kissing.

Thanks David.

Have written a lot about this series, but everything you've put in your post could have been me talking if only I'd been able to be so concise (and cover so much territory in so few words) as you have. As you know, just love the way you write mister.
Like the rest of you I was taken with how sweet, tender and gentle Jimmy was with him. Although he obviously enjoyed it enough to keep a hardon he didn't seek any real pleasure for himself. For Jimmy it was all about making sure that Diesal was not going to be in pain. During the intercourse itself Jimmy was very selfless in wanting this to be all about Diesal. Jimmy did a fantastic job! What a patient and caring lover he can be!
David, thank Diesal for us. I am very thankful that he was willing to step outside of his comfort zone for our viewing pleasure. He and Jimmy made a great team together. They had such great chemistry. I was especially glad to hear Diesal say it wasn't what he imagined. That it was weird but in a good way. I think that meant that he found it pleasurable to a degree. I also believe that bottoming can help a top understand more and perform better in the future. I think it was great that he gave bottoming a try. Jimmy should be congratulated for his patience working with Diesal to make his first bottoming experience so wonderful as well...

Maybe you could use their chemistry to help pull some to the newer models out of their shell in the future. I truly believe that Diesal and Jimmy set the bar for future models. Pls. give them a hug and a thank you from all of us here in the land of Forum...:thumbup:
Having just watched No. 3, I feel guilty as I was one of the ones who wanted to see Diesal bottom. Now I've seen it, I'm sorry there was so much pressure put on Diesal. He obviously didn't enjoy it, and it spoiled the occasion really. It was great to see that wonderful lazy smile come back on his face when Jimmy finally stopped fucking him! I think Jimmy is happy to bottom for Diesal, and I think we should all accept that Diesal is a natural top! Let's not try to change him, and let's enjoy the real enjoyment that Jimmy and Diesal shared before. I hope that David will make one more of these two together and let them enjoy each other's company. Let them call the shots and I'm sure we'll all love the results! Still love to love these guys show to each other, the kissing and body touching is wonderful, but we need to see those glorious smiles and those smoldering eyes!!

Well I did mention this in Part 2s thread. This film was very uncomfortable to watch, but I don't feel guilty because I never championed him to get fucked. Sure the 2 grand was a big temptation but I hope Broke Straight Boys have learnt from this and they do not pressurise an obvious top to bottom like they have done with Diesal. I hope Diesal is not put off by this bad experience and returns; if he doesn't then certain people will have to live with it.

I still say part 1 was the best film. :thumbup: