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Dave, This Cupcake's For You


Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Although I really know nothing about the porn business, short of watching it, I have other questions.

Is shooting porn a 9 to 5 business? Do you shoot in the morning and edit in the afternoon or vice versa? Do you shoot in the evening or on weekends? Do you call many models in and do multiple shoots, that is, 2 models, 1 model, a group scene, with different sets of models at a time?

Just curious, but then a prurient mind has to know. :001_smile: thanks in advance for your answers.
Although I really know nothing about the porn business, short of watching it, I have other questions.

Is shooting porn a 9 to 5 business? Do you shoot in the morning and edit in the afternoon or vice versa? Do you shoot in the evening or on weekends? Do you call many models in and do multiple shoots, that is, 2 models, 1 model, a group scene, with different sets of models at a time?

Just curious, but then a prurient mind has to know. :001_smile: thanks in advance for your answers.

Very good question. How the whole process starts is that we plan our production schedule months in advance. We recieve many applications of models. Most of my day consists of going through the applications and weeding out the ugly boys from the average to hot boys. Then I weed out the average boys and try to keep the best of the best that has applied. Once I weeded out the best...I call in my staff and we all look at the final models that applied...we will all coment and give our honest suggestions...I normally ask my staff, "would you sleep or have sex with this model"...if they say yes..then they go through..if they say no...then they get turned down.

Once we made our choice...I get on the phone and call each model that we feel has the look and I do a phone interveiw. I interveiw them a few times on the phone. Once I'm convinced they are legit and "normal"...we then book them a flight...a model we speak to on Jan. usually arrives in Feb. or March based on there schedule and flights and our production schedule.

Our production schedule is as follows:

Monday the models arrive, we normally bring in about 4-5 models. We house and feed the model while they are filming with our studio. We feed them very well...and treat them with respect and the boys have a really great time!

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we film during the day. Our studio is open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm but on occasion we work into the evening on some Saturday's. As the co-owner of the production studio, I work every day...for me I love my job and what I do so to me its not work...but yes..I work everyday. as for the boys, each boy gets one scene per day. So in a perfect world if they can perform, each boy will get a total of 4 scenes that week. Although its hard to believe and some members think the models we use are all professional gay boys....the truth of the matter is that when these boys get here 99% of the time, this is very new to them..the filming and/or the sex. So we have to go slow and at there pace so we don't freak them out. If those models do well and they feel comfortable doing this type of adult modeling...then we bring them back. Hence models like Tyler, CJ, Danny, Dustin, Taz, Dieasal and such....I like bringing models back because they get more comfortable with filming, comfortable with the staff, comfortable with the sex...these guys are truly nice guys so they make the money, we help them out and the members like them too :thumbup: So its a win, win situation for everyone.

Once the content has been filmed...we don't upload it to the site. The footage gets handed over to my partner Eddie. Eddie works behind the scenes with two other people that color correct the pics, does some editing to the footage, and gets everything prepared to send to Mark and his team.

Once Mark and his team gets the footage, they will review it...make additional corrections, edit the footage some more, watermark the footage "Broke Straight Boys" or "College Boy Physicals"...Mark and his team will place the footage up in order (hopefully in order) but we are getting better at that...Mark has someone on his team that writes the text and gets the footage prepared to upload to the site. Mark will determine if we should do one update a week or two in the same week pending on the content. This whole proccess can take several weeks. Plus Mark and I work on other things like running a business and office and dealing with other issue's in our business and industry. Plus Mark is responsible for marketing and promoting the sites...which in my opinion is one of the best in the biz!

As an example. The latest update of Ace & Axel was filmed about 2 months ago and it just got uploaded on Jan. 3rd. So we have lots of footage that had not been seen by any members for both Broke Straight Boys or College Boy Physicals sites.

I hope this answered any questions you may have regarding production. If you have additional questions, let me know.

