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Dave, This Cupcake's For You

Thanks David for giving us the behind the scenes scoop. I really appreciate that you edit out the parts where a model would break down and cry. It would break my heart to see that happening to such nice guys. I very briefly subscribed to a British site where they showed the straight guys on the verge of tears with what they were being asked to do. And they were not treated with much sympathy or respect. I couldn't stand it...

Even here in Broke Straight Boys there have been some models whose stories have really tugged at my heartstrings. Since one of the premises of the site is that the guys are usually broke there have been some that I really felt sorry for. In a few instances I wished that I could have had the money to spare and their mailing addresses so that I could have anonymously sent them some more money to help them out. With no strings attached of course.

The models who most quickly come to mind are Jona (Orgy scene), Wayne (Solo) and Nathan (Nathan & Jordan). Sometimes to see the pleading look in their eyes when they find out that they can only make $100 for a solo is sad. I felt very sorry for Nathan because you could tell he was desperate to make some cash. Like it would be the difference between being homeless soon or even not eating. When Jona choked up at the thought that his parents and possibly siblings could lose their farm and their home if he as the oldest son could not come through for them, that was a heavy poignant moment for a "porn" scene. But I'm glad that you didn't edit it out.

With Wayne he was such a sweetheart and totally clueless of how hard life can be with no college education and being thrust out in the world with so little experience. I wsh I could have just hugged him (fully clothed) and told him that everything was going to be okay. But of course that's a promise that none of us could make to him. Sometimes their stories really do get to you.

Thank you again David for all the kindness, patience and generosity that you show towards the models. I can watch the scenes with much more peace of mind knowing that they aren't being humiliated.
Last question: What does your mother tell her friends that you do for a living? I have this vision of this very nice Jewish lady having lunch at Goldblatt's Deli with 3 other blue hairs and bragging that her Davey is a successful film director. ("Davey, why couldn't you be a doctor like your brother?" Hmmmm, maybe that is how College Boy Physicals was born. "Ma, get off my back, I'll be a doctor already.")

You guys rock,
lol. You are a very funny man GreatLakes.:001_rolleyes:

I am so glad that this thread was brought back, as I had forgotten some of the things that Dave had told us. Broke Straight Boys is a great site, but it is even greater with this forum, where management actually answers our questions, and brings us "behind the scenes" of the whole process. Great work, Dave, Mark and Steve, (and all the anonymous guys behind the scenes). You guys rule and rock. (kinda like rock and roll:001_smile:).

Last question: What does your mother tell her friends that you do for a living? I have this vision of this very nice Jewish lady having lunch at Goldblatt's Deli with 3 other blue hairs and bragging that her Davey is a successful film director. ("Davey, why couldn't you be a doctor like your brother?" Hmmmm, maybe that is how College Boy Physicals was born. "Ma, get off my back, I'll be a doctor already.")

"What? You're too good to run a deli like your uncle did? For shame I should have to pay for kosher foods with Passover so near! Maybe your brother knows whats wrong with you! Talk to him, and tell him to call his Mother! I should be so lucky! Oi Vey!

You're killing me, GL, just killing me! Too Funny!

May The Lord Bless and Protect You! I am,
Dave and all of the staff, I have just read through all of these three pages of questions and your responses to each one. You do have a busy schedule. There is so much more that goes into making a movie than I thought. How do you find time to travel to the different clubs with your busy schedule? Any way, keep up the great job and bringing us for the most part, the best looking guys on the internet. Broke Straight Boys is the only site that I subscribe to and have for a couple of years. I am really glad that I took the opportunity to join the forum. Thanks to everyone.
Gary in Tacoma, WA

Thank you for taking the time to fill educating us on the in's and out's of the business. Not only does it should how much you truly love what you do, but also how much you care about your clients and fans.

I can fully appreciate how difficult it is to film a scene. Some years ago, I was a guest on the Paramount Lot to see the filming of a Star Trek episode. I was maybe 25 feet away from the director during the 4 hours of filming of this one scene. One would think it should have been easy to shoot. It was not. And yes, it did get boring watching it, especially after the first hour. In the final episode that scene lasted less than 1 minute (out of about a 45-50 minute show).

Keep up the great work.

Live Long and Prosper,

"What? You're too good to run a deli like your uncle did? For shame I should have to pay for kosher foods with Passover so near! Maybe your brother knows whats wrong with you! Talk to him, and tell him to call his Mother! I should be so lucky! Oi Vey!

