My own two cents, for as much as its worth as a newbie forumite is that above and beyond anything else a contract is a contract. If one person breaks his and is allowed to do so by management then the company's contracts are seen as nothing more than paper with blah, blah, blah on them -- it sets a precedent. If you are going to bother with contracts then you also have to honor them -- from both sides. Seems cut and dry to me -- business is business.
I also echo the sentiment of some earlier poster, though, and wonder why
Broke Straight Boys even bothers with exclusive contracts? I have seen tons of
Broke Straight Boys models all over the place, especially at other gay for pay and "this is my first time with a guy" sites. We also have to remember that these guys are all young with limited life experience -- some of them are pretty "fresh faced right off the farm" guys, so they don't fully understand the importance of keeping their word or their integrity in business and in life yet, so if someone else comes along with a fist full of money I can understand how they might be lured away to shoot elsewhere, contract or not. And I'm also sure that there are loads of very unscrupulous porn producers who tell these young guys anything to get them -- especially if they have a following or are popular on a site.
Vadim Black admitted that after he left and came back the first time.
Anyway, bottom line for me is a contract is a contract, so if you hold yourselves as a legitimate and professional company then you have to follow the letter of the contract which you created and both parties agreed to.