Thank you David. As a big fan of your site, this was most interesting and informative. And knowing how it all works, makes it even more enjoyable for me, watching the episodes. Keep up the GREAT work!:001_smile:
That is really great info David and I thank you very much. I have always wondered how things work. In fact let me ask you do you ever allow someone to stop by the studio to see how things are done? You guys run a great site without all the BS of some of the other sites on the web. Your the only one I subscribe to and plan on keeping it that way. Keep it up.
Denny Bear
That is really great info David and I thank you very much. I have always wondered how things work. In fact let me ask you do you ever allow someone to stop by the studio to see how things are done? You guys run a great site without all the BS of some of the other sites on the web. Your the only one I subscribe to and plan on keeping it that way. Keep it up.
Denny Bear

LOL...we get this question a lot...in conjunction with "can I watch a filming". I think we should do like NBC studios or Universal and start giving tours. We can have a booth that folks can line up and purchase tour tickets. Will have a younger hot college-age tour guide in a D&E Productions/BluMedia Studios uniform, and don't forget a hat. Will have a tram that takes you throughout the studio and then at the end of the tour, you guys can stop at the guest shop and pick up souveniers :w00t:

All kidding aside, we have never had a member stop by our office...we have had only one person watch us film porn and that was one of my best friends that begged me for weeks. The truth of the matter is that if you do stop by to our office...its just an office. Monica is our office manager...she would greet you and ask you why your here and the purpose of your visit. If you like to meet me in person or the staff, we would be glad to meet with you but the whole visit would last about 5-10mins since we have lots of work to do. Once you see our office, you will understand...its just an office. Eddie, Chris, and Christopher are all at a computer working...the phone ringing, Monica organizing paperwork. Me talking and interviewing potiental models...me having a conference call with Mark and others on our team. Planning productions schedules. If models are there...you wouldn't have time to speak to them because Eddie will then take them to the studio (located in a sperate area accross town). Eddie and the models would be going to the studio were Eddie prepares them for the scene...does light make-up and does a photoshoot. Then I would arrive, by then, the models are ready to be filmed. Filming porn is rather boring...just like you see it on line...I interview the models...then after a few moments they get undressed, start jerking off and hopefully there dicks will get hard. If there dicks don't get hard (which is the case in most cases) then I give them a few moments of privacy, leave the room and in about 10mins later, there dick is hard and I can continue filming. If its a solo....then its easy...I just film them and wait until the model is ready to cum...in many cases, these guys can jerk off for about 30-40mins...however, I only film about 15-20mins worth of solo because watching a guy jerk off for 30-40 mins is boring and long. Once the model is getting close to cum...then I turn back on the camera and film the cum shot (the money shot). If its two models doing oral...then there dicks most likely get soft and then we have to stop...give them some time to get hard again...this can take several mins. It also can be very fustrating because I can walk into the room, turn on the camera...get ready to film again...and then the dick goes soft. Remember, these guys are straight and doing this type of adult activity for the first time is very difficult. Most people see a finished product and think its easy, "how hard can it be to film porn, all you have to do is fuck", is what most people think. If the guy or guys can't get hard, I have no choice but to cancel the scene or try to salvage what we can film. If its a fucking scene, again...everything can go great but most of the times when a guy places a condom on his dick..he goes soft and we can wait hours for him to get hard. Or he just doesn't get turned on by seeing a guy getting fucked...so we have to stop everything...have that model watch straight porn and tell that model think of a hot chick or his girlfriend to get him through the scene. Filming takes long hours and there is a lot of stop and go and coaching to encourage the models to perform well. Many guys break down...some cry and get very upset...some feel ashamed, some get nervous. Only a few times a filming will go perfect. In the case of the christmas special with Anthony and Zack the two gay boys...if you go back you will hear I made a comment regarding how I love filming gay boys...you know why? Because they were both gay guys, no hang-ups, they had no issue's fucking and getting down and doing the "nasty"...we didn't have to stop...that whole scene took us about an hour to film and it was super easy...but scenes like that are far and few between.

As you can see, filming porn is not what most people think it is...my friend that was bugging me to watch...was bored after about 20mins...his hopes and dreams were shattered when watching what really goes on behind the scenes, his remark to me was, "David, you have patients of a saint, I would of had a nervous break down" and he left the set. Its better to keep your fantasy....just that...a fantasy!