You're killing me, GL, just killing me! Too Funny!

May The Lord Bless and Protect You! I am,

Killing YOU? Like it isn't killing me that you never call, you never stop by. God forbid I should expect you to take me dinner on a night that isn't my birthday.

Peace be with you,
Killing YOU? Like it isn't killing me that you never call, you never stop by. God forbid I should expect you to take me dinner on a night that isn't my birthday.

Peace be with you,

Uhm, Ma? We live in the same apartment, gimme a break already!! And what about YOUR doctor, Ma? He says all that rich food is bad for you! But do you listen, no, what does he know,? He's just a doctor, right?. Ma, I love ya, but would it kill ya to ease up on the rich food?

In stitches, I am,

Oh, Ma, listen, ...so, when's your birthday?
Uhm, Ma? We live in the same apartment, gimme a break already!! And what about YOUR doctor, Ma? He says all that rich food is bad for you! But do you listen, no, what does he know,? He's just a doctor, right?. Ma, I love ya, but would it kill ya to ease up on the rich food?

In stitches, I am,

Oh, Ma, listen, ...so, when's your birthday?

I have no son. You have never brought me a minute's joy. Why did I send you to college? A fortune PISSED away. And don't get me started on your brother, marrying that gold-digging tramp. Is it against the law for you kids to give the mother went through 168 hours of labor a little respect?

So anyway, are you coming for dinner on Sunday? I am making a roast. Ya gotta eat. Look at you, just skin and bones.
I have no son. You have never brought me a minute's joy. Why did I send you to college? A fortune PISSED away. And don't get me started on your brother, marrying that gold-digging tramp. Is it against the law for you kids to give the mother went through 168 hours of labor a little respect?

So anyway, are you coming for dinner on Sunday? I am making a roast. Ya gotta eat. Look at you, just skin and bones.

Ma! Sunday ma? You know I can't come Sunday! Remember? I told you I have to start work at the Slaughter House on Sunday! Ma, 1000 pigs being delivered, ma. Remember? I'll get all the Bacon I can eat! Besides, you know I hate Lamb! Now, if you make some of that Mandelbrot like last year, so maybe I could get off work early. Maybe I could bring the Manischewitz!. Ma? Are you listening ma?

Ok, well, Shalom, Ma.
Ma! Sunday ma? You know I can't come Sunday! Remember? I told you I have to start work at the Slaughter House on Sunday! Ma, 1000 pigs being delivered, ma. Remember? I'll get all the Bacon I can eat! Besides, you know I hate Lamb! Now, if you make some of that Mandelbrot like last year, so maybe I could get off work early. Maybe I could bring the Manischewitz!. Ma? Are you listening ma?

Ok, well, Shalom, Ma.

Bacon? BACON? I went for 12 years of doing my own hair and nails to be able to send you to Hebrew school and this is how you repay me? Just take a knife from the slaughter house and put it right in my back.
God knows that I feel a little stab each day that you aren't married and giving me grandkids.
When are you going to settle down Davey? You are too old to still have a roommate. My friend Sylvia from Bingo has an adorable daughter. Would it be too much to ask to call her? You want I should die without grandchildren? You remember my friend Myrna from temple? God blessed her with 6 grandchildren. SIX Davey! Of course her daughter is a slut, but who am I to judge? How she was able to marry a mensch like Stanley I'll never know. The whole world is meshuga.
Davey, you work too hard. What with the slaughter house and the movies you make. When am I ever going to see some of these movies? Next Saturday, after temple, I will invite the whole family over and set up the screen in the living room and you can show us the work that keeps you from calling or visiting your own mother.
I had lunch with Bernice Sherman the other day. She says her boy Mikey worked in your studio a few times. I'll invite Bernice and Samuel so they can see their what their son does for a living. It'll be good for Samuel to get out of that house for a while. Bernice says he isn't the same since that heart attack. Seeing his boy on the screen should do his heart good. If you don't remember Mikey Sherman, here's his picture. Bernice keeps them in her wallet and hands them out like candy.