Thanks again David, for taking us behind the scenes, at Broke Straight Boys The more I know about the boys and the filming, it seems, the more turned on I am by it. I really appreciate this forum and your open explanations about how things are done. Keep up the great work, and keep the hot young straight boys "cumming".:001_tongue:
David, speaking of the "fantasy stage tour" idea, don't forget to put in a virtual reality spot, so visitors can pretend they are filming with CJ, or Tyler, or Austin, Dustin or whomever they choose from a list!! LOL! Look out DisneyWorld! Oh, and you could have a boutique where you sell Tyler Cameras and CJ Condoms and Broke Straight Boys Coffee mugs. Oh yeah, did I mention the t=shirt and underwear concessions? And last but not least, for the fag who has everything, lifesize mannequins of your favorite boys! LMAO, OK who got me started? I'm definitely NOT acting my age now!

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LMAO, Markymark!! I think you've thought of just about every item anyone would want! LOL!! How about a Dildo cast from your favorite models hard on? LOL!!

David, thanks for the info. I've had a couple straight boys tell me they really wanted to do straight porn. I don't think they ever did, but who knows? LOL!! They just thought about all the fucking they'd get to do. Clueless horny dudes. I can imagine it is scary the first time one of your models works on film. It does sound kind of boring, but since you said you love your job, I'm not sure how boring it really is! LOL!!
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David, speaking of the "fantasy stage tour" idea, don't forget to put in a virtual reality spot, so visitors can pretend they are filming with CJ, or Tyler, or Austin, Dustin or whomever they choose from a list!! LOL! Look out DisneyWorld! Oh, and you could have a boutique where you sell Tyler Cameras and CJ Condoms and Broke Straight Boys Coffee mugs. Oh yeah, did I mention the t=shirt and underwear concessions? And last but not least, for the fag who has everything, lifesize mannequins of your favorite boys! LMAO, OK who got me started? I'm definitely NOT acting my age now!


Don't forget the life size blow up dolls.
Well David the hard on I had just went limp. LOL At any rate thanks for your discription even if it did burst my bubble. I will however take your word for it that watching sex can some how be boring. But it is hard to believe. You have been so good at answering questions I hate to ask one more but may I ask what camera you use and what do you edit on? I do some video shooting, "no not porn" and am just curious. I just use a cheep Sony camera so far but would like to upgrade and I edit on a mac.
Thanks Denny Bear
You know Jayman01, I told a guy once, that he was a doll for letting me blow him.... Yeah, he never called back! Babump!


First of all, you need to give him your phone number?

Next time use quick set porcelain. It will be harder for him to run away from you that way! Badabump!!!! or you may need to tie a string tightly around his penis so he doesn't whoosh! away with the air current when you stop blowing. I suspect it would be very hard to explain to people why there is a naked man floating above your head that appears to want to pee on you... :thumbup:
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Very good question. How the whole process starts is that we plan our production schedule months in advance. We recieve many applications of models. Most of my day consists of going through the applications and weeding out the ugly boys from the average to hot boys. Then I weed out the average boys and try to keep the best of the best that has applied. Once I weeded out the best...I call in my staff and we all look at the final models that applied...we will all coment and give our honest suggestions...I normally ask my staff, "would you sleep or have sex with this model"...if they say yes..then they go through..if they say no...then they get turned down.

Once we made our choice...I get on the phone and call each model that we feel has the look and I do a phone interveiw. I interveiw them a few times on the phone. Once I'm convinced they are legit and "normal"...we then book them a flight...a model we speak to on Jan. usually arrives in Feb. or March based on there schedule and flights and our production schedule.

Our production schedule is as follows:

Monday the models arrive, we normally bring in about 4-5 models. We house and feed the model while they are filming with our studio. We feed them very well...and treat them with respect and the boys have a really great time!

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we film during the day. Our studio is open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm but on occasion we work into the evening on some Saturday's. As the co-owner of the production studio, I work every day...for me I love my job and what I do so to me its not work...but yes..I work everyday. as for the boys, each boy gets one scene per day. So in a perfect world if they can perform, each boy will get a total of 4 scenes that week. Although its hard to believe and some members think the models we use are all professional gay boys....the truth of the matter is that when these boys get here 99% of the time, this is very new to them..the filming and/or the sex. So we have to go slow and at there pace so we don't freak them out. If those models do well and they feel comfortable doing this type of adult modeling...then we bring them back. Hence models like Tyler, CJ, Danny, Dustin, Taz, Dieasal and such....I like bringing models back because they get more comfortable with filming, comfortable with the staff, comfortable with the sex...these guys are truly nice guys so they make the money, we help them out and the members like them too :thumbup: So its a win, win situation for everyone.

Once the content has been filmed...we don't upload it to the site. The footage gets handed over to my partner Eddie. Eddie works behind the scenes with two other people that color correct the pics, does some editing to the footage, and gets everything prepared to send to Mark and his team.

Once Mark and his team gets the footage, they will review it...make additional corrections, edit the footage some more, watermark the footage "Broke Straight Boys" or "College Boy Physicals"...Mark and his team will place the footage up in order (hopefully in order) but we are getting better at that...Mark has someone on his team that writes the text and gets the footage prepared to upload to the site. Mark will determine if we should do one update a week or two in the same week pending on the content. This whole proccess can take several weeks. Plus Mark and I work on other things like running a business and office and dealing with other issue's in our business and industry. Plus Mark is responsible for marketing and promoting the sites...which in my opinion is one of the best in the biz!

As an example. The latest update of Ace & Axel was filmed about 2 months ago and it just got uploaded on Jan. 3rd. So we have lots of footage that had not been seen by any members for both Broke Straight Boys or College Boy Physicals sites.

I hope this answered any questions you may have regarding production. If you have additional questions, let me know.


David, you and your production crew really do go through a lot just to give us some prime quality work...We really do appreciate it.
Well David the hard on I had just went limp. LOL At any rate thanks for your discription even if it did burst my bubble. I will however take your word for it that watching sex can some how be boring. But it is hard to believe. You have been so good at answering questions I hate to ask one more but may I ask what camera you use and what do you edit on? I do some video shooting, "no not porn" and am just curious. I just use a cheep Sony camera so far but would like to upgrade and I edit on a mac.
Thanks Denny Bear

We use the sony VX2001 and the FX1 by sony. I find that the best video cameras...however, some in the biz perfer cannon. Our SLR digital cameras are Cannon, we find those are the best.

We edit on MACs, Final Cut Pro for Mac and Vegas is used for editing and we have a PC that has pinnacle editing software installed but we find using MAC much better and stable. The PC and editing on a PC, we can tear our hair out of our heads....LOL.
Dave, please tell us about fluffers and medication for erectile dysfunction. Your models watch the str8 porn you run for them during the shoot, but what about a brokestraightgirl volunteering for fluffer patrol to slip on in there between takes and horn up the straighties? Didn't you have a Miss Someone off cam in some of the earlier videos urging them on, promising them her pussy if they performed? I remember also your telling the guys they could fuck a girl next time if they fucked each other this time, but what about a real female right there, invisible to the cam, on the sound stage? Isn't the whole fluffer concept part of filming porn?

There's this cute scene toward the end of the movie "Transamerica" where Kevin Zegner achieves his dream of doing gay porn in LA. It's a take off of the kind of scenario you describe in your last post, and the girl (yes, a female version of dande) in charge of the shoot asks hottie Kevin if he's taken his Viagra, and when was the last time he came. She's all business and no smiles, confirming what you say about a shoot being mostly hard work. But I'd always thought that the boys would just automatically be taking a couple of pills. Could you tell us more about that side of it? I'd have thought that if their dicks were hard despite their nervousness, shyness, or disgust, at least the action would feel good lol...

And again, the fluffers. Wouldn't you normally have a long waiting-list of cute girls just out of highschool majorly into helping a hottie perform?
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Nice Stuff David that explains the good video quality. Thanks
David, do you ever find that one or two of the models, even though they are new, are more comfortable, and needl ittle or less directing in terms of performance. I guess I mean, do any of them seem to be "ready to go" the first time around? I remember being young once, (long ago) and when the hormones raged, I could fuck knot holes in a lumberyard, and suck- start a Harley from 100 yards away!