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Bacon? BACON? I went for 12 years of doing my own hair and nails to be able to send you to Hebrew school and this is how you repay me? Just take a knife from the slaughter house and put it right in my back.
God knows that I feel a little stab each day that you aren't married and giving me grandkids.
When are you going to settle down Davey? You are too old to still have a roommate. My friend Sylvia from Bingo has an adorable daughter. Would it be too much to ask to call her? You want I should die without grandchildren? You remember my friend Myrna from temple? God blessed her with 6 grandchildren. SIX Davey! Of course her daughter is a slut, but who am I to judge? How she was able to marry a mensch like Stanley I'll never know. The whole world is meshuga.
Davey, you work too hard. What with the slaughter house and the movies you make. When am I ever going to see some of these movies? Next Saturday, after temple, I will invite the whole family over and set up the screen in the living room and you can show us the work that keeps you from calling or visiting your own mother.
I had lunch with Bernice Sherman the other day. She says her boy Mikey worked in your studio a few times. I'll invite Bernice and Samuel so they can see their what their son does for a living. It'll be good for Samuel to get out of that house for a while. Bernice says he isn't the same since that heart attack. Seeing his boy on the screen should do his heart good. If you don't remember Mikey Sherman, here's his picture. Bernice keeps them in her wallet and hands them out like candy.




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Marky, I am not sure how we got here from where we started. But I have had fun. Two goyem with too much time on our hands. Who knew?
I wonder if we could work this into a sitcom? The back story of a nice Jewish son who produces gay porn in Florida and his family. Jewish mom (Sophie) with a blue rinse and a never ending supply of food, successful brother, who is a lawyer but married a shiksa, perhaps a closeted uncle who is a major fan of Davey's site, the comedy writes itself.

plot lines like:
-Dave's 19 year old nephew applies to the site without knowing his uncle is the director. Hilarity ensues.

-Sophie and best friend Sylvia create a 'Lucy and Ethel'-like ruse to see Dave's studio. They break in at night and decide to decorate. Next Broke Straight Boys episode called 'Goy for Pay' has the boys dripping wax on each other from a candle in the menorah.

-Dave is helping his mother clean out the attic and after finding his old Boy's Life magazines with pages stuck together then stumbles over a stack ancient 8mm home movies. After looking at scenes from a beach vacation where a young Dave disappears into the changing room for a half hour, he finds some footage of his parents in their own amateur porn. Dave is unable to direct Broke Straight Boys because in his mind's eye, the models morph into Sophie and Harold. Tyler Evans makes a cameo appearance in a blue rinse with big earrings.

-Sophie plans a surprise birthday party for Dave and invites everyone in his address book. Hilarity ensues as Sophie meets the guests. She asks the first guest to sit down and have a seat on the couch and they start disrobing. "Is it too hot in here?" she asks. Dave's uncle shows up as the house fills up with Broke Straight Boys stars and claims he can now die a happy man. Dave's brother's shiksa wife shows up and the boys assume she must be the girl that Dave kept promising.

At the end of each episode, Davey and Sophie sit in her kitchen eating cheesecake and reflecting on their wacky adventures.

Anyone want to come up with a name for this show?
Marky, I am not sure how we got here from where we started. But I have had fun. Two goyem with too much time on our hands. Who knew?
I wonder if we could work this into a sitcom? The back story of a nice Jewish son who produces gay porn in Florida and his family. Jewish mom (Sophie) with a blue rinse and a never ending supply of food, successful brother, who is a lawyer but married a shiksa, perhaps a closeted uncle who is a major fan of Davey's site, the comedy writes itself.

plot lines like:
-Dave's 19 year old nephew applies to the site without knowing his uncle is the director. Hilarity ensues.

-Sophie and best friend Sylvia create a 'Lucy and Ethel'-like ruse to see Dave's studio. They break in at night and decide to decorate. Next Broke Straight Boys episode called 'Goy for Pay' has the boys dripping wax on each other from a candle in the menorah.

-Dave is helping his mother clean out the attic and after finding his old Boy's Life magazines with pages stuck together then stumbles over a stack ancient 8mm home movies. After looking at scenes from a beach vacation where a young Dave disappears into the changing room for a half hour, he finds some footage of his parents in their own amateur porn. Dave is unable to direct Broke Straight Boys because in his mind's eye, the models morph into Sophie and Harold. Tyler Evans makes a cameo appearance in a blue rinse with big earrings.

-Sophie plans a surprise birthday party for Dave and invites everyone in his address book. Hilarity ensues as Sophie meets the guests. She asks the first guest to sit down and have a seat on the couch and they start disrobing. "Is it too hot in here?" she asks. Dave's uncle shows up as the house fills up with Broke Straight Boys stars and claims he can now die a happy man. Dave's brother's shiksa wife shows up and the boys assume she must be the girl that Dave kept promising.

At the end of each episode, Davey and Sophie sit in her kitchen eating cheesecake and reflecting on their wacky adventures.

Anyone want to come up with a name for this show?

It really has a l ot of potential...:thumbup1: LMAO
New sitcom

How about:

Boy meets Goy?

LMAO, you guys should pitch this to someone at LOGO.

How about:

Boy meets Goy?

LMAO, you guys should pitch this to someone at LOGO.


Possible titles:

Hot Balls of Matzoh

Moons Over Miami

Don't Look So Enthused To Be Here (in the first episode we learn that David uses that line so often because it is what his mother says to him everytime he visits her.)

Ma, You Wouldn't Understand

My Son, The Director

If not a TV series, we could prolly do some paperback novels. But I was hoping for TV; I always wanted to see porn with a laugh track.
Bacon? BACON? I went for 12 years of doing my own hair and nails to be able to send you to Hebrew school and this is how you repay me? Just take a knife from the slaughter house and put it right in my back.
God knows that I feel a little stab each day that you aren't married and giving me grandkids.
When are you going to settle down Davey? You are too old to still have a roommate. My friend Sylvia from Bingo has an adorable daughter. Would it be too much to ask to call her? You want I should die without grandchildren? You remember my friend Myrna from temple? God blessed her with 6 grandchildren. SIX Davey! Of course her daughter is a slut, but who am I to judge? How she was able to marry a mensch like Stanley I'll never know. The whole world is meshuga.
Davey, you work too hard. What with the slaughter house and the movies . .Saturday, after temple, I will invite the whole family over and set up the screen in the living room and you can show us the work that keeps you from calling or visiting your own mother.
I had lunch with Bernice Sherman the other day. She says her boy Mikey worked in your studio a few times. I'll invite Bernice and Samuel so they can see their what their son does for a living. It'll be good for Samuel to get out of that house for a while. Bernice says he isn't the same since that heart attack. Seeing his boy on the screen should do his heart good. If you don't remember Mikey Sherman, here's his picture. Bernice keeps them in her wallet and hands them out like candy.


C'mon Ma, you know I can't show my film work. It's personal, ma. Don't invite the Sherman's ma, they, wouldn't understand my art.

And may you blessed with many grandchildren. You know the "Goldigger'. is pregnant. Soon, Ma, soon.

Ma, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I like my roomate. Ma? Are ya sitting, Ma. I think I might be meschugala. Don't be upset ma, I still love ya, Ma. I just don't like girls that much So, I'll come for Sunday dinner,and we'll talk, ok? can I bring my roommate? Uhm, (it's Mikey ma. Mikey is my friend, my roommate. Ma? Ah! Ma Don't hang up ma! Please ma, I still love you.

Ma? I know you wanted me to be cantor, but I'm not sure they want me now. You know, Rabbi Silverman says I have to learn to sing for the "other Team". I'm not sure I can do that, Ma. I have to be true to what is me , and my art, that's me ma, not the music, ya know? And I can make a lot more money in Hollywood than in New York. You want me to make money, right Ma?

So, dinner on Sunday? Oi Vey, what will I tell the boss? I know, God forbid I should handle pork, I get it ma. No pork.

By the way ma, if that picture of Mikey is the best Bernice has, well, ma, that picture is so old Moses had a copy!

I love ya ma, be good!
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I keep waiting for the Jewish Anti-Defamation League to send me hate mail.

I think David has abandoned this thread, along with most other readers. We've gone from a generous look behind the scenes at our favorite studio to community improv theater.

More episode ideas for the new Showtime original series, "Don't Look So Enthused to Be Here:

- Sophie and Sylvia think that David's studio is in trouble because they heard him talking about twinks and cream pies and assume that he is having a bake sale to support the business. The girls spend the day baking and show up at the studio with trays of pastries while David is out. The models chow down and end up too fat and flatulent to do the shoot.

- David gets talked into helping shoot a video for his mother's 'Feed the Children' charity drive. Nelson's glasses get broken when the guy he is rimming backs up unexpectedly. Nelson is working in the post production room and mixes up tapes, swapping the Feed the Children video with a reel of Broke Straight Boys intros, with guy after guy announcing how broke he is and what they are willing to do to fix that. Sophie plays the tape at her campaign kick-off. Hilarity ensues.