David, like others said, thanks for the behind the scenes stuff. I am guessing that all filming is tedious; porn or otherwise. But judging from your final product that all the crew and staff must enjoy their work.

The auditions sound almost like American Idol. Now I have visions in my head of Randy, Paula and Simon critiquing each episode. Even funnier would be the friends and family of each model shown sitting around like nervous wrecks.

Occasionally an episode is based on the premise that you found the boys at car shows, beaches, etc. While I am assuming that those scenes are all carefully staged, do you ever recruit anyone or is everyone hired from applications? And were Jacob and Dakota really coworkers at Home Depot?

I know a few scenes were filmed in hotel rooms. Are those more challenging than the studio? I imagine lighting and logistics must be tough. And does hotel mgmt ever complain? (I suppose you must tip the housekeeper heavy when you need to have the sheets changed three times a day!)

Someone mentioned taking a lesson from Disney for the merchandising angle. Maybe you can also benefit from Animatronics. Sounds like live models are just too much hassle. :)

Last question: What does your mother tell her friends that you do for a living? I have this vision of this very nice Jewish lady having lunch at Goldblatt's Deli with 3 other blue hairs and bragging that her Davey is a successful film director. ("Davey, why couldn't you be a doctor like your brother?" Hmmmm, maybe that is how College Boy Physicals was born. "Ma, get off my back, I'll be a doctor already.")

You guys rock,
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"David, do you ever find that one or two of the models, even though they are new, are more comfortable, and needl ittle or less directing in terms of performance. I guess I mean, do any of them seem to be "ready to go" the first time around? I remember being young once, (long ago) and when the hormones raged, I could fuck knot holes in a lumberyard, and suck- start a Harley from 100 yards away!"----Very good question. Very few guys come here and are ready to go. It amazes me that many times these guys can't get hard and we have to have them sit infront of the DVD player watching str8 porn, once they get more comfortable infront of the lights and camera, then they get hard and ready to go. Sometimes....guys just can't perform.
David, like others said, thanks for the behind the scenes stuff. I am guessing that all filming is tedious; porn or otherwise. But judging from your final product that all the crew and staff must enjoy their work.

The auditions sound almost like American Idol. Now I have visions in my head of Randy, Paula and Simon critiquing each episode. Even funnier would be the friends and family of each model shown sitting around like nervous wrecks.

Occasionally an episode is based on the premise that you found the boys at car shows, beaches, etc. While I am assuming that those scenes are all carefully staged, do you ever recruit anyone or is everyone hired from applications? And were Jacob and Dakota really coworkers at Home Depot?

I know a few scenes were filmed in hotel rooms. Are those more challenging than the studio? I imagine lighting and logistics must be tough. And does hotel mgmt ever complain? (I suppose you must tip the housekeeper heavy when you need to have the sheets changed three times a day!)

Someone mentioned taking a lesson from Disney for the merchandising angle. Maybe you can also benefit from Animatronics. Sounds like live models are just too much hassle. :)

Last question: What does your mother tell her friends that you do for a living? I have this vision of this very nice Jewish lady having lunch at Goldblatt's Deli with 3 other blue hairs and bragging that her Davey is a successful film director. ("Davey, why couldn't you be a doctor like your brother?" Hmmmm, maybe that is how College Boy Physicals was born. "Ma, get off my back, I'll be a doctor already.")

You guys rock,

Sometimes the auditions are like the "american idol" show. You will be surprised how many ugly guys apply that think they are *hot*. Most of the scenes are not staged. As for Tyler, yes we did find him at the car show the day before. We then spoke to him and went back to the car show to do the pick up scene...although it wasn't exactly how it went...we kept the same theme of meeting at the car show. Most of the scenes you see are pretty much true scenerios. The camping video was staged, I gathered up the models and asked them if they want to go for a hike and set up a tent and have sex outside...which the boys loved! And yes...the guys did work together! As for the hotel scenes...its easy...and nobody knows what we do behind the hotel room door.

My Mother...LOL. She tells people that I produce videos and plays dumb to all her friends.:sneaky2: